English Tamil Dictionary | இங்கிலீஷ் தமிழ் நிகண்டு

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catamaran - Meaning in Tamil

Catamaran word forms & inflections, definitions and meaning of catamaran in english, catamaran noun.

catamaran meaning in english tamil

A catamaran is a watercraft with two parallel hulls of equal size. The distance between a catamaran's hulls imparts resistance to rolling and overturning. Catamarans typically have less hull volume, smaller displacement, and shallower draft (draught) than monohulls of comparable length. The two hulls combined also often have a smaller hydrodynamic resistance than comparable monohulls, requiring less propulsive power from either sails or motors. The catamaran's wider stance on the water can reduce both heeling and wave-induced motion, as compared with a monohull, and can give reduced wakes.

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Translation of "catamaran" into Tamil

கட்டுமரம், புணைக்கட்டை, கட்டுமரம் are the top translations of "catamaran" into Tamil. Sample translated sentence: 'We lost our catamaran and fishing nets, as well as our jewelry, television and money but it will take a long time to get back to normal lives. ↔ """எங்களது கட்டுமரத்தையும், மீன் வலைகளையும் அத்துடன் நகைகள் தொலைக்காட்சி மற்றும் பணத்தையும் இழந்துவிட்டோம், நாங்கள் வழக்கமான வாழ்விற்கு திரும்ப நீண்டகாலமாகும்."

A raft consisting of two or more logs tied together. [..]

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twin-hulled boat [..]


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  • white catamaran tree வெண்த னக்கு
  • mechanisation of catamarans கட்டுமரங்களை இயந்திர மயமாக்கல்
  • two catamaran unit இருகட்டுமரக்கல ஒக்கம்

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Catamaran in English. Catamaran Meaning and Translation from Tamil

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Definition of catamaran noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

catamaran meaning in english tamil

Where Did Catamaran Originate? (A Look Into Its History)

catamaran meaning in english tamil

Catamarans have been around for centuries, but where did they come from? For those who are curious about the history and origins of catamarans, this article will explore the history of catamaran, from its beginnings to its current uses.

From the meaning of the word “catamaran” to its use in racing and cruising, this article will look into the history of catamarans and how it has shaped the sport today.

We will also look at how catamarans have been used for fishing, and how they are still used for this purpose today.

Finally, we will explore the ways in which catamarans are used for racing and cruising, and the ways in which they have become popular vessels for these activities.

Join us as we explore the fascinating history of catamarans!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Catamarans are thought to have originated in the South Pacific region, likely in the islands of Polynesia.

The earliest catamarans are believed to have been constructed by the Austronesians around 1500 to 1000 BC.

These vessels were then spread to other cultures by trading and other means of communication.

Today, catamarans are used in various ways around the world, including for commercial and recreational purposes.

The Origins of Catamaran

Catamarans have a long and rich history that dates back to the Indian subcontinent.

The word catamaran is derived from the Tamil language of South India and literally means tied wood, referring to how two logs were tied together to form the original catamaran design.

This sturdy craft was originally used for transportation and fishing, but it eventually made its way to the West in the late 18th century as a recreational sailing vessel.

Today, catamarans are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from racing and cruising to fishing.

They are renowned for their stability, maneuverability, and speed, and they are popular with both recreational and professional sailors alike.

Catamarans are especially adept at handling choppy waters, as their design allows them to handle waves better than most other vessels.

This makes them an ideal choice for sailing in rough or windy conditions.

Catamarans are also praised for their spacious layout, with their two hulls providing more room than other types of vessels.

This makes them ideal for larger groups, as they can comfortably accommodate more people than a traditional sailboat.

Additionally, catamarans are renowned for their efficiency, as their design allows them to move through the water faster and more efficiently than other boats.

Overall, catamarans have come a long way from their humble origins in the Indian subcontinent.

Today, they are a versatile and popular choice for sailing enthusiasts of all levels, and their history is a testament to their durability and longevity.

The Meaning of the Word Catamaran

catamaran meaning in english tamil

The word catamaran is derived from the Tamil language of South India, where it literally means “tied wood”.

This refers to the traditional design of catamarans, which typically consists of two logs or planks of wood tied together with rope.

The original catamarans were used for transportation and fishing, and their widespread use in the Indian subcontinent has been documented since at least the 3rd century BCE.

Today, the term catamaran is often used to describe a wide range of multi-hulled vessels, from recreational sailing vessels to racing boats and even commercial vessels.

