attracco yacht

Atracco is a fast growing company and a leader in the Nordic countries in environmentally friendly car dismantling and sales of car parts over the internet. The business consists of recycling and sales of used car parts as well as materials such as metal, rubber, glass etc.

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  • Ottenere un preventivo Yacht charter Croazia If you are looking for yacht charter in Croatia, this is the easiest way. Just fill out the form and we will check for all available boats for rent and send them to you. You will also get a dedicated manager to help you out.
  • Ricerca di barche online We have 2 booking systems. Some boats are available in our online boat booking system and you can see them here. If you want to get all the boats, fill out our “Get a Quote” form.
  • contattaci We would love to hear from you. Contact us here.
  • Noleggiate il vostro skipper & hostess per un noleggio di barche in Croazia Looking for skipper, cook or hostess for your sailing holidays in Croatia? Hire your skipper & hostess for a yacht charter in Croatia.
  • Perché noleggiare una barca in Croazia con noi Where Is The Difference? We go an extra mile for you.
  • Migliore garanzia di prezzo Its guaranteed! Boat rentals and yacht charter in Croatia at The Lowest Prices On The Market!

attracco yacht

  • Skippered Yacht Charter Croazia If you don’t know how to sail or if you like some help, you can have a skippered yacht charter option. You can rent a skippered catamaran, sailboat, motorboat or gulet in Croatia.
  • Equipaggio yacht charter Croazia Get spoiled by a completely crewed yacht charter on your sailing vacations in Croatia.
  • Noleggio barche senza equipaggio Croazia If you have a skippers license and experience, you can charter catamaran, sailboat or motorboat and sail away.
  • Noleggio Barche All-Inclusive Croazia It offers you the ultimate all-inclusive sailing holidays. Along with a knowledgeable captain and gourmet chef.
  • Catamaran charter Croatia Catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Sailboat charter Croazia Saiilboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Noleggio catamarani Croazia Power catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Noleggio motoscafo Croazia Motorboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Noleggio barche a motore Croazia Motoryacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Gulet fonda Croazia Gulet charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Noleggio yacht di lusso Croazia Luxury yacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Tipi di barche disponibili per il noleggio in Croazia Boat types available for charter in Croatia.
  • Ricerca di barche online Find available boat here.
  • I nostri porti turistici Dove noleggiare una barca da Where can you charter a yacht from in Croatia. Check out all our marinas.
  • Guida al noleggio di catamarani in Croazia
  • Aree di vela in Croazia About sailing areas in Croatia in general.
  • Noleggio yacht diviso About chartering a yacht from Split, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Noleggio yacht Dubrovnik About chartering a yacht from Dubrovnik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Noleggio yacht Sibenik About chartering a yacht from Sibenik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Noleggio yacht Trogir About chartering a yacht from Trogir, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Noleggio yacht zadar About chartering a yacht from Zadar, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Kvarner yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Kvarner, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Noleggio yacht Istra About chartering a yacht from Istra, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Navigare in Croazia è divertente; Lasciati ispirare The greatest adventure on sea! Sailing in Croatia is fun. Get inspired.
  • Vacanze in barca a vela Croazia About sailing Holidays in Croatia
  • Procedura di prenotazione del noleggio barche Boat rental booking procedure
  • Licenze Skippers in Croazia For bareboat charter in Croatia it is a necessary to have this.
  • Cosa prendere durante le vostre vacanze in barca a vela in Croazia
  • Come noleggiare una barca in Croazia How to rent a boat in Croatia
  • Acquisizione di yacht When you arrive to marina this is what you need to do
  • Costi della Carta degli yacht What to expect regarding all the expenses and costs
  • 7 giorni barca charter Croazia
  • Yacht charter Croazia sconti
  • Noleggio yacht last minute Croazia
  • Guida al check-in per il noleggio di barche
  • Cos'è l'APA
  • Carte nautiche croate
  • Attrezzature standard per barche
  • Stazioni di servizio per barche
  • Venti in Croazia
  • Domande frequenti sul noleggio di yacht in Croazia
  • Noleggio yacht a breve termine Croazia
  • Prenotazione anticipata yacht charter Croazia Early bird discoutns for yacht charter
  • Ancoraggi per barche in Croazia
  • Marina in Croazia Croatian marinas
  • Numeri di telefono importanti
  • Noleggio barche Croazia How to charter a yacht in Croatia?
  • Condizioni meteorologiche in Croazia
  • Come funziona Sailing
  • Noleggio yacht in cabina Croazia
  • Noleggio yacht a senso unico Croazia
  • Guida completa ai costi del noleggio barche in Croazia: Tutto quello che c'è da sapere
  • Noleggio barche in Croazia
  • Chi Siamo About SkipperCity
  • La nostra storia How it all started?
  • contattaci We are looking forward to hear from you.
  • Le nostre società charter Yacht partner in Croazia We work with hundrets of boat owners. Here is a list of our partner Yacht charter companies in Croatia.
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Home » Notizie » Costi di ormeggio e attracco in Croazia: Una panoramica completa

