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Marina Martinique

BBsea day cruising

catamaran bb sea martinique


kiosque EMOTION - ponton 3

+596 696 80 99 60, 9h-13h - 15h-18h, www.croisieresemotions.com.

catamaran bb sea martinique


Embark aboard our magnificent catamaran BB Sea, to experience the most beautiful day of your stay in Martinique and discover the hidden beauties of the island’s south and its aquatic flora and fauna.

A spacious boat designed for your comfort and safety,

A crew composed of an experienced captain and sailor to accompany you throughout the day and meet all your expectations in an unparalleled atmosphere.


Departure point pier No. 3 – marina du marin

Departure at 9 a.m. Sailing towards the Diamond Rock; stop for explanations of the site and photos – Heading to the coral reefs of Anses d’Arlet to allow you to discover the aquatic flora and fauna (snorkeling equipment on board) and gentle swimming. We set sail towards Grande Anse, it’s time for the sacred aperitif and lunch (Creole meal cooked by a caterer) facing the beach. The sea turtles are not far away, you can observe them during the post-lunch swim in their natural environment. We raise the anchor, and return with music while cruising along the coast to return to our starting point around 4:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

All day on BBsea, it’s an open bar – white rum, aged rum, planter’s punch, juice, rosé and red wines, and water too 🙂 and you will be accompanied by 2 crew members who will meet all your expectations.

Child: under 12 years old: €60

Up to two years old free of charge.

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Croisières Émotions

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0696 80 99 60

97290 Le Marin

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Attention votre demande de réservation est soumise à validation par nos équipes.

En effet, nous devons être sûr que toutes les conditions (météo, place sur le bateau…) soient réunies pour que vous puissiez passer un agréable moment !

catamaran bb sea martinique

Profitez de notre excursion toute l'année !

Embarquez à bord de notre magnifique catamaran BB Sea, pour vivre la plus belle journée de votre séjour en Martinique et découvrir les beautés cachées du sud de l’île

Un bateau spacieux étudié pour votre confort et votre sécurité

Un équipage composé d un capitaine et d’un marin expérimentés pour vous accompagner toute la journée et répondre à toutes vos attentes

Une ambiance inégalable sous les haubans

La croisière proposée


la perle du sud

Lieu de départ ponton n° 3 – marina du marin

Départ 9 h. Navigation à la voile en direction du rocher du Diamant ; arrêt pour les explications du site et les photos.

Direction les récifs coralliens des Anses d’Arlet pour vous permettre de découvrir la faune et la flore aquatiques (matériel de snorkeling à bord) et baignade tout en douceur. 

On remet les voiles direction Grande Anse , il ne faut pas tarder car c’est l’heure sacrée de l’apéritif et du déjeuner (repas créole cuisiné par un traiteur) sous les haubans et face à la plage. Les tortues marines ne sont pas loin, vous pourrez les observer durant le bain après déjeuner dans leur milieu naturel. 

On lève l’ancre, et retour musical – danse qui veut – tout en longeant la cote pour revenir à notre point de départ vers 16h30 – 17 h.

Toute la journée sur BBsea c’est open bar – rhum blanc, vieux, planteur, jus, vins rosé et rouge et de l’eau aussi 🙂 et vous serez accompagnés par 2 membres d’équipage qui sauront répondre à toutes vos attentes.

Adulte : 95 € Enfant -12 ans : 60 € Enfant -2 ans : gratuit

" Des souvenirs inoubliables "

catamaran bb sea martinique

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Retrouvez ici les informations essentielles pour vous organiser. Si des questions subsistent, vous pouvez aussi nous contacter par mail ou par téléphone :

[email protected]

Nous vous accueillons à notre point de vente du Lundi au Samedi, de 9h à 12h et de 15h à 18h

Par téléphone

Vous pouvez nous joindre au 0696 80 99 60 de 8h à 18h - 7j/7

Utilisez notre formulaire en ligne pour effectuer votre demande

Où nous trouver

Notre kiosque Émotions est situé à l'ancienne marina du Marin (97290), aux abords du ponton 3

Un acompte de 20% vous sera demandé pour valider votre réservation. Paiement en espèces, chèques ou chèques vacances

Aucun remboursement de l'acompte ne pourra être effectué si la demande d'annulation n'est pas faite 24h avant le départ. Sauf si justificatif pour raison médicale


Notre catamaran peut accueillir les personnes à mobilité réduite.

