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Sailboat Lyrics as written by Benjamin Rector


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sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

“But I'm not giving up (oh) I'm gonna move on forward I'm gonna raise my sail God knows what I'm headed towards”

As we go through changes in our lives, there are times when you have to simply sit and wait. I am thankful I have an unfaltering faith knowing God will use my circumstances and make a way. It is difficult to wait for the wind and times… But I know without a shadow of a doubt; One day I will sail on.

Until then,

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Meaning of Sailboat by Ben Rector

The song "Sailboat" by Ben Rector explores the feelings of uncertainty, longing, and isolation that come with navigating through life. The sailboat metaphor is used to represent the protagonist's journey through life, symbolizing both the freedom and vulnerability they feel.

In the verses, the lyrics convey a sense of aimlessness and not knowing where one is headed. The line "I don't know where I'm headed, but you can't make the wind blow" suggests the inability to control or predict the circumstances and directions life takes. Despite experiencing various emotions and encounters, the protagonist often finds themselves waiting for something which adds to the feeling of uncertainty.

The chorus reveals a deep yearning for stability and belonging. The protagonist expresses their hope and prayer that circumstances will change, desperately wishing for the winds to blow them home. The empty horizon mentioned repeatedly signifies a lack of fulfillment and companionship in their journey, highlighting a profound sense of loneliness and isolation.

In the second verse, the protagonist acknowledges their attempts to communicate and be heard, but they feel like a fool because they cannot perceive anyone listening. This speaks to the struggle of feeling unseen or unheard in their journey through life. Despite these difficulties, they choose to keep moving forward and raise their sail, indicating resilience and determination to push through their challenges.

In the bridge, the lyrics highlight the significance of belief and faith during difficult times. The mention of the lost being found at sea suggests that even though the journey might be challenging, there is always the possibility of discovery and growth. The protagonist realizes that the only difference between staying lost and finding their way is having faith in their ability to overcome obstacles.

Overall, "Sailboat" reflects the experiences and emotions of someone navigating life's uncertainties, hoping for stability and connection while feeling a profound sense of loneliness. It captures the universal longing for direction and belonging in the midst of life's unpredictable journey.

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Ben Rector's 'The Joy Of Music' Is His Most Vibrant, Sonically Diverse Work Yet

Curtis M. Wong

Senior Culture Reporter, HuffPost

Ben Rector (left, with his Muppet monster co-star Joy) released "The Joy of Music," his eighth studio album, on March 11.

Ben Rector may not be a “hype person” — a point he has reiterated in interviews and on social media — but he’s been proud to tout “ The Joy of Music ” as the album he’s wanted to make for more than a decade.

Though Rector is known to be self-effacing, such proclamations would set the bar high for any artist. Fortunately, “The Joy of Music” (the Nashville singer-songwriter’s eighth studio album, which hit streaming platforms last week) is his most vibrant, emotionally robust work yet.

Like 2015’s “ Brand New ” and 2018’s “ Magic ,” the 13-track set is full of wistful, piano-pop melodies that touch on family, fame and friendship. This time around, the results are more sonically diverse than ever, with featured assists from Dave Koz, Kenny G and Snoop Dogg. Yes, that Snoop Dogg.

Songs like “Steady Love” and “Clichés” reflect the domestic bliss Rector has found with his wife, Hillary, 4-year-old daughter Jane — who, incidentally, makes a surprise appearance on the album — and sons Roy and Robert, both 1.

The 13 songs on “The Joy of Music” represent a major step up for Rector as a musician.

But time and fatherhood haven’t diminished Rector’s willingness to delve beyond the confines of his previous work. “ Supernatural ” is a standout track that could very well be the grooviest entry in his catalog, juxtaposing Koz’s saxophone solo with a 1980s synth-pop beat. His mischievous wit is here, too, most notably on the percolating “ Sunday ,” where he swaps verses with Snoop Dogg.

Rector’s desire to get outside his comfort zone extended beyond the recording studio. To accompany “The Joy of Music ,” he and director Ben Kadie wove six of the new songs into a playful short film that may as well be titled “Rector in Wonderland.” After a fruitless night at the piano, Rector is transported into a dream world, where he masters some Broadway-style dance moves — in his socks, no less — and joins a band of superheroes for an impromptu jam session.

His co-star in the film is a custom-designed red Muppet monster created by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop that audiences can expect to see on his tour , which kicks off May 5 in Madison, Wisconsin, before moving on to Boston, New York and other cities.

Watch “Living My Best Life” from “The Joy of Music” short film below.

At 35, Rector may not be a household name or radio fixture. His folk-pop albums and heartfelt, relatable lyrics, however, have endeared him to a massive fan base, thus guaranteeing him a spot on streaming playlists and at wedding receptions for years to come.

Hollywood has caught on to Rector’s talents, too. Last month, the Screen Actors Guild chose “Sailboat,” his collaboration with musician Cody Fry, as the soundtrack for the “in memoriam” segment of the 2022 SAG Awards. In 2021, he appeared as a mentor on “American Idol,” duetting with contestants Wyatt Pike and Graham DeFranco .

In spite of such triumphs, Rector acknowledged having moments of self-doubt with regard to his artistry, which he hopes to relinquish — or, at the very least, reassess — with “The Joy of Music” and beyond.

That focus has paid off, and there’s no question “The Joy of Music” represents a major step up for Rector as a musician. “It’s the best that it has been in a long time,” he croons on “Living My Best Life,” the album’s gospel-tinged centerpiece. That sentiment applies to “The Joy of Music” in its entirety, too.

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sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

Ben Rector – Sailboat lyrics

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sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

Sailboat Cody Fry & Ben Rector Lyrics

The lyrics of Cody Fry and Ben Rector's song Sailboat reflect the feeling of uncertainty and anxiety that often grips people as they navigate through life's journey. The singer feels lost and directionless, like a sailboat that can only move with the unpredictable wind. The opening lines, "I feel just like a sailboat, I don't know where I'm headed, but you can't make the wind blow, from a sailboat" encapsulate this feeling. Despite moments of clarity and hopefulness, such as seeing the sun or feeling the rain, the singer's overwhelming emotion is waiting and feeling alone. The repeating lines at the end of each verse, "sometimes life, most times I, feel just like a sailboat" emphasize the theme of uncertainty and searching, no matter how the singer is feeling.

The chorus creates an image of the singer out in the ocean, relying on the wind to blow them home. They are hoping and praying for the wind to blow them in the right direction, but the horizon remains empty and lonely. The feelings of loneliness and being adrift in the vastness of the ocean are palpable. The bridge of the song implies that although the singer is lost and directionless, they believe in themselves and their ability to keep moving forward. The only difference between being lost and being found is the belief that they can make it through.

I feel just like a sailboat I feel lost and directionless, like a sailboat that doesn't know where it's headed.

I don't know where I'm headed I'm uncertain about my future and don't have a clear sense of purpose in life.

But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I can't control the circumstances or situations that come my way, but I have to work with what I have and make the best of it.

I have seen the sun I have experienced moments of happiness and optimism.

I felt the rain on my skin I have gone through difficult times and felt the pain and struggles of life.

I've been lost and found I have faced challenges and overcome them, learning from my experiences along the way.

But mostly I've been waiting Despite my efforts, I still feel stuck and waiting for something to change.

Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night there's an empty horizon My God do I feel so alone But sometimes life, most times I, feel just like a sailboat (mmm) I'm hoping for a change in my life but feel isolated and uncertain. I often feel like I'm directionless and adrift like a sailboat.

And I'm pretty sure I'm heard At least I know I'm speaking I may not be sure if anyone is listening, but I have to keep trying and speaking up for myself and my desires.

But I feel like a fool (yeah) 'Cause I can't hear you listening (mmm) Despite my efforts to communicate, I feel foolish and frustrated because I'm not getting the response I want or need from others.

But I'm not giving up (oh) I'm gonna move on forward I'm gonna raise my sail God knows what I'm headed towards I refuse to give up and will keep moving forward, even if I don't know exactly where I'm going or what lies ahead.

The only change I see The lost are found at sea The only difference Is believing I'll make it in Despite feeling lost and uncertain, I realize that change and growth can happen through difficult times. The only thing that sets successful people apart is their belief that they'll make it through.

Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night there's an empty horizon My God do I feel so alone Sometimes life, most times I, feel just like a sailboat I'm still struggling and hoping for change, feeling alone and uncertain in my direction. Like a sailboat, I'm still navigating life's waves, sometimes lost and sometimes found.

  • Translation


I feel just like a sailboat Don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I've seen the sun Felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh, I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home Night after night There's an empty horizon My God, do I feel so alone But sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat And I'm pretty sure I'm heard At least I know I'm speaking But I feel like a fool Cause I can't hear you listening But I'm not giving up, Oh, I'm gonna move on forward I'm gonna raise my sail God knows what I'm headed towards Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night There's an empty horizon My god do I feel so alone Sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat Only change I see Lost or found at sea The only difference Is believing I'll make it in Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night There's an empty horizon My god do I feel so alone Sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat


How fortunate are we that two of the greatest singer-songwriters of the day are best friends


@travlynpantana9945, @corywongmusic.

pure fire friends. i miss watching this from sidestage every night on tour. frick. such a dope song, such a dope arrangement


You have some typos there, mate.


Easy answer bro, no need to be upset. Go on tour together and come to San Antonio...


And come to the UK, down south. Both of you....please...


Yea so dope


My son passed away a month ago today … 6 months old ….. I feel like a sailboat …. I needed this song . Good work folks . From Ben to orchestra simply beautiful song . Simple and beautiful . Ben you are an inspiration my friend …


just about cried while listening to this- absolutely gorgeous.




I did cry! wow!


Every time I see that Cody has new music my entire day gets better honestly


I’ve been sobbing in the bathroom all morning about how alone I feel. This came at the perfect time for me. I feel like I’m out on the ocean, looking out over that empty horizon with nothing and no one in sight, but this song keeps me company. Thank you

Hi Madeline, I'm sorry you feel alone. I don't know what you need to hear right now exactly, but what I will say is that there are people who genuinely care about you, and even better, a God that loves you unconditionally. I've met my closest friends at church and now it just feels like family, hopefully the same can happen to you. It feels weird writing all this in a YouTube comment section but I think this is really important. God bless you and I'll be praying for you!


love you madeline- praying great things over you and truly for this season to pass

@@dannyabe7 I know it's been months, but thank you for your words. They helped me a lot. I can't say much has changed, but I've grown as a person. Thank you <3

@@madiiclaire Hey Madi! It's so cool to hear back from you. I'm glad that you are recognizing personal growth even though this is a rough time in your life. If I could give some words of wisdom, it's that life is made of seasons: some will be harder than others, but please remember that seasons will come and go. I'm praying that this difficult season that you are in will end so that you can find new joys in life. God bless you!


Beautifully done! Love those string swells particularly at 2:09-2:16, really gives us moments of hesitation before moving on and taking control.


Thanks mate


I keep going back to those horns at 2:35. It's just so epic and triumphant. I used to listen to this song a lot when it came out, so it's really awesome to hear it again with the added depth from the Symphony. You succeeded in making a great song even better, Bravo!


The sheer artistry here is mind blowing, way to take the most perfect song and elevate it to a realm beyond which many do not dream of touching


What!?!?!?! This is next level. Just when I thought Ben and Cody couldn’t find a more mature expression of their music.. here it is!


This has to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard, the swelling of the strings at 2:37 brought tears to my eyes.

The way silence is used in this song to such great effect. The whole dynamics is masterful each instrument played so beautifully. Just can't stop listening


I was pretty convinced you're a genius based on your previous works. I am still currently very convinced you're a genius.


I'm already getting chills from this song, and I have a feeling it'll only get better and better! Also, the french horns at 2:35 are absolutely glorious!


Absolutely phenomenal. Already admired this song by Ben, and the orchestra from Cody really finishes it.


Ah goodness! This is exactly what I needed! And Cody when you sing falsetto my jaw drops every time. Thank you both (and the orchestra, and camera crews, etc.) for making something so wonderful! ❤️⛵️


When Cody's part drops chills all over real time UPADATE : My guy just emulated a whole choir right there 3:36 ! 😳


These two are so underrated. Their voices and lyrics are so soft and yet so powerful. You guys deserve more


I love how in the middle of the silence towards the end of the song, after all the verses, you can hear “Woo.” It’s like a reference to Underground and how love calls. It’s like you’re saying through your music that even though you feel lost… Love guides you


I'm so glad music is not dead


Thank for your creating these symphony sessions. The orchestra elevates the music exponentially, I can't wait to hear the rest! Also, love the lighting and cinematography :)


One of my favorite Ben Rector songs! Love this collab!


WOW! This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard. TRUE MASTERPIECE!


I can't tell you how often I listen to this song. It always finds me in a different place, and it always makes me stop for those four minutes to sit in the music and the emotions. It moves me to prayer. What a beautiful thing this work of art is. Thank you so much for it.


Goosebumps through and through. The POWER your music has over us Cody! Thank you for existing.


another masterpiece added to my daily playlist

I feel like I’m hearing this song all over for the first time again, but this time I have goosebumps. So beautiful


This sounds so pure, I've been listening to this for hours now and I feel like I can't leave. I just can't.


This version is absolutely glorious. I'm so grateful for your music. Thank you!


Can‘t help but I cry everytime I hear this.❤

Cody's arrangements have distinct little nuances from little motifs from strings/winds through to a descending over 2 bars horns part to add impact to a swell - it all makes for an insane composition. Really really well done.


Cody, I just wanted to say that I love you, man. Truly. Thank you for existing and for sharing your art with us.


I didn’t know I needed this but apparently I do. Also, I know you write all the orchestrations but I had a question about that. In your score videos, you always label certain parts as “very difficult”, but how do you make sure you don’t write something that is impossible to play if you don’t play the instrument?


@@CodyFry exactly what many classical composers thought


a lot of the stuff that he labels as difficult are just fast scales and arpeggios in the violins, and professional string players warm-up on scales practically every day of their lives--they basically already know the notes before even looking at the music. complex rhythms are much harder to sightread (for string players), but that's not often seen in pop music. there are also certain rules that you learn in school or via experience--violas can't play c3 and f3 at the same time on one instrument because one string can only sound one note at a time; oboe has trouble being pianissimo above f6 because the notes won't speak if they aren't blowing hard enough. idk, writing idiomatic stuff and using reference recordings helps the most probably. if someone has played it before it can be played again.


how many years I has been looking for such a kind of music and now I am in paradise listening to these masterpieces


BEAUTIFUL VOICES. What a gift ♥️

Moving, genuine, song writing perfection ! The instrumental arrangement blows us along, through each wave of this expression of emotion. This performance is legendary artistry!!! Thank you for sharing your talents!!



I love each version of Sailboat so much, because they each portray the same feeling in such different ways. I’m so happy you two reimagined this, it’s amazing :)


This song reminds me alot of my grandpa. He dies a few months ago and he was a navy man back in his day and it just reminds me of his story's of being out to sea.


Everything Cody drops is gold

Cody, you are amazing! I love the ending around 3:36. I’m thinking “that can’t be one voice!” Gorgeous! I joined the virtual concert that you and Ben did back in Fall of 2020 and was hooked on your music as soon as I heard you sing “Underground.” I love the new arrangement of that song with the orchestra! You and Ben make a great team and are both awesome individually too!


I’ve been through a lot this year. A lot of things I wouldn’t wish on anyone. And I found this song earlier this year when I was at one of my lowest points. It helped me get through that, and now I listen to it whenever I’m feeling down or defeated, and it always cheers me up. Thank you ❤


One word. Four syllables. Astonishing.


Both of my Faves Collab... Feels unreal.. Love you both <3


Absolutely beautiful! The swells, and the horns were fantastic


This could be a great movie soundtrack. I can't wait to see someone use this song, I would literally sob.


They used it in the SAG awards in memoriam segment


Oh myyy two of my faves in one video!!!

I will be listening to this on repeat for the whole month now, thank you


This is one of the best songs I've ever heard.


This is amazing. It never crossed my mind that these two needed to collaborate until now and now I'm wondering why i didn't think of this before!!! Did i mention how AMAZING this is!!!!!!???


I just... I don't understand how anyone could dislike this song or video. The song is so real and reflective, and the arrangement and performance are just about perfect. I have no words to describe the sensation this song produces for me. Well done, y'all!


Among one of my most favorite renditions of anything. Ever. Kudos to both you and Mr. Ben! Beautiful! <3


Such a beautiful pairing!! Ya'lls harmony is SO beautiful!

Just..... brilliant and beautiful!!!


OMG!!! Fabulous! Amazing! Thank you!


Cody fry…Ben Rector…I can’t imagine a better pairing for a song! This is amazing. Love it!!


Wow! This is such a great song of adventure and the unknown. The flutes at the end were incredibly on point, the flutter of optimism on the dawn of a new day.

Thank you for your music! I find peace in your over-all composition (from lyrics to sound scoring)


Had to listen twice. Love your music!


This song is speaking to my soul. 🥺❤️


I remember hearing this song for the first time at a ben rector concert before he released it and it's one of my favorites ❤ this sounded absolutely beautiful. Great job, lads.


Touching and just simply wonderful


Two of my favorite artists! I was floored when I checked Spotify and I saw the Collab.


This song should be in a movie.

Cody Fry and Ben Rector is a collab I have always been wanting to see! I am so happy to finally be able to hear a song with both of them! They are a perfect duo ❤


Goosebumps! So so good! One of my favorite songs!

this is so beautiful i cant stop listening


It's hard not to imagine your songs as stories. On a personal note, as an occasional writer and artists, my mind drifts away to a new realm where my characters act out the songs. And many times you inspire what will happen in the canon storyline. So, thank you for your music. It inspires me and helps me in many ways!


Total band nerd and completely obsessed with this entire album. Just in love with all of it.


Can't wait for more videos from the "Symphony Sessions" to come out. Secondly, this song reminds me of David Whyte's poem "Truelove."


Please! More of this! Always this!

My favorite song by Ben Rector, brought to a new level. So beautiful!

streaming this on spotify right now, thank you for always making wonderful music. ♡


Two absolute legends 🤩


Gorgeous. Just gorgeous

I love this song so much!


You are my absolute favorite artist. I swear every song you make is amazing! Please never stop!!

I can’t even describe how beautifully put together this is. Well done


Your songs helps me a lot at my difficult time. Please keep making music like this. I love you 🥺


This was long overdue! Well done!


Chills. Tears. I absolutely love your orchestrations.


gotta love two legends of the music industry teaming up to make something like this. Good job guys, thanks for the music.

Absolutely breathtaking.


Absolutely perfect. The composition and lyrics are stirring. Right on time and will enjoy regularly.


THIS IS SO FRICKEN AMAZING!!!!!! I can get enough of listening to this, its beautiful, its comforting, its happy, its sad, its just really great, thank you Cody and Ben! <3



Everything is perfect! ❤️❤️


That room must have been full of chills. Wow.


Just pure magic!


What a beautiful song! Can't wait to hear more of yours! You're one heck of a musician!


Man what a duo... More please


Cody Fry & Ben Rector - Sailboat is #13 on my Top 20 Best Songs Of 2022


whoa...what a song and orchestration! beautiful!!!


Absolutely beautiful. More People should hear this more! New song added to playlist 💯


This does things to my heart


Thank you very much for this beautiful song! All of your songs are really amazing, please continue making good songs like this one and don't ever give up!


this is magic


Simply gorgeous!!!!


Every time you start singing I literally start smiling Immediately~~~~~ 🙈

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Ben Rector - Sailboat Lyrics

Artist: Ben Rector

Album: The Walking in Between

sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

I feel just like a sailboat Don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I’ve seen the sun Felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh, I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home Night after night There’s an empty horizon My God, do I feel so alone But sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat And I'm pretty sure I'm heard At least I know I'm speaking But I feel like a fool Cause I can't hear you listening But I'm not giving up, Oh, I'm gonna move on forward I'm gonna raise my sail God knows what I'm headed towards Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night There’s an empty horizon My god do I feel so alone Sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat Only change I see Lost or found at sea The only difference Is believing I'll make it in Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night There’s an empty horizon My god do I feel so alone Sometimes life And most times I feel just like a sailboat

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Cody Fry & Ben Rector - Symphony Sessions EP cover


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sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

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Ben Rector (born November 6, 1986, Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American musician based in Nashville, Tennessee. His most recent record, Something Like This was released in September 2011. Through word of mouth the record charted at #1 on the iTunes Singer/Songwriter chart, and climbed above Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter IV to the #4 spot on iTunes,albums overall, bested only by Lady Antebellum’s same day release, Coldplay, and Adele. Rector’s songs have been featured on One Tree Hill, Drop Dead Diva, Pretty Little Liars, Teen Mom, "Jane By Design", ESPN SportsCenter, and ABC’s Modern Family fall promo. more »

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sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  • #1 Ordinary Love
  • #2 When I'm with You
  • #3 Beautiful
  • #5 I Like You
  • #6 Sailboat
  • #9 Wildfire
  • #10 Forever Like That


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  • Inside Daisy Clover   1965

Ben Rector - The Walking in Between

Sailboat Lyrics

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  1. Sailboat by Ben Rector ️ love these lyrics!

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  2. Ben Rector Sailboat Lyrics

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  3. Ben Rector Sailboat Song Lyrics Poster Song Lyric Wedding

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  4. Ben Rector Sailboat Song Lyrics Poster Song Lyric Wedding

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  5. Ben Rector Sailboat Song Lyrics Poster Song Lyric Wedding

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning

  6. Sailboat

    sailboat lyrics ben rector meaning


  1. sailboat project

  2. Ben Rector + Cody Fry + NSO

  3. Sailboat

  4. If you were a Sailboat-LYRICS-Criss & Vlad-(Versuri)


  6. I am sailing !


  1. The Meaning Behind The Song: Sailboat by Ben Rector

    The Meaning Behind The Song: Sailboat by Ben Rector "Sailboat" by Ben Rector is a heartfelt song that resonates with listeners due to its relatable lyrics and emotional melodies. It explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and finding one's true path in life. This song takes us on a journey of introspection and reminds us to […]

  2. Ben Rector

    I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night there's an empty horizon

  3. Meaning of Sailboat by Ben Rector

    Ben Rector. The song "Sailboat" by Ben Rector explores the feelings of uncertainty, longing, and isolation that come with navigating through life. The sailboat metaphor is used to represent the protagonist's journey through life, symbolizing both the freedom and vulnerability they feel. In the verses, the lyrics convey a sense of aimlessness ...

  4. Ben Rector

    Sailboat Lyrics: I feel just like a sailboat / I don't know where I'm headed / But you can't make the wind blow / From a sailboat / I have seen the sun / Felt the rain on my skin / I've been lost

  5. Cody Fry

    [Ben Rector] I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found ...

  6. Sailboat (w/ Ben Rector)

    Listen to "Sailboat" on Spotify: more info about Cody's music, visit

  7. Ben Rector's 'The Joy Of Music' Is His Most Vibrant ...

    Rector's desire to get outside his comfort zone extended beyond the recording studio. To accompany "The Joy of Music," he and director Ben Kadie wove six of the new songs into a playful short film that may as well be titled "Rector in Wonderland." After a fruitless night at the piano, Rector is transported into a dream world, where he masters some Broadway-style dance moves — in ...

  8. Ben Rector- Sailboat (Lyrics)

    Ben Rector- Sailboat (Lyrics)I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC. RIGHTS GO TO THE OWNER.I hope you enjoy and leave down below what other songs you want me to do a lyric ...

  9. Ben Rector

    From a sailboat I have seen the sun Felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh I'm out in the waves I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home Night after night there's an empty horizon And my God do I feel so alone Sometimes life, most times I, feel just like a sailboat I'm pretty sure I'm heard

  10. Ben Rector

    Song : SailboatSinger : Ben RectorThis is my favorite song from his latest album, The Walking In Between, and happened to be my first lyric video on YouTube....

  11. Ben Rector

    Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer. I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind ...

  12. Sailboat lyrics by Ben Rector

    I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin

  13. Sailboat (feat. Ben Rector)

    Lyrics to Cody Fry & Ben Rector Sailboat (feat. Ben Rector): I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've

  14. SAILBOAT CHORDS (ver 3) by Ben Rector @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    All chords are relative to the capo. Tune high e string down a whole step to D *Capo 3 C: 332010 G: 300000 (can also be played as 320000 occasionally throughout the song although Ben does not) Em: 022000 D: 554030 Intro: C G Em D C G D G Verse: (C G Em D C G D G) x2 C G I feel just like a sailboat Em D I don't know where I'm headed C G But you ...

  15. The Meaning Behind The Song: When a Heart Breaks by Ben Rector

    When a Heart Breaks stands out for its powerful and emotive lyrics, coupled with Ben Rector's soulful vocals. The song takes the listener on a journey, capturing the rollercoaster of emotions that come with heartbreak. Its relatability and authenticity set it apart from other breakup songs. 5. How does the music complement the lyrics in When ...


    I feel just like a sailboat. And I'm pretty sure I'm heard. At least I know I'm speaking. But I feel like a fool. Cause I can't hear you listening. But I'm not giving up, Oh, I'm gonna move on forward. I'm gonna raise my sail. God knows what I'm headed towards.

  17. Ben Rector

    101.9 KINK in the Skype Live Studio presented by Keep Oregon WellBen Rector is using the Ear Trumpet Labs "Myrtle" microphone.

  18. Cody Fry & Ben Rector

    I'm gonna raise my sail God knows what I'm headed towards Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night there's an empty horizon My God do I feel so alone Sometimes life, most times I, feel just like a sailboat (mmm) Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying

  19. Ben Rector

    Lyrics for Sailboat by Ben Rector. I feel just like a sailboat Don′t know where I'm headed But you can′t make the wind blow F...

  20. Ben Rector

    I feel just like a sailboat I don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I have seen the sun I felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying Please let this wind blow me home And night after night there's an empty horizon My God ...

  21. Sailboat (w/ Ben Rector)

    Sailboat (w/ Ben Rector) - Cody Fry's Symphony Sessions [Official Video] Latest Videos. Eleanor Rigby - Cody Fry [Score Video] Play

  22. Sailboat (w/ Ben Rector)

    28K views, 378 likes, 351 loves, 83 comments, 326 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cody Fry: Recorded live at Ocean Way Studio A in Nashville, TN For more info about Cody's music, visit...

  23. Ben Rector & Hailey Whitters

    Color Up My World Lyrics: One, two, three / You like green grass and blue skies / West Coast, California, golden sunshine / When it all seems black and white / You color up my world (You do) / You ...

  24. SAILBOAT Lyrics

    BEN RECTOR Sailboat Lyrics. I feel just like a sailboat Don't know where I'm headed But you can't make the wind blow From a sailboat I've seen the sun Felt the rain on my skin I've been lost and found But mostly I've been waiting Oh, I'm out in the waves And I'm hoping and praying