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McMaster Yachts

Established by James McMaster as a bespoke yacht management service in 2008, McMaster Yachts has expanded over the intervening years into management of the charter, brokerage and crewing of some of the industry’s most prestigious yachts.

Through word-of-mouth recommendation, James and his team at McMaster Yachts discreetly oversee a select and distinguished fleet of sailing and motoring superyachts

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March 25, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news

By Jessie Yeung , Adam Renton, Sana Noor Haq, Adrienne Vogt , Melissa Macaya, Ed Upright, George Ramsay, Aditi Sangal and Meg Wagner , CNN

The Russian ship destroyed in Berdyansk was the "Saratov," says Ukraine

From CNN's Andrew Carey in Lviv 

In this satellite photo smoke rises after an attack that Ukraine's navy said sank a large Russian landing ship in the port city of Berdyansk, Ukraine, on March 24.

Ukrainian armed forces named the Russian landing ship they say they attacked and destroyed in Berdyansk as the "Saratov," in a statement on Friday.  

In earlier reporting , the ship was named as the "Orsk."

“In the Azov operational zone, according to updated information, a large landing ship 'Saratov' was destroyed during the attack on the occupied Berdyansk port," the statement said.

The statement identified the two other large landing ships -- the "Caesar Kunikov" and "Novocherkassk" -- that were also said to have been destroyed during the attack.

"Other losses of the enemy are being clarified," the statement said.

Ukrainian  armed forces said they destroyed the large  Russian  landing ship at the port of Berdyansk in southern Ukraine on Thursday.

The port, which had recently been occupied by Russian forces with several Russian warships in dock, was rocked by a series of heavy explosions soon after dawn.

Social media videos showed fires raging at the dockside, with a series of secondary explosions reverberating across the city.

Several Russian ships had been unloading military equipment at Berdyansk in recent days, according to reports from the port by Russian media outlets.

Russia claims its forces destroyed large fuel depot in Ukraine with cruise missiles

From CNN's Radina Gigova

Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Igor Konashenkov claimed Friday that Russian forces destroyed "the largest of the remaining fuel depots" near Kyiv, with a strike carried out with sea-launched Kalibr cruise missiles . 

"On the evening of March 24, a strike was carried out with sea-launched Kalibr precision cruise missiles on a fuel base in Kalynovka, outside Kyiv," Konashenkov claimed. 

"The largest of the remaining fuel depot of the Ukrainian armed forces, which supplied fuel to military units in the central part of the country, was destroyed," Konashenkov added. 

CNN could not immediately verify that claim.

More details have emerged this week about the military arsenal that Russia is using in Ukraine. 

US President Joe Biden confirmed on Monday that Russia has also used  hypersonic missiles  in its invasion.

"And if you'll notice, (Russia has) just launched the hypersonic missile, because it's the only thing that they can get through with absolute certainty," Biden said. "It's a consequential weapon ... it's almost impossible to stop it. There's a reason they're using it."

But British intelligence and even Biden's own defense secretary have downplayed Russia's use of its air-launched Kinzhal missiles.

CNN's Brad Lendon contributed reporting to this post.

Read more on hypersonic missiles here:

What to know about Russia's hypersonic missiles

What to know about Russia's hypersonic missiles

Us and eu announce task force on reducing dependence on russian oil and gas.

From CNN's Kevin Liptak

The Peakshaver liquid natural gas (LNG) installation and storage site, operated by NV Nederlandse Gasunie, at the Port of Rotterdam in Rotterdam, Netherlands, on July 13.

US President Joe Biden and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on Friday announced a joint task force in an effort to wean Europe from its dependence on Russian oil and gas.

The panel, chaired by representatives from the White House and the European Commission, will aim to find alternative supplies of liquified natural gas and reduce overall demand for natural gas.

The United States will work toward supplying Europe with at least 15 billion cubic meters of liquified natural gas in 2022, in partnership with other nations, the White House said.

Some context: Europe's dependence on Russian gas and oil has proved a major sticking point in Western efforts to punish Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. While the US banned Russian energy imports, Europe found it far more difficult to cut off its supplies.

The group will also work toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions by paring down methane emissions and using clean energy.

UK Defense Ministry: Ukraine has reoccupied towns and defensive positions east of Kyiv

A Ukrainian military vehicle is seen on the road in Kyiv, Ukraine, on March 24.

Ukrainian forces have retaken towns and defensive positions on the eastern outskirts of Kyiv, Britain's Ministry of Defence said Friday in its latest intelligence update.