Costi di ormeggio e attracco in Croazia: Una panoramica completa

Esplorare l’adriatico: come orientarsi tra le spese di ormeggio e attracco in croazia.

La splendida costa e la miriade di isole della Croazia ne fanno una destinazione privilegiata per i velisti e gli appassionati di yacht. Con le sue acque cristalline, i suoi porti pittoreschi e le sue città incantevoli, la Croazia attira ogni anno innumerevoli visitatori.

Tuttavia, per chi naviga nel Mare Adriatico, capire i costi associati all’ormeggio, all’attracco e all’ancoraggio è fondamentale. In questo articolo approfondiamo le varie spese da sostenere, tra cui i porti turistici, le boe, l’ancoraggio e le differenze di prezzo tra catamarani e barche a vela.

Porti turistici:

I porti turistici in Croazia variano molto in termini di strutture, posizione e prezzi. Nelle destinazioni turistiche più popolari, come Spalato, Dubrovnik e Hvar, le tariffe dei porti turistici tendono ad essere più alte a causa dell’elevata domanda. In media, le tariffe di ormeggio nei porti turistici possono variare da 50 a 150 euro a notte per una barca di dimensioni standard (fino a 12 metri). Le imbarcazioni più grandi possono pagare fino a 200 euro o più a notte, soprattutto durante l’alta stagione (da giugno ad agosto).

Le tariffe dei porti turistici spesso includono l’accesso a servizi quali elettricità, allacciamenti idrici, docce, Wi-Fi e talvolta anche piscine e ristoranti. I prezzi possono anche variare a seconda della stagione, con un aumento delle tariffe durante i mesi estivi.

L’uso delle boe di ormeggio è un’opzione popolare e conveniente per i diportisti che preferiscono evitare porti o ancoraggi affollati. Le boe sono disponibili in varie località lungo la costa croata, in particolare nelle baie appartate e nei porti più piccoli. I prezzi per l’ormeggio in boa variano generalmente da 20 a 80 euro a notte, a seconda della posizione e dei servizi offerti.

Sebbene l’ormeggio in boa includa in genere l’accesso ai servizi di base, come l’acqua potabile e talvolta l’elettricità, i servizi aggiuntivi possono avere un costo aggiuntivo. È fondamentale verificare in anticipo la disponibilità delle boe, soprattutto durante l’alta stagione, perché possono riempirsi rapidamente.


L’ancoraggio è un’opzione conveniente per i diportisti che vogliono risparmiare sulle spese di ormeggio. La Croazia offre numerosi ancoraggi lungo la sua costa, dalle insenature riparate alle baie aperte. L’ancoraggio è generalmente gratuito, ma è essenziale prestare attenzione alle normative e alle restrizioni locali, soprattutto all’interno dei parchi nazionali e delle aree protette.

Sebbene l’ancoraggio sia economico, non sempre offre lo stesso livello di sicurezza e comodità dell’ormeggio in un porto o su una boa. Prima di gettare l’ancora, i diportisti devono valutare le condizioni meteorologiche, la composizione del fondale e i potenziali pericoli.

Costi di ormeggio e attracco in Croazia Una panoramica completa

Prezzi dei catamarani e delle barche a vela:

Quando si tratta di affittare o noleggiare un’imbarcazione in Croazia, il tipo di barca può avere un impatto significativo sul costo complessivo. I catamarani, con i loro layout spaziosi e la loro stabilità, sono sempre più popolari tra i turisti e i navigatori esperti. Tuttavia, in genere hanno un prezzo più elevato rispetto alle barche a vela monoscafo.