Animal de compagnie

Nos amis les bêtes sont les bienvenus à bord. Sous conditions d'être de petite taille et de ne pas incommoder le reste du groupe.

Les départs s'éffectuent sur le ponton n°3 à l'heure indiquée sur votre bon de commande. Merci de bien vouloir arriver 30 min à l'avance.

Dans un soucis de respect des autres voyageurs et des temps de trajet, aucun retard ne sera accepté.

Où se garer

Des places de parking gratuites sont à votre disposition aux abords du lieu d'embarquement.


L'embarquement s'effectue au ponton n°3 à l'heure indiquée sur votre bon de commande. Merci de bien vouloir vous présenter 30min à l'avance pour éviter les retards et affecter l'ensemble de la croisière.

Notre équipage qualifié est à votre disposition tout au long de la croisière. Si vous avez des questions ou des remarques n'hésitez pas à leur faire savoir.

Toutes nos croisières inclues un buffet à base de produits frais et locaux. Merci de nous faire savoir au moment de votre réservation si vous avez des allergies ou intolérances.

Merci de bien vouloir respecter les consignes de sécurité qui vous seront données avant le départ. Tous les enfants sont sous la responsabilité de leurs parents.

Nous pouvons fournir les masques, tubas et palmes pour ceux et celles qui souhaitent découvrir les fonds marins.

Des boissons alcoolisés, sodas, jus de fruits et eau seront à votre disposition et à volonté durant l'ensemble de la croisière.

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Catamaran BB Sea - sortie à la journée - sortie en mer - le marin - martinique - antilles - caraibes

Catamaran BB Sea

Description, embarquez sur le catamaran bb sea, pour découvrir la perle du sud.

Nous vous accueillons toute l’année à bord de notre spacieux catamaran, pour une journée de navigation, une journée découverte des beautés cachées du sud de l’île de la Martinique.

Notre point de départ se fait à partir du ponton N°3 de l’ancienne marina de la ville du Marin

Journée all inclusive de 9h à 16h30

Dès la sortie de la marina, on hisse les voiles et c’est parti pour une belle navigation direction le majestueux rocher du Diamant. Nous ferons un arrêt sur le site pour une séance photos mais également pour vous raconter l’historique de cet îlet qui abrite désormais une réserve d’oiseaux marins.

Ensuite direction les Anses d’Arlet, pour découvrir la faune et la flore marines lors du parcours d’interprétation subaquatique qui permet d’observer la biodiversité matérialisé par quatre bouées pédagogiques positionnées en mer.

Tandis que certains profiterons de la baignade, d’autres aurons la possibilité de visiter le joli bourg et la magnifique église Saint-Henri.  Il y a aussi le petit marché couvert pour découvrir l’artisanat local.

Ensuite nous remettons les voiles direction Grande Anse. C’est l’heure de l’apéritif (open bar toute la journée) et du déjeuner à bord du catamaran BB Sea. Nos 2 membres d’équipage, vous serviront un repas local. Ainsi vous dégusterez les spécialités traditionnelles en admirant la magnifique plage. Nul doute que vous profiterez de ce moment pour observer les tortues marines qui nagent dans ce milieu naturel tout au long de l’année.

Retour musical tout en douceur le long des côtes jusqu’au Marin.

Pour réserver votre sortie bateau, rien de plus simple! La réservation est gratuite en ligne sur cette page. Notre équipe vous recontactera pour confirmer la disponibilité selon le jour choisi.

A très bientôt à bord du catamaran BB Sea


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catamaran bb sea martinique

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Marina du Marin, Boulevard Allegre, Le Marin, Martinique Marin (Le) – 97290

0696 80 99 60


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Martinique Day Cruising - Catamaran Bb Sea

catamaran bb sea martinique

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catamaran bb sea martinique

Catamaran croisière et sortie  (2011)

From €500 per day.