"Ukrainian counter-attacks, and Russian Forces falling back on overextended supply lines, has allowed Ukraine to re-occupy town and defensive positions up to 35 kilometers (21 miles) east of Kyiv," the ministry said.  "Ukrainian Forces are likely to continue to attempt to push Russian Forces back along the north-western axis from Kyiv towards Hostomel Airfield."

Meanwhile, the advance of Russian forces toward the Black Sea port city of Odesa was stalling, the ministry said.

"Russian forces are still attempting to circumvent Mykolaiv as they look to drive west towards Odesa with their progress being slowed by logistic issues and Ukrainian resistance," the ministry added. 

Some context: According to official Ukrainian accounts, the country's forces have retaken territory to the east of Kyiv following intense fighting Thursday, reversing previous Russian gains. Social media videos geolocated by CNN showed Ukrainian troops along with some captured Russian armor in the small settlement of Lukyanovka, some 35 miles (55 kilometers) east of the capital. 

Analysis: Here's why Biden is going to Poland

Analysis from CNN's Stephen Collinson

If there's one nation that understands  Ukraine's torment , it's Poland, which welcomes  President Joe Biden  on Friday as part of  his emergency mission  to shore up NATO's defenses following Russia's brutal invasion.

In the United States, Biden's warnings that democracy is under siege from menacing autocrats can seem remote, even after  former President Donald Trump's  US Capitol insurrection and attempt to steal the 2020 election.

But in Poland, which neighbors  Ukraine , freedom is fresh enough to still be a novelty. In a tortured 20th-century history, the country — torn between East and West — was repeatedly conquered, was ruled by foreign tyrants and saw millions of its people purged or driven as refugees from homes destroyed by warfare.

Poland again finds itself on the front line of conflict. It's on the dividing line between states in the NATO club, to which it now belongs, and President Vladimir Putin's Russian orbit, which includes another Polish neighbor, Belarus. Poland has opened its borders to more than 2 million of the nearly  3.7 million Ukrainians  who have fled Putin's onslaught, and the war came close to its borders with a Russian strike on a base in western Ukraine earlier this month.

Like Ukraine, Poland lived for decades under Moscow's Communist iron fist. Like Ukrainians, Poles are often gritty, are deeply suspicious of Russians and have fighting for their freedom and sovereignty ingrained in their DNA. Unlike Ukraine, one of the founding republics of the Soviet Union, Poland made it to the West after decades under the Warsaw Pact umbrella. And in addition to being in NATO, it's a member of the European Union, albeit one that has had tensions recently with Brussels over its own flirtations with populist nationalism.

As Putin's threat mounted in recent years, Poland hosted rotations of US troops and jets. In February, before Putin invaded Ukraine, Poland was one of the nations to which Biden ordered  3,000 troops  to bolster the alliance's eastern flank. If the war in Ukraine spills over into a broader conflict between Russia and the West, a frightening prospect, there's a good chance it could happen in Poland.

Read the full analysis:

Analysis: Here's why Biden is going to Poland

With world's eyes on war in Ukraine, North Korea tests a new long-range missile

From CNN's Yoonjung Seo, Gawon Bae, Emiko Jozuka and Brad Lendon

North Korean state media said on Friday that leader Kim Jong Un had directly guided the launch of the weapon, known as the Hwasong-17, its most advanced to date. 

On Thursday, as Western leaders gathered in Brussels for security summits, North Korea launched what it said was a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) — its first long-range test in more than four years.

According to analysts , the recent spate of North Korean missile tests suggest the country's leader, Kim Jong Un, is attempting to show an increasingly turbulent world that Pyongyang remains a player in the struggle for power and influence.

"North Korea refuses to be ignored and may be trying to take advantage of global preoccupation with the war in Ukraine to force a fait accompli on its status as a nuclear weapons state," Leif-Eric Easley, associate professor of international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, told CNN. "North Korea is nowhere near initiating aggression on the scale of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But Pyongyang's ambitions likewise exceed self-defense as it wants to overturn the postwar security order in Asia."

Read more about North Korea's new weapon:

What we know about North Korea's new ICBM

What we know about North Korea's new ICBM

First on cnn: major infrastructure in central izyum is destroyed, new satellite images show.

From CNN's Paul P. Murphy

A satellite image shows a crater in a field in central Izyum.  On one side of the crater is the burnt wreckage of a school, on the other side a football field is visible.  

