BK Yacht Design


Sailboat design is a complex and fascinating field that blends engineering, hydrodynamics, and aesthetics to create vessels that harness the power of the wind for propulsion. In this highly technical article, we will delve into the key aspects of sailboat design, from methodology to evaluation.

1)     Design Methodology

Designing a sailboat is a meticulous process that begins with defining the vessel’s purpose and performance goals. It involves understanding the intended use, whether it’s racing, cruising, or a combination of both. Sailboat designers must also consider regulatory requirements and safety standards.

Once the design objectives are established, naval architects employ various computational tools and simulations to create a preliminary design. These tools help in predicting the boat’s performance characteristics and optimizing its geometry.

Design methodology also encompasses market research to understand current trends and customer preferences. This information is critical for creating a sailboat that appeals to potential buyers.

2)     Hull Design

The hull is the heart of any sailboat. Its shape determines how the boat interacts with the water. Hull design encompasses the choice of hull form, its dimensions, and the material used. The hull’s shape affects its hydrodynamic performance, stability, and overall handling.

For example, a narrow hull design with a deep V-shape is ideal for speed, while a wider, flatter hull provides stability for cruising. The choice of materials, such as fiberglass or aluminum, impacts the boat’s weight and durability.

The hull design is a balance between achieving efficient hydrodynamics and providing interior space for accommodations. As a designer, finding this equilibrium is a constant challenge.

3)     Keel & Rudder Design

The keel and rudder are critical components of a sailboat’s underwater structure. The keel provides stability by preventing the boat from tipping over, while the rudder controls its direction. Keel design involves selecting the keel type (fin, bulb, or wing) and optimizing its shape for maximum hydrodynamic efficiency.

Rudder’s design focuses on ensuring precise control and maneuverability. Both components must be carefully integrated into the hull’s design to maintain balance and performance.

Keel and rudder design can be particularly challenging because they influence the boat’s behavior in different ways. A well-designed keel adds stability but also increases draft, limiting where the boat can sail. Rudder design must account for both responsiveness and the risk of stalling at high speeds.

4)     Sail & Rig Design

Sail and rig design play a pivotal role in harnessing wind power. Sail choice, size, and shape are tailored to the boat’s intended use and performance goals. Modern sail materials like carbon fiber offer lightweight and durable options.

The rig design involves selecting the type of mast (single or multiple), rigging configuration, and mast height. These choices influence the sailboat’s stability, maneuverability, and ability to handle varying wind conditions.

Balancing the sails and rig for optimal performance is a meticulous task. The sail plan should be designed to efficiently convert wind energy into forward motion while allowing for easy adjustments to adapt to changing conditions.

5)     Balance

Balancing a sailboat is crucial for its performance and safety. Achieving the right balance involves a delicate interplay between the hull, keel, rudder, and sail plan. Proper balance ensures the boat remains stable and responds predictably to helm inputs, even in changing wind conditions.

Balance is not a static concept but something that evolves as the boat sails in different wind and sea conditions. Designers must anticipate how changes in load, wind angle, and sail trim will affect the boat’s balance.

Achieving balance is both an art and a science, and it often requires iterative adjustments during the design and testing phases to achieve optimal results.

6)     Propulsion

While sailboats primarily rely on wind propulsion, auxiliary propulsion systems like engines are essential for maneuvering in harbors or during calm conditions. Integrating propulsion systems seamlessly into the boat’s design requires careful consideration of engine placement, fuel storage, and exhaust systems.

The choice of propulsion system, whether it’s a traditional diesel engine or a more eco-friendly electric motor, also impacts the boat’s weight distribution and overall performance.

7)     Scantling

Scantling refers to the selection of structural components and their dimensions to ensure the boat’s strength and integrity. It involves determining the appropriate thickness of the hull, deck, and other structural elements to withstand the stresses encountered at sea.

Scantling is a critical aspect of sailboat design, as it directly relates to safety. A well-designed boat must be able to withstand the forces exerted on it by waves, wind, and other environmental factors.