In media, il noleggio di un catamarano in Croazia può costare da 2.000 a 10.000 euro o più a settimana, a seconda delle dimensioni, del modello e della stagione. I catamarani di lusso dotati di servizi all’avanguardia hanno prezzi elevati, soprattutto durante i mesi estivi di punta.

Al contrario, le barche a vela monoscafo sono generalmente più convenienti da affittare o noleggiare. I prezzi delle barche a vela in Croazia variano in genere da 1.000 a 5.000 euro a settimana, con imbarcazioni più piccole e più vecchie disponibili all’estremità inferiore dello spettro.

È essenziale considerare fattori quali le dimensioni del gruppo, le preferenze di comfort, l’esperienza di navigazione e il budget a disposizione per scegliere tra un catamarano e una barca a vela per la vostra avventura in Croazia.

In conclusione, la navigazione nelle acque della Croazia comporta diversi costi, sia che si scelgano i porti turistici, le boe o l’ancoraggio. Conoscere queste spese e pianificarle di conseguenza può aiutare a garantire un’esperienza di navigazione piacevole e senza intoppi lungo l’incantevole costa adriatica.

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attracco yacht

27m, (89') - Sleeps 10 Guests

Home › All Yachts › Atrato

The 27.04m/88'9" ATRATO open yacht built by shipyard Leopard is available for charter for up to 10 guests in 4 cabins. Built in 2001, ATRATO is the ideal yacht for buzzing between destinations, with an range of deck areas for socialising and relaxing, as well as a convenient swim platform providing easy access into the sea, she is perfect for fabulous outdoor adventures as you explore the beautiful Greek islands.

ATRATO Open Salon & Dining

Contact me today

Radek Gendek

Radek Gendek

European Office

P: +33 6 85 60 15 79

Your dream yacht charter starts here

+33 6 85 60 15 79

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Rates are weekly, plus expenses, MYBA terms. Local taxes may apply.

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Charter Destinations

Mediterranean , Greece , Cyclades , Greece , The Ionian , The Saronic Gulf, Argolic and Peloponnese

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30m yacht ROCCO opens for luxury charters in the West Mediterranean

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By Nina Done   10 June 2022

Delivered by Monte Carlo Yachts in 2021, the super stylish 30m (96ft) motor yacht ROCCO is making her charter debut around the crystalline waters of the West Mediterranean , offering guests a chic, state-of-the-art platform for a truly memorable yacht vacation this summer.

Styling is neutral, warm and sophisticated, with fold-down terraces amidships creating the perfect synergy with her surroundings. 

Whether you fancy a casual lunch up on her spacious, shaded sun deck repete with a BBQ and bar, an aperitivo on the main deck, or simply to catch up on all the day’s adventures on the sumptuous canopied seating area on her bow, yacht ROCCO is the ideal choice for relaxing and socialising. 

Sundeck on board charter yacht ROCCO

She provides accommodation for 10 charter guests across 5 well-appointed cabins, including a full-beam master suite on the main deck. 

Master suite on board charter yacht ROCCO

For guests looking for more adventure, the water toy garage holds a host of adrenaline fuelled equipment to stretch out sealegs and witness the staggering environment from a whole new angle, while her shallow draft makes her the perfect yacht to explore the secluded islands and shallow bays of the Mediterranean .

Interested in booking a luxury yacht rental?

There are no end to spectacular destinations around the glittering West Mediterranean, with a host of countries offering their own unique character and flavor to the overall experience.

Whether you want to sample the culinary delights of Italy , fancy the more hedonistic vibe of the Baleraics or simply enjoy people watching along the eternally glamorous French Riviera , the choice is up to you.

Facade of an Italian restaurant, Capri

To find out more about chartering in the region, check out our West Mediterranean yacht charter guide . For some inspiration, browse our selection of itineraries handpicked by experts with in-depth knowledge of the region.

If you’d like to learn more about chartering motor yacht ROCCO this summer, please contact a recommended yacht charter broker . 