Intense clashes around Izyum have left much of the city destroyed, city officials say, with new satellite images revealing the extent of the devastation in the eastern Ukrainian city.

The images were taken on Thursday by Maxar Technologies.

They show a massive crater about 40 feet (12 meters) wide in a field in the city's central area. The burnt wreckage of a school lies on one side of the crater, with a football field on the other. Part of a hospital across the street is also seen destroyed.  

A large boiler building and several residential building around it were destroyed.

The city has been caught in the crossfire as Russia attempts to link advances made in the Kharkiv region of northern Ukraine with its stronghold in the far east of the country.

Council deputy Max Strelnyk told CNN on Thursday the city had been “completely destroyed” by Russian aircraft and artillery, even as fierce battles continued inside Izyum for control of the ground.

A convoy of Russian self-propelled artillery is seen moving south towards Izyum.

North of the school in the satellite images, a large boiler building and every nearby residential building appears destroyed. There does not appear to be any identifiable military targets in this part of central Izyum. 

About 3 miles (5 kilometers) northwest of Izyum, a convoy of Russian self-propelled artillery is seen moving toward the city.

Russian troops now control the city sectors on the northern bank of the Seversky Donets River, which splits Izyum in half, Strelnyk said. The Ukrainians control the city sectors on the southern bank of the river.  

Three miles northeast of the city, Russian self-propelled artillery are also seen positioned in a field, their turrets pointing toward central Izyum.

Russian self-propelled artillery in a field, with their turrets pointing toward central Izyum.

Another image shows two vehicle bridges crossing the Seversky Donets River have been partially destroyed, in what appears to be a purposeful strike to stop a Russian advance across the river.

But the Russians have found a way around, and are now advancing on the city from the south.

A pontoon bridge over the Seversky Donets River.

To bypass the blown bridges, the Russians have erected two pontoon bridges over the Seversky Donets River to encircle the city. A mile from those bridges, on the southern bank of the river, a convoy of tanks are seen moving along a highway toward the Ukrainian-controlled sectors of Izyum.

A  convoy of tanks moving north along towards Izyum. 

Japan adds 25 more Russians to sanctions list in response to Ukraine war

From CNN’s Emiko Jozuka and Yuki Kurihara in Tokyo

Japan will freeze the assets of 25 more Russian citizens and ban exports to 81 Russian organizations, the country's Ministry of Finance said in a news release on Friday. 

It brings the total number of Russians targeted by Japan's asset freezes to 101 people.

Targets of the new sanctions include Igor Shuvalov,  a former Russian deputy prime minister  and chairman of major state-owned bank Vnesheconombank, and five of oligarch Sergey Chemezov's relatives, according to Japan's Finance Ministry. 

The export of luxury goods will also be banned, the ministry said. 

Tokyo has unveiled a raft of punitive measures against Moscow in recent weeks. The latest sanctions come as Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged on Wednesday to unveil more support for Ukraine at the G7 summit in Brussels.

Western oil and gas companies have paid $15B in taxes to Russia since it annexed Crimea, NGOs say

From CNN's Angela Dewan

Nine European and US fossil fuel companies have paid a collective  $15.8 billion to Russia  in various forms of taxes and fees since the country annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, a group of NGOs said Thursday.

The groups, Global Witness, Greenpeace USA and Oil Change International, used data from Oslo-based Rystad Energy, an independent energy research firm , to calculate how much money oil and gas companies  based in North America and Europe had sent to the Russian state. They looked only at companies with exploration and production operations in Russia.

They looked at royalties, export duties, bonuses, taxes and fees, as well as "government profit oil," which includes the value of any oil the  companies may have given to Russia. It came up with a list of nine companies from these regions that had paid the most money to Russia. All those payments were legal, and other multinational companies outside the energy sector have also have made similar kinds of payments to the Russian state.

Shell,  which is registered in the UK, sent $7.85 billion, the highest amount of the companies listed, the groups said in a statement, shared first with CNN. It was followed by US-based ExxonMobil ($2.81 billion). Two companies registered in Germany, Wintershall and Wintershall DEA, which have since merged, paid a combined total of $2.86 billion. BP, the British multinational oil and gas company, paid $817 million, the data from Rystad shows.

The data was shared amid criticisms that the West's purchases of Russian coal, oil and gas — which are largely state-owned assets — have helped fund Russia's war in Ukraine. The addition of taxes, fees and royalties for companies that have chosen to operate in Russia underscores how much capital Western energy companies have transferred to Russia.

The three groups that compiled the data said that while the $15.8 billion figure was substantial, the companies identified were also responsible for tens of billions of dollars more flowing to the Russian state because of stakes they hold in Russian oil and gas companies.

These fossil fuel companies sent more than $15b in taxes to Russia since it annexed Crimea, NGOs say

These fossil fuel companies sent more than $15b in taxes to Russia since it annexed Crimea, NGOs say

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Position: 2nd Stewardess 80m SY Private/Charter

Start: 8th September

Location: Northern Europe

Itinerary: World cruising Salary: D.O.E Requirements: This is a world cruising sailing yacht and is a very attractive role for someone who wants to travel, and be part of an established crew. The candidate must have experience with being Chief Stewardess on SYs or a second stewardess from a larger yacht. You will be responsible for the day to day running of the interior crew, so although you will be second, you must be a strong candidate to teach other stews. The second stewardess will be expected to have 2nd eyes on cabins and keep the standards up, create and maintain inventories, wardrobe management, ordering interior items for the vessel, write daily guest itineraries (under guidance) and update welcome book crew profiles. There’s also potential for this candidate to step into a rotational chief role within a year. No drama queens, and someone who wants to get involved with crew activities. You must have Food and Hygiene certificate, STCW, ENG1 up to date, any other certificates are an advantage i.e flower arranging barrista, cocktail making, yoga, pilates etc.

McMaster Yachts Crew is a subsidiary of McMaster Yachts Limited/SL, with offices in Palma de Mallorca and Dorset, UK.

Head Office: Plaça Llorenç Bisbal 10, 07002 Palma de Mallorca

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  1. McMaster Yachts: Superyacht Management, Charter, Brokerage

    McMaster Yachts Ltd., Whiteladies Business Centre, 12 Whiteladies Road, Clifton BS8 1PD +44 1935 817595. Mallorca. McMaster Yachts S.L., Plaça Llorenç Bisbal 10, 07002 Palma de Mallorca +34 971 40 47 49. England. McMaster Yachts Ltd., Whiteladies Business Centre, 12 Whiteladies Road, Clifton BS8 1PD


    We are a friendly and knowledgeable team, passionate about the support of our owners and crew. We do our utmost to ensure the smooth running of the yacht in every possible respect. Name: James McMaster. Tel: +44 7796 278 695. Email: [email protected].

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    McMaster Yachts, Palma De Mallorca, Spain. 237 likes · 1 was here. McMaster Yachts is a boutique sailing and motor yacht management, brokerage, charter and crew placem

  4. Yacht Charter

    When it comes to charter, the whole team (headed up by James McMaster) liaises closely with all involved - the charter party, the Captain and the owner. Together, we make sure that the charter experience exceeds its promise in every way possible. For more information please contact James McMaster on +34 971 40 47 49 or EMAIL JAMES.


    MCMASTER YACHTS SL is a company registered in Spain. brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Spanish Registry. Reports on MCMASTER YACHTS SL include information such as :

  6. Yacht Management

    The number of yachts in our stable at any time is limited to less than fifteen, in order that every yacht, every owner and every crew under McMaster Yachts' management receives a very personal and specialised service, with every detail taken care of. For more information please contact James McMaster on +34 971 40 47 49 or EMAIL US.

  7. McMaster Yachts

    McMaster Yachts. Established by James McMaster as a bespoke yacht management service in 2008, McMaster Yachts has expanded over the intervening years into management of the charter, brokerage and crewing of some of the industry's most prestigious yachts. Through word-of-mouth recommendation, James and his team at McMaster Yachts discreetly ...

  8. McMaster Yachts

    McMaster Yachts | 59 followers on LinkedIn. Bespoke Yacht Management, Charter, Brokerage and Crew Placement | Bespoke and highly specialised sailing and motor yacht management, brokerage, charter and crew recruitment. ... LA VINOTECA BALEAR SL Beverage Manufacturing PUIG D'EN VALLS, Illes Balears HOTELES FERRER SL Hospitality CAN PICAFORT ...

  9. McMaster Yachts SL MYBA

    MYBA is a trade association founded in 1984 by a group of prominent yacht brokers with the aim of promoting standards of professionalism and ethics in the yachting industry worldwide. ... McMaster Yachts SL. Name: McMaster Yachts SL Address: Club de Mar Muelle Pelaires 07015 Palma de Mallorca SPAIN Corporate Representative James McMaster Tel ...

  10. McMaster Yachts

    McMaster Yachts | 48 followers on LinkedIn. Bespoke Yacht Management, Charter, Brokerage and Crew Placement | Bespoke and highly specialised sailing and motor yacht management, brokerage, charter ...

  11. McMaster Yachts

    New to the Market: SOUTHWIND OF - A sailing yacht built to explore the world in comfort, style and safety. Offered for sale for the first time in 12 years. - A timeless classic, designed to be an...

  12. MCMASTER YACHTS SL: Phone number, VAT number, and Address

    MCMASTER YACHTS SL employs approximately Between 1 and 9 employees and generates an annual turnover of less than 2 million euros. The company is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Illes balears. To date, it has 3 registration charges. Its most recent announcement in the Borme was published on 08/07/2020 and its last deposit of ordinary ...

  13. McMaster Yachts

    McMaster Yachts, Palma de Mallorca. 211 Me gusta · 1 persona estuvo aquí. McMaster Yachts is a boutique sailing and motor yacht management, brokerage, charter and crew placement business offering...

  14. McMaster Yachts

    This summer's sailing season is beginning to buzz - here is an update of our charter fleet availability -...

  15. Yacht Broker James McMaster

    James McMaster McMaster Yachts Ltd. Office: +34 971 40 47 49 . Mobile: +44 7796278695 . EMAIL INSTEAD Contact Broker. James McMaster McMaster Yachts Ltd. MESSAGE BROKER. For over 20 years, the world's leading yacht builders, yacht brokers, and professionals have all relied on YATCO to power their yacht sales search, showcase their clients and ...

  16. MCMASTER YACHTS SL Company Profile

    MCMASTER YACHTS SL Company Profile | PALMA, Spain | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet. D&B Business Directory HOME / BUSINESS DIRECTORY / RETAIL TRADE / SPORTING GOODS, HOBBY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, BOOK, AND MISCELLANEOUS RETAILERS ... Key Principal: MCMASTER JAMES, ...

  17. Saratov models: Radon, Tantal, Agat, Litan etc.

    The early models all had catalogue numbers stamped on the baseplates (as already mentioned). Lots of variants were often made, all sharing the same catalogue numbers, as long as the only difference between them was tampo prints (some quite famous and sought after issues were made for the 1980 Olympics - these models were produced as early as 1977 - they cost a lot more than the standard ...

  18. March 25, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news

    8:17 a.m. ET, March 25, 2022 The Russian ship destroyed in Berdyansk was the "Saratov," says Ukraine. From CNN's Andrew Carey in Lviv

  19. Michael Farmer Meteorites

    These fragments are very nice and fresh. Saratov 1: 153 gram fragment. $306.00. Saratov 2: 373.8 gram fragment. $748.00. Saratov 3: 155.3 gram fragment. $311.00. Saratov 4: 83.5 gram fragment. SOLD. The Michael Farmer Collection of Meteorites has one of the web's largest selections of meteorites for sale, and features photographs of Michael's ...

  20. Register Interest Sailing Deckhand

    Register your interest in any McMaster Yachts Crew post by completing and submitting the online form. Please also submit your CV in PDF or Word format. MCMASTER YACHTS CREW. ... McMaster Yachts Crew is a subsidiary of McMaster Yachts Limited/SL, with offices in Palma de Mallorca and Dorset, UK. Head Office: Plaça Llorenç Bisbal 10, 07002 ...

  21. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saratov Region in Russia

    The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saratov Region is a local organization of businesses and companies in Saratov with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Russia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Russia. Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as ...

  22. Register Interest 32m Engineer

    MCMASTER YACHTS CREW. APPLY BELOW. SOLE SAILING ENGINEER - 32m SY. Start Date: 1st November Location: Spain ... McMaster Yachts Crew is a subsidiary of McMaster Yachts Limited/SL, with offices in Palma de Mallorca and Dorset, UK. Head Office: Plaça Llorenç Bisbal 10, 07002 Palma de Mallorca.

  23. Register Interest SecondStew80m

    Register your interest in any McMaster Yachts Crew post by completing and submitting the online form. Please also submit your CV in PDF or Word format. MCMASTER YACHTS CREW. ... McMaster Yachts Crew is a subsidiary of McMaster Yachts Limited/SL, with offices in Palma de Mallorca and Dorset, UK. Head Office: Plaça Llorenç Bisbal 10, 07002 ...