Charter Catamaran FOUNTAINE PAJOT LIPARI 41 Martinique

Catamaran FOUNTAINE PAJOT LIPARI 41 11.95m  (2011)

From €679 per day.

Charter Catamaran Groupe Benneteau Excess 11 Martinique

Catamaran Groupe Benneteau Excess 11 11.50m  (2020)

From €414 per day.

Charter Catamaran CATANA Catana 42 Martinique

CATANA 42  (2013)

From €621 per day.

Charter Catamaran NEEL Trimarans NEEL 45 Martinique

Catamaran NEEL Trimarans NEEL 45 13.50m  (2016)

From €800 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon 450 F Martinique

Catamaran Lagoon 450 F 14.00m  (2017)

From €914 per day.

Charter Catamaran QUALITY MARINE PASSION 38 Martinique

Catamaran QUALITY MARINE PASSION 38 11.00m  (1998)

From €400 per day.

Charter Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 450f Martinique

Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 450f 13.99m  (2019)

From €986 per day.

Charter Catamaran  Lagoon 380 PREMIUM Martinique

Catamaran Lagoon 380 PREMIUM 11.45m  (2019)

Charter Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 46 Martinique

Catamaran Lagoon Lagoon 46 13.99m  (2023)

From €1,071 per day.

Charter Catamaran Edelcat Edelcat 35 Martinique

Catamaran Edelcat Edelcat 35 10.65m  (1989)

From €429 per day.

Charter Catamaran Nautitech 62 Martinique

Catamaran Nautitech 62 19.60m  (1994)

From €2,500 per day.

Charter Catamaran Nautitech 46 Open Martinique

Superb Nautitech 46 Open catamaran  (2018)

From €1,127 per day.

Charter Catamaran Catana 42 Martinique

Catamaran Catana 42 12.60m  (2008)

From €706 per day.

Charter Catamaran atelier du lez lazzy 54 Le Marin

Catamaran atelier du lez lazzy 54 16.00m  (1988)

From €418 per day.

Charter Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 Année 2020 Les Anses-d'Arlet

Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40 Année 2020 12.00m  (2020)

From €732 per day.

Charter Catamaran LAGOON 380 Le Marin

Our Lagoon 380 brand new owner version  (2017)

From €557 per day.

Charter Catamaran SOUBISE GALAXY Le Marin

Catamaran SOUBISE GALAXY 13.90m  (2004)

Martinique is one of the biggest islands of the Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean Sea. It’s also a famous boating destination, particularly from November to mid spring. With a catamaran charter in Martinique you can explore the island’s sandy beaches and their turquoise waters. Water sports enthusiasts will also enjoy the diving and snorkelling opportunities the island offers.

Explore Martinique on a catamaran

It was Christopher Columbus who called Martinique the Island of Flowers. No wonder why, since you will find here all sorts of flowers, from Hibiscus and Oleanders to Roses and Orchids. If you charter a catamaran in Martinique you will have the chance to explore its coral-covered coast on the southern side of the island, as well as the iconic volcanic landscape of the beaches on the north. The view of the famous Diamond Rock from the deck of your catamaran will blow your mind, as will Martinique’s typically Creole cuisine and its spicy flavours.

Charter a Catamaran in Martinique via Click&Boat

You can charter a catamaran in Martinique through the world’s most prestigious boat rental platform, Click & Boat. On the platform you can find all types of boats, from motorboats and sailboats to luxury yachts, but a catamaran rental is the best way to explore the Island of the Flowers and have an unforgettably holiday with your friends or family. If you don't have a sailing licence you can charter a catamaran in Martinique with a skipper!

Good to know

Frequently asked questions about martinique, how does the price of renting a catamaran in martinique differ between high season and low season.

In high season in Martinique, the average price for a catamaran rental is around €863 per day, while in low season the average is around €751 per day.

What is the daily fee for hiring a skipper in Martinique?

The daily fee for a skipper can fluctuate based on the location and the boat owner. On average, in Martinique, you can anticipate paying €227 per day for a skipper.

What is the maximum number of people allowed on a catamaran in Martinique?

A catamaran in Martinique can accommodate up to 30 people. When renting a boat with a skipper, they are considered as part of the total.

Are fuel expenses included in the cost of a catamaran rental in Martinique?