Rocco Yacht

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446ft | Lurssen

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Ahpo yacht charter

378ft | Lurssen

from $2,831,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

279ft | Golden Yachts

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Project X yacht charter

289ft | Golden Yachts

from $1,179,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

274ft | Feadship

from $1,072,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

305ft | Feadship

from $1,501,000 p/week ♦︎

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289ft | Perini Navi

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400ft | Lurssen

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weekly rates from €87,500

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ROCCO Yacht for Charter

Not for sale or charter to U.S. residents while in U.S. waters.

Launched in 2021 by the renowned Monte Carlo Yachts, motor yacht ROCCO is a fresh build with the latest navigational technologies and luxury amenities aboard. She is one of seven models of the MCY96 generation, celebrated for its success and desirability presence in the charter market. This series has also boasted recognition from the 2018 Asia Boating Awards for Best Flybridge Yacht above 80ft, 2018 Best International Motor Yacht by Christophle Yacht Style Awards and Most Achieved Award at the 2017 Cannes Boat Show.

She was meticulously designed with comfort and safety in mind for long crossings and daring charterers. Her modern design and technical highlights include high-fashion bulwarks, wide overhanging side decks and ingenious coverage from the natural elements. ROCCO showcases a sleek profile, taking influence from Nuvolari Lenard’s artistic take on futurism and traditional convergence.

Ascending to her main deck aft, guests are immediately enveloped in overwhelming sense of spaciousness and rejuvenation. This includes two fold-out terraces, a large swimming platform for easy water-access and delightful deck spaces for the alfresco lifestyle. Her magnificent flybridge offers open space, a service bar, a delightful sofa, a coffee table and warm sunbeds. Forward, it has a covered area with sunpads and an open cockpit.

The interior of ROCCO is classy and modern with décor from Nuvolari Lenard. Her main salon spotlights breathtaking marble, wooden floors and leather seating (only the bean bags are in leather) for maximum comfort. From a plush L-shaped sofa to bean bags, ROCCO attends all guest desires, be they for family-friendly purposes or socializing with friends. It offers a large pop-up flatscreen TV, a coffee table, spaces for socializing, a formal dining area and large windows for natural light. Here, guests can take to the fold-down balconies for a breath of fresh air with drinks in hand. Beautiful fabrics interweave throughout the entirety of her layout, showcasing soft tones of blue and grey.

For overnight stays, ROCCO welcomes 10 guests into five sumptuous staterooms, each with a focus on elegance and entertainment for relaxation. Her beautiful and luminous master suite is located forward on the main deck, allowing ample room for the guest cabins below. The additional four staterooms, equally sized, feature soft accommodations with a cozy ambiance. ROCCO hosts a crew of five at the bow.

Choose ROCCO for the ultimate on-water getaway, when performance, comfort and design meet.

  • Timeless exterior and interior by Nuvolari Lenard
  • High-performance with top speed of 27 knots
  • Opening side balconies
  • Full-beam Master suite on the main deck
  • Light and modern interior
  • Comfortable bow lounge area
  • Spacious sundeck
  • Zero Speed stabilizers

Charter Details

  • Tender Garage
  • Underwater lights
  • Personal Watercraft

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please inquire.


Staterooms 5
Twin Cabins 2
Double Cabins 3


Builder Monte Carlo Yachts
Model Monte Carlo MCY96
Length (LOA) 96'
Year 2021
Gross Tonn. 118
Draft 11' 6"
Beam 22' 9"

Toys & Tenders

  • Tender Williams 445
  • Jet ski Seadoo Spark Trixx
  • 2 x Sea Bobs F5S
  • Jobe Lunar Towable 3 persons
  • SUP Jobe Duna 11.6
  • Snorkeling equipment

Summer Rates

2024 Season. Rates p/week + expenses

€ 87,500

€ 95,000

Cruising Regions

  • West Mediterranean
  • French Riviera

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Floral Print Split Pullover Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard-Attraco | Fashion Outdoor Clothing

Let customers speak for us

Colorblock Cut Out Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

I am obsessed with this baiting suit is absolutely beautiful, the colors are bright and nice the gold zipper gives it an extra touch! It’s super sexy for a one piece!

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Black Plain Front Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

I really like borh suits I bought. I enjoyed being under the sun and not getting burned , truly appreciate this kind because of that and also it looks great. I order size S and it’s about right.

Colorblock Cut Out Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

Wore this to a barbie party and it was perfect for the theme! It's so vibrant in person and really stands out. I got a ton of compliments on it! I really like the zipper detail in the front too. The gold color pops against the pink and blue.