While all of these vessels share the same basic design, the modern catamaran has evolved over the centuries and now includes variations such as trimarans, trimarans, and even pontoon boats.

The development of the modern catamaran began in the late 18th century, when the first catamarans appeared in the West.

These vessels were developed for recreational sailing, and over time they have become increasingly popular for use in racing, cruising, and fishing.

Catamarans are well known for their stability and speed, and they are now used in a variety of applications, from leisure sailing to commercial shipping.

Ultimately, the word catamaran is derived from the Tamil language and it literally means “tied wood”.

Over the centuries, the catamaran has evolved and today it is used for everything from racing to cruising to fishing, and is renowned for its stability and speed.

Catamarans in the West

The first recorded appearance of catamarans in the Western world dates back to the late 18th century.

At the time, the vessels were brought to the Caribbean from the Indian subcontinent by traders and explorers.

They were quickly adopted by sailors for their speed and stability, as well as their ability to navigate shallow waters.

Catamarans were also popular among fishermen, as they could carry more cargo and could easily navigate shallow waters.

The vessels quickly spread across the globe, with catamarans becoming a popular recreational sailing vessel in the 19th century.

The vessels were a common sight in the Caribbean, and they eventually spread to other parts of the world, including the United States and Europe.

By the mid-20th century, catamarans had become a popular recreational sailing vessel, with many people using them for racing, cruising, and fishing.

Today, catamarans are used for a wide variety of activities, from recreational sailing to fishing and racing.

They are renowned for their stability and speed, and they are still popular among recreational sailors of all skill levels.

Catamarans continue to be used for transportation and fishing in the Indian subcontinent, where they originated, and they are still a popular sight in many parts of the world.

Uses of Catamarans

catamaran meaning in english tamil

Catamarans have long been used for transportation and fishing in the Indian subcontinent, where the word “catamaran” originates from the Tamil language, meaning “tied wood.” This origin refers to the traditional design of tying two logs together to form the original catamaran.

Today, catamarans are used for a variety of purposes, from recreational sailing to racing, cruising, and fishing.

Catamarans are renowned for their stability and speed, making them ideal for traversing large bodies of water quickly.

They provide a stable platform for activities, such as fishing and diving, and offer increased living space when compared to conventional sailboats.

The increased stability of a catamaran also makes them ideal for use in areas with high winds and choppy waters, as they can handle the conditions better than traditional sailboats.

In addition to transportation and fishing, catamarans are also used for a variety of recreational activities.

They are popular among sailors due to their speed and maneuverability, and can be used for racing, cruising, and day-sailing.

Catamarans are also popular among families and large groups, as they provide ample space for socializing and relaxing.

Catamarans have come a long way since their humble beginnings in the Indian subcontinent, and are now an integral part of the sailing world.

With their stability, speed, and ample living space, catamarans are a great choice for both recreational and commercial use.

Racing with Catamarans

Catamarans have become a popular choice for racing enthusiasts all over the world.

This is due to their remarkable stability and speed, which make them ideal for competitive sailing.

Catamarans are able to cut through the water more efficiently than traditional sailing vessels, and their light weight makes them easier to maneuver.

In addition, their dual-hulls provide more surface area, allowing them to catch more wind and push through the water faster.

This makes them perfect for racing, as they can easily navigate tight turns and sail upwind faster than any other type of boat.

Catamarans are also well-suited for long-distance sailing, as they typically have more space than traditional vessels.

This extra space allows for more storage and greater comfort, making it easier for a crew to stay out on the water for longer periods of time.

Catamarans also have a relatively flat bottom, which reduces drag and helps make them faster than traditional boats.

Today, catamarans are used in a variety of sailing competitions, including the Americas Cup and the Volvo Ocean Race.

These races typically involve multiple catamarans, making them exciting spectacles to watch.

Catamarans have also become popular in recreational sailing, and many people use them for pleasure cruises and fishing trips.

No matter how it’s used, the catamaran has become an icon in the sailing world.

Its unique advantages have made it a favorite of both racers and recreational sailors alike, and its history makes it an interesting topic to explore.

Cruising with Catamarans

catamaran meaning in english tamil

Catamarans are well-known for their stability and speed, making them a popular choice for recreational sailing.

Whether youre looking for a day of leisurely sailing or a thrilling race, catamarans offer an enjoyable experience that can be tailored to your individual needs.

Catamarans are especially suited to cruising, as they offer plenty of space for passengers and cargo, and their hulls dont require much maintenance.

Catamarans have a unique design that allows them to cruise efficiently and smoothly.