8)     Stability

Stability is a critical safety factor in sailboat design. Both upright hydrostatics and large-angle stability must be carefully assessed and optimized. This involves evaluating the boat’s center of gravity, ballast, and hull shape.

Achieving the right balance between initial stability, which provides comfort to passengers, and ultimate stability, which ensures safety in adverse conditions, is a delicate task. Designers often use stability curves and computer simulations to fine-tune these characteristics.

9)     Layout

The layout of a sailboat’s interior and deck spaces is a blend of functionality and comfort. Designers must consider the ergonomics of living and working aboard the vessel, including cabin layout, galley design, and storage solutions. The deck layout influences crew movements and sail handling.

Layout design also extends to considerations like ventilation, lighting, and noise control. Sailboats are unique in that they must provide both comfortable living spaces and efficient workspaces for handling sails and navigation.

10)  Design Evaluation

The final phase of sailboat design involves rigorous evaluation and testing. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, tank testing, and real-world sea trials help validate the design’s performance predictions. Any necessary adjustments are made to fine-tune the vessel’s behavior on the water.

The evaluation phase is where the theoretical aspects of design meet the practical realities of the sea. It’s a crucial step in ensuring that the sailboat not only meets but exceeds its performance and safety expectations.


In conclusion, sailboat design is a highly technical field that requires a deep understanding of hydrodynamics, engineering principles, and materials science. Naval architects and yacht designers meticulously navigate through the intricacies of hull design, keel and rudder configuration, sail and rig design, balance, propulsion, scantling, stability, layout, and design evaluation to create vessels that excel in both form and function. The harmonious integration of these elements results in sailboats that are not just seaworthy but also a joy to sail, and this process is a testament to the art and science of sailboat design.


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Calculating Sailboat Design Ratios

Without having to wrestle with the mathematics.

Not only do the Sailboat Design Ratios tell us a great deal about a cruising boat's performance and handling characteristics, they also enable us to make objective comparisons between individual designs.

Here are the five main ones in common use by yacht designers and the formulae from which they are derived.

Five Key Sailboat Design Ratios:

The displacement/length ratio.

D/L Ratio = D/(0.01L) 3

Where D is the boat displacement in tons (1 ton = 2,240lb), and L is the waterline length in feet.

The Sail Area/Displacement Ratio

SA/D = SA/D 0.67

Where SA is sail area in square feet, and D is displacement in cubic feet.

The Ballast Ratio

BR = (B/D) x 100

Where B is ballast in lbs, and D is displacement in lbs.

The Capsize Screening Formula

CSF = 3 √(Bm/D)

Where Bm is the maximum beam in feet, and D is displacement in cubic feet.

The Comfort Ratio

CR = D/[0.65 x (0.7L 1 +0.3L 2 ) x Bm 1.33 ]

Where D is displacement in pounds, L 1 is waterline length in feet and L 2 is length overall in feet, and Bm is the maximum beam in feet.

Problem is, can you always trust the ratios published by the manufacturers? The answer, sadly, is "no".

So when you think you're comparing like-for-like, you may not be.

But let's be generous, it's not always an intentional deceit - there are two main parameters where ambitious data can lead to misleading Design Ratios. These are found in the manufacturers' published data for displacement and sail area .

In almost all yacht manufacturers' published data, displacement is quoted as the ‘light ship’ or unladen weight displacement.

This is unrealistic, as the laden weight of a fully equipped cruising boat is much higher.

As displacement is a key parameter in all of the Design Ratios, the laden weight should be taken account of when comparing one boat’s ratios with those of another.

Published SA/D ratios can similarly be misleading as some manufacturers, keen to maximize their vessels’ apparent performance, quote the actual sail areas which could be based on a deck-sweeping 150% genoa. On paper this would compare unjustly well against a competitor’s boat that has the ratio calculated on the basis of a working jib. 

Making an objective comparison between two such sets of SA/D ratios would be impossible.

An objective comparison can only be made if sail areas are calculated on the same basis using the J, I, P and E measurements as set out in the above sketch.

So now to the point...

What we have here is our  Interactive  S ailboat Design Ratio Calculator , which does all the calculations for you instantly and avoids all the pitfalls described above. The pic below is where you would enter the dimensional data on the downloaded Design Ratio Calculator :

Sailboat Design Ratio Input Sheet

The following pic shows the Design Ratios which are automatically calculated in the blink of an eye!

Sailboat Design Ratio Output Sheet

Download the Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator...

Download the Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator together with a Free eBook

The  Interactive  Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator is  accompanied by a free eBooklet 'Understanding Sailboat Design Ratios' which will help you make sense of the numbers. 

Our 'Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator' takes all the hard work out of calculating the numbers and  will provide a valuable insight into a sailboat's performance and handling characteristics.

We make a small charge of $4.99 for this useful tool as a contribution towards the costs of keeping this website afloat. 

This  Sailboat Design Ratio Calculator and eBooklet  comes with a No-Quibble Guarantee!

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"I'm so sure that you'll be absolutely delighted with your purchase that I'll refund in full the price you paid if you're dissatisfied in any way" , promises

Dick McClary , Owner/Creator of sailboat-cruising.com and member of:

  • The Yachting Journalists Association, and
  • The Ocean Cruising Club.

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Creative Sailboat Design

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Creativity in the design process is explored by means of a sailboat design exercise. A rule-based design system is controlled by a directed evolution algorithm such that the design space for sailboats is computationally explored. Directed evolution provides heuristic guidance for a genetic-like approach to mutation of design rules. This mutation may result in improvements to the design rules. Some results from an early trial of the system are discussed.

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Open Source 13-15m Catamaran Plans

Discussion in ' Projects & Proposals ' started by archie1492 , Jan 3, 2018 .


archie1492 Junior Member

Dear all, I want to create a detailed building information model for a 13 - 15 meter catamaran that is capable of being CNC cut and assembled. I need some help finding plans I can use as a basis of design. Specifically, I need the hull profile information. Section cuts through the hull will give me the ideal contours for a boat of this size. Can someone help? After weeks of searching, I still cannot find these online. For now, this is merely an exercise in my 3d modeling capability. I'd like to share my drawing work with the forum if I can get some assistance to start off. There are future possibilities I am also considering. I'm an experienced Architect & construction designer with a strong background in computer aided design. Once I've modeled the boat in 3d, I would like to flatten the various parts and create plans for the individual boat parts to be CNC cut. I would like to build a small scale model first (1:2o or perhaps 1:10) with the ultimate goal of building the boat full scale.  


TANSL Senior Member

This is a very simple catamaran which, if you are interested, I can give you a lot of information. It is not a spectacular boat but it can help you in your first steps with boats. LOA = 16 m, Lbp = 14.6 m  
Thanks I really appreciate it. The hull lines for the motor cat you've provided are not quite what i'm looking for. I'm specifically looking for the hull lines for a 14m catamaran sail boat. I guess there is some standard for these contours especially the area below the waterline. Check the attached document as well if anyone is interested in this.  

Attached Files:



I'm sorry, you never specified that it was a sailing catamaran. I thought that to carry out your purposes, " For now, this is merely an exercise in my 3d modeling capability ", any model was valid. Apparently, you have different purposes than, in addition to, to practice with 3D models. The better you clarify what you are really looking for, the better someone can help you.  
Hi all, Here's an example of what kind of information I need to get started. Optimising Hull Lines for Performance https://www.graingerdesigns.net/the-lab/optimising-hull-lines-for-performance/ The boat shown here is a 8.5m cat sailboat. I'm looking for something a bit larger in the 14m range. Also, the images only show one of the hull profiles. I'd like profile lines for the entire boat. I will post some other images I've found online showing profile lines for smaller boats. I still cannot find any 14m hull lines. Can anyone help?  


Grainger_1488019410.jpg, grainger_1488019333.jpg, grainger_1488019265.jpg, grainger_1488019219.jpg.

Here are some other hull lines I've found online. Hope this is useful to anyone else looking for this information. Thanks!  

Evergreen Lines small.jpg

Hull-lines.jpg, shark-20.jpg.

You could take any of those boats and scaleb the lines to get the desired length. Since it is only a 3D modeling exercise, you do not have to worry about anything else. You could even make a mix of 2 or 3 of those models to get the one you are looking for.  
Thanks Tansl, I'd like to make the boat drawings accurate for the 14m size. Perhaps one day I will develop this into something worth building full scale. The more accurate I can draw the boat, the more I will learn about the boat design.  
Maybe it does not look like it but I would like to help you. If you do not find what you want on the Internet I could draw a lines plan, strictly following your instructions, which would help you to make the 3D model. Or, if you find something similar on the internet I can adapt it to your needs and fill in the information that you indicate you need for your work. I insist that starting from the shapes of a 10 m boat you can get the shapes of a boat of 14 m, with total accuracy.  


Dolfiman Senior Member

archie1492 said: ↑ I'd like to make the boat drawings accurate for the 14m size. Perhaps one day I will develop this into something worth building full scale. The more accurate I can draw the boat, the more I will learn about the boat design. Click to expand...

Cata 14m with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 15.ods

Cata 14m with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 15.ods

Gene-Hull Catamaran 2.3 User Guide_2018 01 16.pdf

Gene-Hull Catamaran 2.3 User Guide_2018 01 16.pdf

Hull for cata 14m with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 16.pdf

Hull for cata 14m with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 16.pdf

Dolfiman, thanks so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. It's very interesting and probably a bit over my head at this point. I think this should work for modeling the basic hull shape. For the bridge deck and all of the stuff above the hull I can model this with a bit more creativity. Although, I'd like to learn more about understanding the center of gravity for the boat and the proper location of the mast. Are there any rules of thumb about this? Thanks again!  
archie1492 said: ↑ I think this should work for modeling the basic hull shape. Click to expand...

Cata 14m V2 with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 15.ods

Cata 14m V2 with Gene-Hull UE Catamaran 2.3_2018 01 15.ods

In complement to illustrate this first approach, my good friend Alain did some 3D views here attached of the hull V2 version with Multisurf (using fit for purpose ouput data in section 5. of the above file). To inspire you , some other examples of cata, more sport/day sailer oriented than the Saona 47 : - R/P 45 (Reichel-Pugh) : multihull http://reichel-pugh.com/tag/multihull/ - Dazcat 1295 : in this video, from 1:45 the launch, you can see the hulls from various angles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BZF4Udda5E - SIG 45 (VPLP design) : from 1:20 you can see the winward hull fully lifted ​  

dean 1962

dean 1962 New Member

archie1492 said: ↑ Dear all, I want to create a detailed building information model for a 13 - 15 meter catamaran that is capable of being CNC cut and assembled. I need some help finding plans I can use as a basis of design. Specifically, I need the hull profile information. Section cuts through the hull will give me the ideal contours for a boat of this size. Can someone help? After weeks of searching, I still cannot find these online. For now, this is merely an exercise in my 3d modeling capability. I'd like to share my drawing work with the forum if I can get some assistance to start off. There are future possibilities I am also considering. I'm an experienced Architect & construction designer with a strong background in computer aided design. Once I've modeled the boat in 3d, I would like to flatten the various parts and create plans for the individual boat parts to be CNC cut. I would like to build a small scale model first (1:2o or perhaps 1:10) with the ultimate goal of building the boat full scale. Click to expand...
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Archie, I have been looking to do the same thing. Where are you at on the project? Very interested in hearing all about it. Thanks.  

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    At last we can do our displacement estimation. In the next formula, 2 is for two hulls and 1025 is the density of sea water (kg/m3). Loaded displacement mass in kg's is: mLDC := 2 ⋅ BWL ⋅ LWL ⋅ Tc ⋅ Cp ⋅ Cm ⋅ 1025. mLDC = 7136. Length/displacement -ratio, LDR, is a tool to evaluate our loaded displacement value. 3.

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  20. Open Source 13-15m Catamaran Plans

    archie1492 Junior Member. Dear all, I want to create a detailed building information model for a 13 - 15 meter catamaran that is capable of being CNC cut and assembled. I need some help finding plans I can use as a basis of design. Specifically, I need the hull profile information. Section cuts through the hull will give me the ideal contours ...