Sunset Gradient Zipper Long Sleeve Swim Shirt UPF50+ Rash Guard

I bought this top to take on a scuba diving trip to Cozumel. I wanted something that would be easy to put on and take off when putting my dive gear on. This sun skin fit the bill! It helped my BCD go on easier. The shirt also came in handy on the day I swam with the whale sharks. Since I was at the surface, it provided the sun protection I needed. It dried fairly quickly and I got lots of compliments on the color and design. The only downside was some of the seam fray on the arm but I think that may have occurred when a velcro stap got attached..

Daisy Print Long Sleeve Half Zip UPF50+ Rash Guard

I love my new suit. I need more coverage on the chest and arms to protect against the sun. This suit is perfect..

Blue Gradient Zipper Long Sleeve Swim Shirt UPF50+ Rash Guard

It really looks as good as the picture, I highly recommend it!!!

Green Paisley Print Zip Front One Piece Rash Guard

I love this bathing suit, sexy, covers well, the material is not thin, a perfect thickness. I love the ruffles along the bottom thigh area. I bought this in two colors, blue and green!

Floral Print Cropped Split Two Pieces UPF50+ Rash Guard

The quality is amazing and it arrived quicker than I thought.

Multicolor Bule Bottom Printed One Piece Swimsuit Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

Love this suit! Fits a bit small so I’m returning to size up but love the style and pattern

Tropical Print High Neck Shorts Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard Swimsuit

Lindo! Ótima qualidade, cor linda e o tamanho serviu perfeitamente.

Colorblock Front Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

This is a great swimsuit, very easy to get on and off, very comfortable with an excellent fit and the fabric feels good.

Colorblock Cut Out Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

The color is the best! And the fit and shape are just right. Excellent protection for very fair skin!

Tie Dye Top-stitching Two Piece UPF50+ Rash Guard

This is a beautifully made suit. It is figure flattering, fits well, has good stretch and good quality fabric.

Black Plain Front Zip Long Sleeve UPF50+ Rash Guard

Very flattering, well made bathing suit. Fits nicely and has the feel of a much more expensive swimsuit

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Crafted by hand in Australia, Maritimo is inspired by a lifelong passion for performance, build integrity and innovative design that stands the test of time. With a heritage steeped in offshore racing, engineering excellence and reliability are paramount. A fine balance of advanced hull design, generous fuel capacities and precision weight distribution results in a smooth, responsive and effortless driving experience, superior seaworthiness and unrivalled performance. Influenced by the Australian lifestyle and beautiful coastlines, admire the space, the light and attention to detail, which combine to create the ultimate sanctuary for enjoyment, relaxation and freedom.


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M600 Offshore Black Edition | Levelled up. Within the enclosed flybridge, the Black Edition helm brings the enhanced styling and layout of the flagship M75 into the new models. #maritimomotoryahts

M600 Offshore Black Edition | Levelled up. The upgraded fully electric helm seats complete the helm space to make it an even more comfortable zone for travelling long distances. #maritimomotoryatchs

M600 Offshore Black Edition | Levelled up. The upgraded fully electric helm seats complete the helm space to make it an even more comfortable zone for travelling long distances. #maritimomotoryatchs

M600 Offshore Black Edition | Increases the capabilities of the forward deck, taking cues from the expansive M75 deck with a new larger optional sun pad and lounge, it creates the perfect place for socialising and sunbathing. #maritimomotoryachts

M600 Offshore Black Edition | Increases the capabilities of the forward deck, taking cues from the expansive M75 deck with a new larger optional sun pad and lounge, it creates the perfect place for socialising and sunbathing. #maritimomotoryachts

M55 | The modern-day ocean explorer`s ultimate choice. #maritimomotoryachts

M55 | The modern-day ocean explorer's ultimate choice. #maritimomotoryachts

M55 Black Edition | The signature aft galley location, pioneered by Maritimo, forms the central point for convenient access outdoors to the cockpit, inside to the saloon and up the stairs to the enclosed flybridge and Skylounge. #maritimomotoryachts

M55 Black Edition | The signature aft galley location, pioneered by Maritimo, forms the central point for convenient access outdoors to the cockpit, inside to the saloon and up the stairs to the enclosed flybridge and Skylounge. #maritimomotoryachts