When renting a catamaran in Martinique fuel is typically not included in the rental costs, except for in 10 boats where it is already included in the price.

How many people can a catamaran in Martinique accommodate for sleeping?

A typical catamaran in Martinique has around 10 berths, but you can find catamarans with as many as 12 berths.

Charter a catamaran near Martinique

In Martinique, privately owned yachts are available for charter. See other yachts in the area.

Charter another yacht type in Martinique

Are you interested in other yachts besides catamaran in Martinique? Look up at other yachts to charter on our website


From September 1 to October 31, 2023, reservations will be made ONLY by phone. +596 696 30 21 20 => whatsapp, sms

  • Swim with turtles

The catamaran

The Captains

Dolphin sighting

Diamond Rock

Catamaran Excursion in Martinique

Live an unforgettable experience on board the Kokoumdo, and go off course between dolphins and turtles, while tasting a succulent local meal prepared right in front of your eyes.

Day Dolphins and turtles

Diamond rock day.

Tourism in Martinique is in full boom, and nautical activities are a big part of it. Among the most popular sports are windsurfing, kitesurfing and kayaking. Martinique is a country of a thousand and one colours, between white sand beaches, coconut trees, tropical forests, and green mountains. It is also the island of flowers, where hibiscus, bougainvillea, and orchids are omnipresent. One of the activities that must be done in Martinique to discover the fauna and flora is to go on a day trip by catamaran.

Why go on a catamaran sea-trip in Martinique?

The catamaran is one of the best ways to discover the beauties of Martinique. Actually, it allows you to navigate with the help of a skipper in complete safety and to admire the landscapes from the sea. Catamaran trips also offer the advantage of being able to stop in the various bays and coves of the island for swimming or diving. Thus, while anchored in the catamaran, you can enjoy a swim in the warm and turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. You can also practice snorkelling with snorkels and fins to observe the sea bed, especially the coral and many fishes of the Caribbean.

Among the many sea trips offered in Martinique, catamaran excursions are particularly appreciated by tourists. In fact, they allow you to take full advantage of the magnificent landscapes of the island while being accompanied by a professional crew. You will be able to see from the boat’s deck the steep coasts of Martinique, its numerous bays and white sandy beaches, as well as its luxurious vegetation.

Catamaran trips are also an opportunity to meet new people and share a friendly moment in the company of other tourists. Indeed, a multi-hull catamaran is generally a rather spacious boat that can accommodate several people on board, it generally has many cabins and will allow you to enjoy the Atlantic coast and the Caribbean Sea.

If you wish to fully enjoy your stay in Martinique, a day cruise on a catamaran is an excellent idea to sail along the coast, take a break on the islands or islets and enjoy unforgettable moments!

What can we see in Martinique on board a catamaran?

Aboard a catamaran and during your crossing, you will be able to observe the magnificent landscapes of Martinique, especially the Pitons du Carbet, the Diamond Rock and the Pelée Mountain. The colours of the water are also spectacular, and you can see many tropical fish. The catamarans are also very comfortable and offer a unique sailing experience. In addition to offering the advantage of being more stable than a motorboat, semi-rigid, or sailboat, this pleasure boat is also more spacious, less noisy, and more ecological than a yacht. On board the catamaran you will be able to observe all the marine mammals of the island: the dolphins , the whales, and the turtles of Martinique ,. These animals will certainly come and play with the boat which will make your excursion unforgettable!

To make a catamaran excursion in Martinique, you just have to contact a local company specializing in sea excursions like Kokoumdo. This family business located at the beach of Anse Mitan will offer you different packages adapted to your needs and your budget. You will be able to take full advantage of your stay in Martinique by discovering the paradise-like landscapes of the island from all its angles.

le capitaine- bonne ambiance -détente -convivialité

Book your day

Adultes : Adults: €92 with a meal or €70 without a meal

3 to 12 years old:  €60 with a meal or €50 without a meal

0 to 3 years: free without meal

Dolphin Excursion in Martinique

  • Go off course to find dolphins
  • Marine Mammal Sighting
  • Head south to find turtles
  • Anchorage and swim at the coral depths
  • Eat creole on board


  • Diamond Rock excursion
  • Head to the Diamond Rock
  • Crossing the Arlet Coves
  • Visit the mythical bat cave

This service is carried out ONLY on-demand.

  • Privatization

Live this experience with who you choose to by hiring your catamaran privately. Anniversaries, weekends, cruises, seminaries…

Customer reviews

isabelle G

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Kokoumdo is committed to the preservation of marine mammals

Martinique is a privileged habitat for the feeding, reproduction, and migration of marine mammals. Even if it can be fulfilling to watch these diverse species and all prettier than the other ones, certain simple rules allow letting visitors to have the joy to discover this marvellous spectacle while safeguarding the tranquility of these species. We have partnered with the Charter that contains a set of Rules for a Responsible Approach and Observation of Marine Mammals. It specifies also the best practices when approaching and observing cetaceans in Martinique and it has set the following as its main objectives:

  • keeping a calm and appropriate environment for sub-marine species;
  • maintaining ecotourism of quality that is at the same time responsible and spectacular;
  • help everyone learn their responsibility on the importance of mutual respect between marine mammals and amazed visitors.

charte des mammifères marins-

Download the charter

Kokoumdo – Lauviah voyages

  • Marina Pointe du Bout
  • Trois-Ilets, Martinique

+596 696 30 21 20

[email protected]

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catamaran bb sea martinique

  • Friday 09:00 - 19:00
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  • Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 19:00

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Trip duration, multiple days (less than 1 week), weekly trip show boats that have weekly prices. most weekly boats outside of the us are available only saturday to saturday., boat length: 5ft -, manufacturer, boat build year: -, weekly trip, price: $ - $, boat rentals in martinique.

Set sail in Martinique onboard Dufour  460 Grand Large Liberty

boating guide

In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in Martinique, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

  • 58 boat rentals in Le Lamentin, Martinique
  • 58 boat rentals in Fort-de-France, Martinique
  • 58 boat rentals in Le Marin, Martinique
  • 58 boat rentals in Les Trois-Îlets, Martinique
  • 58 boat rentals in Les Anses-d'Arlet, Martinique

Sailing Martinique — Yacht Charter & Boat Rental in Martinique | Sailo

Are you looking to rent a boat in Martinique? As one of the most stunning  island destinations in the Caribbean ,  this yachting paradise truly has something special to offer all who visit this stunning gem. Its atmosphere, culture, and beauty make it a must-see for any world traveler — especially for anyone who loves sailing.

Spending a day or a week on a boat rental in Martinique is absolutely exquisite. The island itself has such a unique, incomparable beauty that sets it apart from other common Caribbean sailing spots. But the waters surrounding it offer that same crystal blue beauty that travelers yearn for in a tropical vacation. You can spend a week sailing around the island and the surrounding cays and never get bored. 

Benefits of a weekly boat rental for sailing Martinique

Sailo offers weekly charters that will allow you to explore then islands and the surrounding waters with plenty of time to see and do everything on your bucket list. Weekly charters offer the flexibility of a week-long itinerary that you can create yourself and adjust as you sail and discover the wonders of the Caribbean. We recommend chatting with the boat representative (or the captain/skipper, if you aren’t renting a bareboat charter) to get advice on what you should plan to do while on your boating adventure. Try to rent a sailinig boat in Martinique.

Another benefit of a weekly rental is the option to reserve for free available for some of our charters. When you select a weekly boat rental for Martinique sailing, you can reserve the boat of your choice, modify or cancel the reservation, all within a 24 hour period without entering your credit card. This gives you the chance to decide if the yacht your chose is right for you before booking. 

Finding your yacht rental in Martinique

Sailo makes finding the perfect boat for you and your family or friends easy and convenient with our streamlined platform. Once you decide you want a sailing vacation, you can choose from a variety of Sailo’s catamarans and sailboats available, and filter your search by type of boat, price, dates, number of people in your party, and more. This allows you to narrow your results to the specific boat you’re looking for if you have one in mind, or you can use the filters as a way of checking out different options until you find the yacht rental that’s right for you. Crewed catamaran rental Martinique is available. 

Things to do when sailing Martinique

This island is absolutely gorgeous, feeling like the perfect combination of a tropical paradise with a historic setting, and there is truly something for every traveler to enjoy. If you love pristine sandy beaches amid turquoise waters and trying out watersports like snorkeling and diving, this is the perfect vacation destination. If you love history and rich cultural experiences, this is a great place to be, since the island has a distinctly European feel. 

Martinique one-week sailing itinerary

There is plenty to discover on land, but there’s even more to see and do at sea. Here’s a sample itinerary for a one week yacht rental in Martinique. 

Start off your boating adventure from Marina du Marin, the largest marina on the island, only 45 minutes from the airport (remember to check if you can add airport transfers to your boat). After spending some time exploring Martinique by land, it’s time to embark on your adventure and set course for Saint Anne. Saint Anne is a short sail away and a great place to stop on the first leg of your trip. Go swimming or snorkeling, or head to land to explore the shopping, dining, and entertainment options with gorgeous seaside views. You can even spend your entire second day exploring Saint Anne by land since it’s just that exquisite. 

Over the next week, you have the option of stopping at Ilets du Francois and the oh-so-famous Baignoire de Joséphine for gorgeous warm waters and white sand beaches. Pass the small island of Loup Gaou to see the coral sand and palm trees as pretty as a tropical postcard, then dock at Havre du Robert to explore the mangroves and indulge in delicious French-inspired cuisine. Check out the historic Baie aux Trésors and the Caribbean surf culture of Tartane. And finally your last stop will be Saint Pierre, the perfect environment for snorkeling, swimming with exotic sea life, and even diving to admire the amazing shipwrecks. 

If you decide you want to extend your trip, Guadeloupe is the closest destination to Martinique and is another great Caribbean vacation destination. We also reccomend also  Grenada for a sailing adventure to remember. 

Your boat or a yacht charter Martinique sailing is only a click away — time to escape to paradise!

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BlueDream Croisières » Privatization

Private Catamaran in Martinique

  • Privatization

A DAY AT SEA! A real cruise

We can accommodate up to 28 passengers, with 2 crew members.

  • A la carte program, sailing, day trip on the Caribbean coast
  • With friends or family
  • Group/CE and Association
  • Gastronomic meal
  • Observation of cetaceans and the AGOA sanctuary
  • OPTIONAL : kayak – paddle – scuba diving – snorkeling – deep sea fishing

Contact our sales representative who will answer all your questions: +596 696 61 00 16.

Let’s go, together, to take the sea air!


Privatize catamaran "Pelagia

Build at la Rochelle in the building site of Nautitech, PELAGIA es a cruising habitable catamaran of 62′ (circa 19m) ideal for navigating in the warm waters of the Caribbean with a shaded exterior area. Its design was created to carry around 28 passengers and 2 crew members per day for coastal navigation. The catamaran is equipped with 4 cabins and 4 bathrooms.

Its performance under sail will allow you to travel fast and in comfort, to enjoy the program of activities. PELAGIA is also very pleasant due to its deck layout, sunbathing area, and its “trampoline” in the front of the boat. It has a large cockpit very well protected from the sun, the rain, and the ocean spray, with a great “lounge spirit” salon with a sofa, and background music. PELAGIA hosts around its table all passengers on board for unforgettable moments. It allows you to discover, in a day, the universe of a trip on a boat. It can be hired privately according to your needs.

>> More details

Why take a sea excursion in martinique.

The beauty of the island is the biggest attraction for tourists. Its natural resources are part of some of the greatest riches, and they must be preserved. The island is henceforth known around the world for its ecological value.

Departing from Fort-de France, it’s possible to visit many sites that belong to the UNESCO world heritage, as well as some archeological sites.

The weather is perfect for an excursion on a catamaran since the temperatures are always mild no matter the season. Actually, it’s possible to be at ease even wearing a t-shirt in October or November at 24°C.

There are many other advantages to going on a sea excursion it doesn’t matter if it’s in a sailboat, a motor boat, a catamaran, mono-hulls, pleasure boats, boats without a license, etc. and we can name a few: there are many activities you can enjoy in land and sea, the locals are friendly and welcoming, the prices are affordable compared to other Caribbean destinations, the coasts of Martinique are a beautiful discovery for sailors and tourists, the fauna and flora are impressive and absolutely beautiful.

Why choose to set sail with a catamaran?

The catamaran is a boat that offers great comfort on water while taking a stroll into the sea. It’s stable and easy to manoeuvre, without needing a big crew, which makes it perfect for a sail in Martinique. Equipped with two hulls, the catamaran offers a lot of space to move around, taking a sunbathe, and chill out. Also, it offers the possibility to store food and drinks in its refrigerated compartments in the cabin area, which allows you to enjoy your sea stroll without worrying about packing too many snacks and drinks.

The catamaran offers many advantages for a sea stroll. For example, it makes it possible to sail in full safety even under bad weather. The catamaran is also very stable, which makes it a good option for families and groups. It is also possible to take a sunbathe on the deck of the catamaran, or you can even take a bath in the sea. The catamaran is a perfect way to discover the coasts of Martinique!

Would it be an interesting option to hire a private catamaran in Martinique?

Yes, hiring a private catamaran could be an interesting option for a sea stroll in Martinique. This option will allow you to have full control of the boat and the itinerary, which makes it perfect for groups and families. There is also a possibility to personalise the trip according to your needs and interests. You can, for example, anchor in a cove, take a tour in the Island of Martinique, take a stroll to meet the dolphins and turtles, and enjoy a relaxing day with other tourists…

Another option available is the rental of a catamaran, but it includes other supplementary costs corresponding to the rental of the boat. It requires also respecting the conditions of the rental company, which could be somehow restrictive. When you hire a private excursion in a catamaran in Martinique, you can enjoy the advantages of rental a catamaran without its restrictions, while a skipper will take care care of the manouvre of the boat and of taking you where you wish to go. The local skipper would know the paradise spots and will help discover them while he masters sailing the catamaran.

Blue Dream - Croisières

Le Village de la Poterie 97229 Trois-Ilets Martinique

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  Treat yourself to a naturally musical ballad ... Let yourself be lulled by the sound of the waves and the song of the birds ... Let yourself be caressed by the gentle wind ... Appreciate the smell of the sea , iodine and foam , while admiring the most beautiful landscapes of the island ...   You will sail on the Atlantic coast of Martinique, along the coral reef passing through fishermen's passes to discover the most beautiful islets and white founds (fonds blancs) of Le François, Le Robert, Tartane and Le Vauclin ...   Choose your route and get ready to spend an unforgettable day aboard our catamarans !



N°1 :  , la baignoire de joséphine, the unmissible baignoire of joséphine.

Departing from François - Meeting at 9:00 a.m

• High sail up to the coral reef upwind of Werewolf Island : Bird sanctuary with pink sand and a paradisiacal turtle nesting site, born from the coral reef

• Anchorage at Chancel Island : Its iguanas , flora, history and 18th century remains await you for a guided tour on land of the ruins of the old brickyard and the discovery of the Delictissima iguanas

• Swimming, then back on board, aperitif and fresh accras on the catamaran for the pleasure of everyone !

• At noon, mooring in the White Funds of Îlet Madame :

Swimming, idleness, turquoise water lagoon and white sand where you will discover the unique sensation of having your foot touching the ground in the middle of the sea !

• Creole lunch served on board and in the shade :   A gourmet getaway with local flavors !

• In the afternoon, navigation between the coral reefs to the famous Joséphine Bath , 

a must see in Martinique

• Swimming in the magnificent Fonds Blancs , a unique site between Thierry islet and Oscar islet

• After a snack, we will return to the port enjoying the sunset

• Return to the François fishing port at 5:00 p.m




On the menu :

Chatrou (octopus) salad and raw vegetables, fried sea bream (mahi-mahi) steak or Chicken Colombo with rice and yellow bananas (plantains), fruit salad for dessert, cake and chocolate for the snack at 4pm *

Unlimited drinks throughout the day :

Water - Fruit juice - Sodas - Planteur Punch - Clément Rhum - Péyi (local) infusion


* Our meal is fully prepared on board, in case of allergies to certain foods, please let us know so that we can prepare a suitable meal for you


Book your Excursions to La Baignoire de Joséphine now !

N°2 :  , sans-soucis bay and trou cochon, a little corner of paradise between mangrove and fonds blancs.


Departing from François - Meeting at 9:00 a.m.

• Navigation   to the coral reef along the islets of François :

Thierry islet, Anonymous islet, Oscar islet, Pelé islet, Long islet and its beach

• Swimming and aperitif in the lagoon and the magnificent white funds (fonds blancs) of the Cap Est

• High mainsail navigation towards the Petite Grenade islet : Discovery of its mangrove swamp (Trou Cochon) and swimming along its white sand beach. A very unique place in Martinique !

• Creole lunch aboard the catamaran   then coffee and old rum served in the “Sans-Souci” white funds as a digestif

• Mooring and swimming in the essential site of Joséphine's Bath (La Baignoire de Joséphine)

• After a snack, we will return to the port admiring the sunset enveloping Martinique in a magnificent orange color.

• Return to the François fishing port at 5:00 p.m.


Book your Catamaran Tour in Martinique Now ! 

Day trip , n°3 :  , l'anse spoutourne, the sea of 7 colors, the galion bay and the treasury bay.

Departure from Anse Spoutourne in Tartane - Meeting at 9:00 p.m

• All sails high towards the Bay of Galion :

You will sea the catamaran "beach" on the beautiful gold-colored beach of Baie du Trésor

• Swimming and aperitif in one of the most magnificent nature reserves in Martinique:

Treasure Bay (Baie du Trésor)

• Aperitif while sailing to the splendid Baie du Robert and its 48 islets

• At noon, anchorage in the sublime White Funds of the Trapeze : Swimming, idleness, turquoise water lagoon and white sand ... You are not dreaming, you have your foot touching ground in the middle of the sea !

• Creole lunch served on board the catamaran and in the shade : a convivial and highly appreciated moment of tasting!

• In the afternoon, sailing to Ilet Chancel:

Its iguanas, flora, history and 18th century remains await you for a guided tour on land (visit to the ruins of the old brickyard and discovery of the delictissima iguanas)

• After a swim, your snack awaits you aboard the catamaran

• As the day draws to a close, sailing up to the windward coral reef of Ilet Loup-Garou: Pink sand bird sanctuary and paradisiacal turtle nesting site in Martinique, born from the coral reef.

• Return to the sand of Anse Spoutourne at 5:00 p.m




No time to wait ! Embarquement immédiat direction la Baie du Trésor !

Les ballades du delphis, catamaran excursions in martinique.



Catamaran Tour in Martinique

Our Day Tours in Martinique

Day Trip Boat Tour Martinique


Book a Catamaran Martinique

Catamaran Tour Fonds Blancs

Book a Boat Trip in Le François


+596 (0)696 90 90 36

contact@ catadelphis.com

Les Ballades du Delphis - All rights reserved - 2024 - Website made by DEL CARIBE

Favorite regions: Le Marin, Martinique Sainte Anne, Martinique Fort-de-France Trois-Ilets Grande Anse

  • Any duration
  • 1 day or less
  • 2 to 5 days
  • 6 days and more
  • Any type of boat
  • Old gaffer / Caique
  • Large sailboat (> 80 ft)
  • Any type of cruise
  • Rest cruise
  • Sailing course
  • Expedition and Transatlantic
  • Any capacitiy
  • 1 to 4 passengers
  • 5 to 8 passengers
  • 9 passengers and more

Discover Antillean culture during a catamaran cruise in Martinique and travel to the most beautiful islands in a floating hotel.

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Catamaran cruises Martinique: 16 cabin cruises

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Catamaran cruise Martinique : which travel will suit you ?

Catamaran cruise martinique : our favorite experiences, catamaran cruise martinique : the skippair advices for your trip, cap on martinique catamaran cruises.

On board your catamaran, take a tour of Martinique to discover all its secrets. The Skipper will make you discover the most beautiful corners of the island, inaccessible on foot: wild creeks, beautiful snorkeling or even walks to do only from the sea! If you want to party, sail to Saint Lucia on Friday evening, you can discover the famous "zouk" and the "broth" and learn to dance like Martinique. Of course, you can also sail to the Grenadines from the ports of Martinique.

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The Skippair team


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