Their two hulls make them more stable than other boats, and their flat decks provide plenty of room for passengers to move around.

The spacious cabins provide plenty of space for sleeping, dining, and relaxing, and the cockpit is designed to make sailing easy and enjoyable.

Catamarans are also known for their speed and agility.

Their hulls are designed to cut through the water with minimal resistance, allowing them to reach speeds of up to 20 knots.

Their shallow draft also makes them ideal for shallow waters, allowing you to explore more areas than with a traditional monohull boat.

In addition to their speed and stability, catamarans are also known for their safety.

Their wide beam makes them less likely to capsize, and their two hulls help to spread the load, making them less susceptible to sinking than other vessels.

Catamarans also have a lower center of gravity, making them less likely to tip over in rough seas.

Whether youre looking for a leisurely day of sailing or a thrilling race, catamarans are an excellent choice for cruising.

With their stability, speed, and safety, they offer an enjoyable and accessible way to explore the open waters.

Fishing with Catamarans

The use of catamarans for fishing is nothing new, with the vessels first being used for the purpose in the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago.

In the Tamil language of South India, the word catamaran comes from two words that literally mean tied wood, referring to how two logs were tied together to form the original catamaran design.

It was these vessels that were used for fishing, with two logs forming the base for the frame and a platform built on top for the fishermen to stand on.

These catamarans were incredibly versatile vessels, allowing fishermen to access shallow waters and maneuver quickly and easily to chase schools of fish.

They were also incredibly stable, and could carry a large amount of equipment and supplies, which made them ideal for long-distance fishing trips.

Today, modern catamarans are still used for fishing, with the vessels’ stable and maneuverable design still providing an ideal platform for fishermen.

Modern catamarans are made from a variety of materials, including fiberglass and aluminum, and are available in a range of sizes to suit different needs.

Catamarans are also popular for recreational fishing, with the vessels providing a great platform for anglers to enjoy their sport.

The popularity of catamarans for fishing is a testament to the versatility and effectiveness of these vessels.

With their stable and maneuverable design, their ability to access shallow waters, and their capacity to carry a large amount of equipment and supplies, they remain a popular choice for those looking to take to the water in pursuit of their catch.

Final Thoughts

Catamarans have come a long way since their humble beginnings in the Indian subcontinent.

From their simple design of two logs tied together, to today’s modern catamarans used for racing, cruising, and fishing, it’s amazing to think about all the ways these vessels have evolved.

Now that you know the history behind the word catamaran, why not take a sail and experience the thrill of these incredible vessels for yourself?

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Catamaran meaning in Tamil

Catamaran meaning in Tamil. Here you learn English to Tamil translation / English to Tamil dictionary  of the word ' Catamaran ' and also play  quiz in Tamil words starting with  C  also play  A-Z dictionary quiz . To learn Tamil language , common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. This way to learn Tamil language quickly and learn  daily use sentences  helps to improve your Tamil language. If you think too hard to learn Tamil language, 1000 words will helps to learn Tamil language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. Below you see how to say Catamaran in Tamil.

How to say 'Catamaran' in Tamil

கேடமரன் ketamaran

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Word Meaning India

Catamaran meaning in tamil ( catamaran வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்), people also search:, catamaran தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:.

jpg|தேவி எல்லம்மன் தெப்பம் 2014. சித்திரை மாதம் 5 ஆம் தெப்பம் திருவிழாவாக நடைபெறுகிறது. முக்குளிப்பானுடைய கூடு, களைகளாலும் நாணல் தட்டுகளாலும் ஆன சிறு தெப்பம் போலக் காணப்படும். இதுபோல் கோயிலுக்கு வெளியே அரை கிலோமீட்டர் தூரத்தில் வெளித் தெப்பம் ஒன்றும் உள்ளது . கோயிலின் முன் புறத்தில் சதுர வடிவில் தெப்பம் உள்ளது. பட்டிகை கச்சம், தெப்பம் . சனவரி-பிப்ரவரி மாதங்களில் தெப்பம் மிதக்கும் விழா நடைபெறுவது சிறப்பாகும். ஆடி மாதம் 12ஆம்திருநாள் தெப்பம் திருவிழாவாக நடைபெறுகிறது. இப்பேரூராட்சியில் மீனாட்சி சுந்தரேஸ்வர் கோவில், காளியம்மன் கோவில் மற்றும் தெப்பம் பட்டி வேலப்பர் கோவில் ,அழகர் கோவில், சக்கம்பட்டி முத்துமாரியம்மன் கோவில்கள் உள்ளன. 5 மெகாவாட் ஆற்றல் தெப்பம் , அதில் என்ரான் 35% பங்கினைக் கொண்டிருந்தது. புயூர்டோ ப்ளாட்டா பவர் புரோஜெக்ட் (டொமினிக் குடியரசு)- "புயூர்டோ ப்ளாட்டா" எனும் 185 மெகாவாட் ஆற்றல் தெப்பம் .

catamaran's Usage Examples:

The sunny locale offers a variety of water sports, jungle tours, catamaran rides, and cliff diving opportunities.

The catamaran and the reed boat were known to the Peruvians.

Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of sailing a catamaran ?It is a large catamaran , which holds over 200 passengers.

Communication with ships can be effected only by catamaran s and flatbottomed surf-boats.

Check out the Blue and Gold Fleet, which docks at Pier 41, or pay a visit to Adventure Cat, a 55-foot catamaran that hangs out near Pier 39.

Short-finned pilot whales were also present and soon surrounded by 4 catamaran s loaded with tourists.

catamaran compared an excellent steward.

Facilities include clay tennis courts, a mountain biking center and access to catamaran s, diving, windsurfing, waterskiing and kayaking.

Tamils have a long association with the British and words incorporated into English include pariah and catamaran .

The choices range from vessels as small as a catamaran all the way up through the 54' Tahoe Star luxury yacht operated by Harrah's.

The catamaran consists of two fiberglass hulls each side with soft material floor between.

sailing catamaran s in the Aegean ).

The cruises take place on the 70-foot double-deck catamaran dubbed the "Spirit of Kona," which features two underwater viewing ports where you can watch dolphins, turtles and a variety of tropical fish in their natural habitat.

The sunny locale offers a variety of water sports, jungle tours, catamaran rides, and cliff diving opportunities. The catamaran and the reed boat were known to the Peruvians. Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of sailing a catamaran ?It is a large catamaran , which holds over 200 passengers. Communication with ships can be effected only by catamaran s and flatbottomed surf-boats. Check out the Blue and Gold Fleet, which docks at Pier 41, or pay a visit to Adventure Cat, a 55-foot catamaran that hangs out near Pier 39. Short-finned pilot whales were also present and soon surrounded by 4 catamaran s loaded with tourists. catamaran compared an excellent steward. Facilities include clay tennis courts, a mountain biking center and access to catamaran s, diving, windsurfing, waterskiing and kayaking. Tamils have a long association with the British and words incorporated into English include pariah and catamaran . The choices range from vessels as small as a catamaran all the way up through the 54' Tahoe Star luxury yacht operated by Harrah's. The catamaran consists of two fiberglass hulls each side with soft material floor between. sailing catamaran s in the Aegean ). The cruises take place on the 70-foot double-deck catamaran dubbed the "Spirit of Kona," which features two underwater viewing ports where you can watch dolphins, turtles and a variety of tropical fish in their natural habitat.

sailing boat, sailboat,

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  • As soon as the boat anchored, a catamaran put out, and brought Charlie and his followers to shore.  
  • Next morning we were visited by a party of natives from the neighbouring island, consisting of six men in a canoe, and one on a catamaran or raft.  
  • Soon we were surrounded with catamarans and canoes, with three or four natives in each.  
  • The horses and cows were taken on a species of catamaran, or large raft, that is much used in those mild seas, and which sail reasonably well a little off the wind, and not very badly on.  
  • When we reached the lagoon, a catamaran with three natives on it came off to us.  

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catamaran meaning in english tamil

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Definition of catamaran

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'catamaran.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Tamil kaṭṭumaram , from kaṭṭu to tie + maram tree, wood

1673, in the meaning defined above

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“Catamaran.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 24 Mar. 2024.

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  1. CATAMARAN tamil meaning/sasikumar

    catamaran meaning in english tamil

  2. TIL that the word Catamaran is derived from the Tamil Language which is

    catamaran meaning in english tamil


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  4. Tip up

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    catamaran meaning in english tamil

  6. From Catamaran to Boat- Ancient Shipping Methods of South Coromandel

    catamaran meaning in english tamil


  1. What It's Like Building a Catamaran Together

  2. பொருள் & பயன்பாடு| According To in Tamil

  3. மீனவன் செய்த தத்ரூபமான மினி விசைப்படகு

  4. DIY Full form

  5. ரெண்டு கொழந்த இருக்கா ஸ்வேதாவுக்கு!

  6. NAUTICAL(aeronautical) tamil meaning/sasikumar


  1. catamaran

    The word or phrase catamaran refers to a boat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck. See catamaran meaning in Tamil, catamaran definition, translation and meaning of catamaran in Tamil. Learn and practice the pronunciation of catamaran. Find the answer of what is the meaning of catamaran in Tamil. Other languages: catamaran ...

  2. Kattumaram

    The English word "catamaran" is derived from the Tamil word, kattumaram (கட்டுமரம்), which means "logs bound together". However, the original kattumaram did not refer to double-hulled boats at all, but to a type of single-hulled raft of the Tamil people made of three to seven tree trunks lashed together. The term has evolved ...

  3. catamaran in Tamil

    Check 'catamaran' translations into Tamil. Look through examples of catamaran translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. ... + Add translation Add catamaran English-Tamil dictionary . கட்டுமரம் noun. twin-hulled boat [..]

  4. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  5. catamaran

    catamaran translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for catamaran

  6. Catamaran

    The word "catamaran" is derived from the Tamil word, kattumaram (கட்டுமரம்), which means "logs bound together" and is a type of single-hulled raft made of three to seven tree trunks lashed together. The term has evolved in English usage to refer to double-hulled vessels. Development in Oceania and Asia

  7. catamaran

    Tamil to English translation dictionary. For Tamil to English translation, you have several options to enter Tamil words in the search box above. 1. Cut & Paste your Tamil words (in Unicode) into the box above and click . 2. If you are familiar with Romanised Transliteration, you can select the Translate Unicode Tamil to English button above ...

  8. catamaran meaning in tamil

    catamaran meaning in tamil: தெப்பம் | Learn detailed meaning of catamaran in tamil dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of catamaran in tamil

  9. catamaran Tamil Dictionary Meaning

    Tamil meaning for the english word catamaran is தெப்பம் from செந்தமிழ் அகராதி ... catamaran tamil meaning and more example for catamaran will be given in tamil. cabby meaning in tamil; cabin meaning in tamil; cabinet meaning in tamil; cables meaning in tamil; cacao meaning in tamil;

  10. Catamaran in English. Catamaran Meaning and Tamil to English Translation

    What does catamaran mean in English? If you want to learn catamaran in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Tamil to English. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce catamaran in English and how to read it. We hope this will help you in learning languages.

  11. catamaran noun

    Definition of catamaran noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... from Tamil kaṭṭumaram, ... Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. See catamaran in the Oxford Advanced American ...

  12. Where Did Catamaran Originate? (A Look Into Its History)

    The Meaning of the Word Catamaran. The word catamaran is derived from the Tamil language of South India, where it literally means "tied wood". This refers to the traditional design of catamarans, which typically consists of two logs or planks of wood tied together with rope.

  13. Catamaran definition and meaning

    catamaran in American English. (ˌkætəməˈræn) noun. 1. a vessel, usually propelled by sail, formed of two hulls or floats held side by side by a frame above them. Compare trimaran. 2. a float or sailing raft formed of a number of logs lashed together, used in certain parts of India, South America, etc. 3. old-fashioned.

  14. Catamaran

    Catamaran meaning in Tamil with English pronunciation and also play Quiz. Here you learn English to Tamil translation / English to Tamil dictionary of the word Catamaran • How to say Catamaran in Tamil with English pronunciation...

  15. English-Tamil Translator

    Free English to Tamil translator with audio. Translate words, phrases and sentences.

  16. catamaran

    The catamaran consists of two fiberglass hulls each side with soft material floor between. sailing catamaran s in the Aegean ). The cruises take place on the 70-foot double-deck catamaran dubbed the "Spirit of Kona," which features two underwater viewing ports where you can watch dolphins, turtles and a variety of tropical fish in their natural ...


    CATAMARAN definition: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.

  18. catamaran

    catamaran - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. ... Etymology: 17 th Century: from Tamil kattumaram tied timber 'catamaran' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): cat - cat. - trampoline - trimaran.

  19. Catamaran

    catamaran: 1 n a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck Type of: sailboat , sailing boat a small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast


    CATAMARAN meaning: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.

  21. Catamaran Definition & Meaning

    catamaran: [noun] a vessel (such as a sailboat) with twin hulls and usually a deck or superstructure connecting the hulls.

  22. CATAMARAN definition and meaning

    3 meanings: 1. a sailing, or sometimes motored, vessel with twin hulls held parallel by a rigid framework 2. a primitive raft.... Click for more definitions.