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▾ dictionary italian-english, attracco noun, masculine —, attraccare verb —, attraccare qcs. v —, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

[...] [...] impartite ai fini carico, dello [...] [...] [...] [...] the pu unloading [...] [...]
[...] costruzione d battelli [...] [...] [...] construction of ls at [...] [...]
[...] [...] dell’imbarcazione al port le, da un [...] [...] [...] reached th by an expert [...]
L’are e Navi metaniere [...] [...] T cated at the [...] [...]
[...] [...] dell'equipaggio al port uale dell'imbarcazione [...] [...] [...] [...] country of origin, ss train [...]
[...] [...] comodità, quella de o casa, rendendo [...] [...] [...] [...] conve n doorstep, [...] [...]
[...] pesca turi nti. [...] lessons, fish .
[...] [...] continuo le fas permanenza [...] [...] [...] [...] relating oring of [...] [...]
[...] [...] porto e i bacin le piccole imbarcazioni [...] [...] [...] [...] and i oat harbor [...] [...]
[...] portale mare, con elli e la biglietteria [...] [...] [...] with the he ticket [...]
mbarcazioni di passaggio o di splendide barche a vela partecipanti all'importante manifestazione velica "Barcolana", che si tiene ogni anno, a Trieste, la seconda domenica di [...]
[...] [...] dotato di mol . [...] [...] hauling with va .
[...] [...] per la nav raziante [...] [...] [...] [...] for the boa the agonizing [...] [...]
[...] [...] fungevano nel passat fiume. [...] [...] that in .
[...] [...] stato impedito vicino Zimbabwe. [...] [...] being pr ng by Zimbabwe’s [...]
[...] [...] fungevano nel passat fiume e che [...] [...] in th r, and [...]
[...] [...] dell’isola, ne fanno un luogo o richiesto ed affollato nell’alta [...] [...] [...] [...] island popular a urist [...]
[...] [...] alla banchina museo delle dogane. [...] [...] to the ustoms Museum.
[...] l’ormeggio, l†Parata della Vela [...] [...] [...] the shi e of Sail [...] [...]
Molto interessante è il n stico realizzato lungo un molo frangiflutti, attivo solo durante il periodo estivo e riservat yacht di medio [...] [...] Very interesting is the n g a breakwater, active only during the summer period and f medium and large [...] [...]
[...] [...] esse diventino i trafficanti [...] [...] [...] [...] they for the [...] [...]
[...] procedimento, lo scorso 3 marzo è stato disposto il sequestro preventivo dell’area destinata a stoccaggio del carbone e del materiale ivi depositato, dei mezzi di movimentazione e di trasporto di esso, e delle banchine del porto di Brindisi adibite a e navi carboniere. On March 3, 2005, in the course of these proceedings, the court ordered the preventive seizure of the coal storage area and of the material stored in that area, the equipment used to handle and move the abovementioned material and th f the Port of Brindisi used by coal ships.
Se durante ino al termine delle [...] [...] [...] should aris nd up [...] [...]
[...] [...] sub, banchine nche. [...] [...] diving cent s.
[...] [...] nuova piattaform loading degli [...] [...] [...] of a ydrocarbon export.
I punt rovano sulla sponda destra [...] [...] [...] right side er and consist of the ten aspects [...]
[...] [...] interno, scivo scafi e barche a vela. [...] [...] sailboat and motor .
[...] [...] da trasportare o utilizzare il servizio bagagli, dotarsi di scarpe comode per il giorno di arrivo (ci sono circa 100 gradini da orto Pidocchio) Ricordiamo che non è possibile raggiungere la struttura in auto direttamente. We recommend to use a comfortable bag for trip or to use the baggage service, and to bring comfortable shoes for the day of arrival (there are about 80 steps to Porto Pidocchio) Mind that the structure can not be reached directly by car.
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  16. ROCCO Yacht for Charter

    5. Rates from. €87,500/wk. Contact A Broker. Not for sale or charter to U.S. residents while in U.S. waters. Launched in 2021 by the renowned Monte Carlo Yachts, motor yacht ROCCO is a fresh build with the latest navigational technologies and luxury amenities aboard. She is one of seven models of the MCY96 generation, celebrated for its ...

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  23. attracco

    Many translated example sentences containing "attracco" - English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations.