Yachting Monthly

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Yachting Monthly cover

How to repair yacht hatches and windows

  • Duncan Kent
  • June 8, 2023

Leaky yacht hatches and windows can make life down below miserable. Duncan Kent explains how to ditch those drippy blues forever

yacht hatch refurbishment

Every boat I have ever owned has had at least one leaking window or hatch at some point and, from experience, no amount of temporary bodging has ever succeeded in fixing it for longer than a few days. In the end, the only way is to do it properly. Despite taking longer, there’s nothing better than knowing you’re leak-free when the skies open or a huge greenie comes rolling down the sidedeck.

Yacht window repairs

Scraping and back-filling will only last a short while, especially when the old sealant holding the glass in the frame has deteriorated beyond all recognition. The typical butyl sealant used for sealing glass into frames and frames to the cabin has a working life of around 20 years maximum. The first bit to go is usually the top strip, where the strong rays of the sun break down the butyl into a crumbly, powdered mess.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Adding sealant after a new hatch has been dropped into place and screwed down

No matter how experienced you might be at removing windows and hatches it always turns into a long, tedious job, so make sure you put aside a few days and do them one at a time to avoid having to tape tarps all over the boat.

If you do plan to remove them all at once, do mark all the components of each window and hatch with numbered tape (including any fixings) as it’s very likely they’ll all be a slightly different size or shape, so you don’t want to muddle them up. Also, mark the orientation of each frame so that it goes back in the same way, ensuring the mounting holes will line up.

Windows will be bedded into a frame which, though also sealed to the coachroof/deck at the end, will almost always be mechanically attached to the boat in some way. Although butyl sealant isn’t particularly adhesive, after 25 years you can guarantee it’ll be well stuck to the coachroof, and it’ll be much worse if someone has used an adhesive sealant on them!

The only way to remove them is by sheer hard graft unfortunately – sliding a sharp blade or sharpened paint stripper blade all around the seal (trying not to damage the boat) until enough of the old seal is broken to allow you to pull/push the window out.

Then a similar process has to be carried out on the frame to remove the glass or Perspex, whichever you have. The frame will usually be in two halves, joined by screws or clips with a backing plate, which will need to be cleaned up and resealed before reassembling.

One word of warning: the frames, commonly aluminium, often distort or even spring apart once you’ve removed the joiners, so it’s best to find a way to retain its shape (template or similar) so that it’ll slip easily back into place once you’ve sealed in the window. I’ve seen people make the mistake of sealing the pane into the frame and leaving it to go off before offering it up to the window aperture, only to find it no longer fits and they then have to either disassemble it all or start grinding out the aperture to match.

Once you’ve dismantled the window and hatch you must remove all trace of the old sealant and clean the frame and glass by rubbing alcohol or a similar non-oil-based product. Beware: some plastic panes, polycarbonate (such as Lexan) or acrylic, for instance, can be damaged when they come into contact with certain solvents, acetone or acids. All components must also be bone dry and solvent-free before you reseal them.

There’s a plethora of different types of adhesive and sealant available today but not all are suitable for every job. For instance, some of the well-known Sika brands of adhesive sealant will stick stuff together forever, which might sound great unless you need to change it a few years later and you have to chisel the component out of the GRP boat!

yacht hatch refurbishment

In rough seas any leaks in the windows will become all too apparent. All windows and hatches will need re-bedding sooner or later

Window and hatch glass is usually bedded in using butyl non-adhesive sealant as it will normally be held firmly in place by a frame, which in turn will be fixed to the boat using screws or bolts.

Butyl sealant is a mildly adhesive blend of butyl rubber and polyisobutylene. It is easy to apply and, remaining flexible, allows plenty of room for adjustment when the surfaces are mated together, unlike some quick-setting products.

In effect, it is used to simply create a waterproof, flexible gasket. Available in both cartridge form or as a tape, it is not unlike putty or chewing gum in feel and appearance, and is easier and far less messy than squirting sealant using a pump gun, although the latter is also available for other jobs.

One advantage of butyl is that it’s fairly easy to remove without the risk of surface damage at a later date, should it need redoing. The not-so-good news is it can be susceptible to UV damage, so in the case of some window areas that are regularly in full sun, it isn’t always the best solution.

An alternative product is silicone, which is an elastic, hybrid polymer. It has all the useful attributes of butyl sealant, while being UV and heat resistant too. Like butyl, silicone doesn’t have aggressive adhesive properties, so it’s important to only use it where there is some form of permanent physical support or fixture.

yacht hatch refurbishment

There are three seals for the opening hatch: the glass to the frame, the frame to the boat, and the rubber opening seal

Yacht window materials

Older boats often had tempered glass window and hatch panes, but these have since been widely superseded by lightweight, shatterproof plastic in most modern production yachts. The most common types used are polycarbonate or acrylic, available in a wide range of thicknesses.

One of the downsides of using plastic panes is that the material isn’t always very UV-resistant, particularly on older boats, leading them to craze over or discolour quite badly. There is no ‘cure’ for this unfortunately, you simply have to replace the panes with new.

Polycarbonate is a resin-based thermoplastic, which is so tough (around 250 times the breaking threshold of glass) that certain types are regularly used in the manufacture of bulletproof windows. It can, however, be scratched fairly easily and can discolour or craze over in constant direct sunlight.

yacht hatch refurbishment

The frames and aged sealant are removed, with old sealant carefully scraped off using a sharp chisel.

Acrylic plastic is part of the vinyl polymer family, also known as acrylates, or simply, acrylics. It is cheaper, less brittle and a little more UV-resistant than polycarbonate.

Neither, however, get on well with solvents, petroleum products such as WD40, or harsh cleaning fluids, preferring instead to be cleaned using warm water and mild washing-up liquid.

yacht hatch refurbishment

he screws were initially nipped up just a little over finger tight.

Both materials can be safely cut, drilled or heat formed into a curve with the correct equipment, although it isn’t that easy for a DIY’er. Frankly, though it’ll add a little to the cost, I would recommend having them pre-cut to fit.

Acrylic is more flexible than polycarbonate and therefore easier to form into shallow curves.

Fitting and resealing

If your pane fits into a U-shaped frame you’ll need to put rubber spacers between the frame and edges of the pane to ensure it is central in the frame and not chafing against it. These will remain in the frame. Then you’ll need similar spacers to ensure an even gap between the frame and pane is left on both sides to fill with sealant. Carry out a dry assembly run first to get the correct thickness of rubber spacers.

Sealant tape doesn’t work too well inside a U-shaped frame so it’s best to use a cartridge or putty knife to force the sealant into the gap, removing the side spacers as you go.

The frame itself can then be sealed to the hull using sealant tape. Clean the window surround thoroughly and then apply the tape to the hull, ensuring you lay tape all around each mounting screw hole as well. The frame should then be pushed gently back in place, lining the screw holes up, and then tightening the screws little by little, moving around the frame by opposing screws to ensure an even spread of the sealant. Do not overtighten the frame as the idea is to use the sealant as a gasket, not to squeeze all the sealant out of the sides!

Leave it a few days, if you can, before cleaning up any excess sealant from around the frames and make sure you don’t use cleaning products that are incompatible with the type of sealant you’ve chosen to use.

Yacht hatch repairs

Re-bedding the frame.

With hatches, the most common areas prone to leakage are the rubber gasket or the seal around the glass where it fits into the frame, so unless you know for sure that the base plate is leaking I’d leave it in place undisturbed. If you do need to remove and reseal the base it’s a good idea to put masking tape all around it before removing it.

This will make it easier to align the frame after applying the sealant, plus it will be in exactly the right place to protect the deck from sealant overspill when you come to replace the base frame, greatly facilitating the clean-up afterwards.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Carefully cutting through the old sealant around the window from below using a craft knife

To remove the base, you’ll have to either slide a sharp blade, paint scraper or a cheese wire around the existing sealant after removing any screws or bolts. You might even need to remove a trim piece or peel back the headlining a little if the nuts are concealed.

Butyl tape is the ideal solution for resealing hatch bases, although a liquid sealant will do just as well provided you carefully create a ring around each screw/bolt hole and ensure the bead of sealant is higher than any frame lip to ensure good contact with the glass.

Once the frame is in the correct position tighten up the screws/bolts just until the sealant starts to squeeze out, leaving it to be fully tightened later once it has cured. This prevents all the sealant being squeezed out by over-tightening the screws when the sealant is molten.

Re-bedding the glass

If it’s just the hatch gasket or the glass-to-frame bond that needs replacing then the base and top part of the hatch can usually be separated by unscrewing the hinges or just knocking out the hinge pin (it might need some penetrating fluid applied first).

On some older models hinge removal can be problematic and getting spare parts for things like knuckle hinges is now nigh on impossible. In which case it’s better to bite the bullet and remove the whole unit. Hatches with riser supports and/or manual clamps are usually simple to dismantle, allowing you to take the hatch top to the workbench to remove and replace the glass or acrylic more easily.

Remove the glass or acrylic by first cutting around the edge seal with a sharp knife. Remove as much of the old caulk as possible, which will make removing the glass easier. Prise the glass out carefully using one or more paint scrapers or something similar with a wide blade. Avoid screwdrivers as they can easily crack the glass.

Once removed, clean the frame and glass thoroughly with a solvent such as acetone, before re-bedding it onto butyl tape or sealant. After waiting for the sealant to dry, you need to caulk the remaining gap between the glass and frame. To make it an easy job to clean up afterwards, always run masking tape around both the glass and frame edges, leaving the gap to be caulked clear.

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Marine Hatch Repair Specialists

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Hatch Repair

 hatchmasters is the largest marine hatch and port light repair facility in the world..

Hatches are an important part of your vessel’s structure and provide a layer of protection from minor and major water ingress. Broken hinges, handles, and crazed or cracked lenses are a both a maintenance and safety issue.

HatchMasters’ master craftsman can repair or refurbish the oldest hatch. Cost of repair is well less than half the cost of a new hatch with installation. All work is in accordance with ABYC and NMMA guidelines and carries the industry leading HatchMasters “No Leak” 24 month warranty.

The standard repair includes:

  • a new marine grade acrylic lens, in the correct color.
  • a new upper seal
  • a new lower gasket
  • new handle, friction arm and stay arm seals as required.

Any additional fabrication such as vents, frame straightening, welding and accessories can also be supplied.

HatchMasters has been servicing the international marine community for over 20 years repairing tens of thousands of deck hatches. Models repaired include but are not limited to:

  • Atkins & Hoyle
  • Swan Custom
  • and of course Lewmar Marine Ltd.

Your Message

Give one of our HatchMasters a call at 203 866-3767 to discuss your specific issue. 

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yacht hatch refurbishment

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK

Hatch Refurbishment

We regularly refurbish hatches from all leading manufacturers including Lewmar, Goiot and Gebo as well as older units from Canpa and similar.  As with windows, an initially important consideration is how to disassemble, so that the lens can be removed and subsequently replaced.  This is not always possible.  


Most hatches have tinted Acrylic lens, typically 10 or 12mm.  Lens are secured with sealant around the edge of the lens and in some cases under.  Sealant is typically silicone based; translucent, grey or black.

Getting spares for older hatches is increasingly difficult, particularly handle/hinge parts and closing seals, so please take care when you are removing your hatches as if you break parts in the process you may find these impossible to replace without cannibalising another example.

For Lewmar hatches, the closing seal typically sits under the lens, so can only be replaced with the Lens removed.  For this reason we normally recommend replacement at the same time as the Lens.  This is often not the case for Goiot, Gebo etc where the closing seal is glued to the underside of the lid frame.

As mentioned elsewhere, vents are another taxing area, particularly the stainless steel ECS type or similar from Goiot which are typically screwed or tapped directly into the acrylic; a recipe for disaster, as when the acrylic heats/cools these areas will eventually crack.  We fit Lewmar retro-fit vents which require straight cut holes and are secured from the underside with pan head fixings which do not stress the acrylic.

You will notice that the exterior plastic fittings (eg handles, hinge parts) will oxidize and fade.  In some cases we can supply new replacements to enhance the look of the refurbished unit, but if not we will look to clean, prime and spray paint these fittings before refitting.  In most cases these then look as new and unlike those treated with some wonder-polish will retain colour for more than a few weeks!

If you have Lewmar hatches you can identify the range by reading this Blog post .  In terms of other things you should be aware of, please click below to complete the course.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Process - what we do best

Our outline process is as follows;

On receipt, the hatch is assessed and inspected. If any damage is noted, or the hatch cannot be refurbished, we contact the owner. If a hatch cannot be repaired, it is returned.

The hatch is fully dismantled and all parts labelled.  We may have several similar units on the go at the same time so it's important to know what goes with what.

All parts are thoroughly cleaned and any handles, hinges and stays are serviced/freed up and put aside.  If new parts are required we will liaise with the client and if necessary source parts.

If a vent is fitted, it too is dismantled and cleaned if being reused.  We will discuss options with the customer.

If required, the closing seal is replaced or serviced.

New Acrylic is cut and (CNC) machine finished to replicate the original glazing.

The frame and Acrylic are given a final degrease/clean in preparation for sealing.

The hatch is re-assembled and sealed with the appropriate specialist Silicone and allowed to cure for at least 48 hours.

The handles, hinges and vent are re-fitted, having been 'improved' or replaced.

New plastic glazing is covered in protective film to reduce the risk of damage during re-installation.

Upon completion the hatches are inspected and cleaned to remove any silicone residue.

All hatches are carefully packed ready for dispatch/collection in custom made boxes.

Other than a slight patina to the frame, the unit should return as new, good for the next 20-30 years.

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Window/Hatch Refurbishment and Replacement

From a single refurbishment to a complete replacement of all windows and hatches JWS can help.

We will remove the window(s) from the boat, all ladings will be cleaned and  a blank fitted in the space to keep out any debris while the windows are being worked on. All fixing are removed from the windows and the window is split so that the perspex can be measured from replacement. The window frames are cleaned and any parts requiring replacement will be noted and you will be informed of any additional cost for the new parts. Once the new ‘cut to size’ perspex is ready all is put back together and returned to the boat for dry fitting before a final fit of the window is made before sealing all in place.

For curved windows needing heat forming, we send the window away for heat treatment, as they require heat treated mold forming, as they are curved to the windows shape.

For windows and hatches that can not be refurbished we replace them with new, we always try our best to match like for like but in some cases with the older boats, the windows models are just not available any more therefore we will source the closest possible match.

Click on the link below to see are work on windows –

Get in Touch

If you would like some more information on our services, would like to discuss your needs or simply would like a quote, get in touch today.

JWS Marine Services pride ourselves on our ability to give the customer what he or she wants. We offer a range of services in order to restore your vessel and take great care in doing so. Click one of the below to find out more.

A 6 week (min) Treatment carried out within our workshop with the use of a Hot Vac curing system. Optional Extra available such as surveyors oversight etc.

Whether it be from a small scratch or some star crazing to a hole or dent caused by an impact, with our expertise and high quality finish on all gel repairs carried out you will be pleased with the finished result.

Copper coat is a tough and robust product that will last the rigours of time in every mixture of water grade. It is the combination of a specially-developed, solvent-free epoxy resin and high purity (99%) copper.

We are happy to provide competitive quotes for all insurance claims/works please contact us with all your details.

JWS Marine services real passion is wooden classics and we enjoy nothing more than working with them whether it be from a minor repair to a total re-fit and all that is in between.

There is nothing better than restoring a thing of beauty back to her Glory, That’s just what we do here, from start to finish in wooden and GRP.

Looking tiered, slightly damaged or how about a new colour scheme. Re-spray is the way forward, to bring her back to all her glory, with a variety of colours to choose.

Hand Painting and Varnishing

Traditional hand painting is one of the hardest things to get right. JWS Marine services have refined the process and products used.

When it comes to your boat, keeping her looking tip top is always first on the list, with our maintenance programs we are able to provide a detailed program tailored to you and your boat need, whether that be a basic yearly Antifoul to a full maintenance program

Keel Re-works and/or Removal

We carryout this type or repair/replacement quite frequently and have seen and overcome most issue that can arise when working with keels.

Metal Design, Fabrication and install

This section is currently in development, please check back soon

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Southerly 42 – coppercoat application and more, insurance work – keel damage following a collision, new window install on a 32ft sunseeker.

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Company VAT No: 838 6772 75

Company Reg No: 05180060

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The experienced team at ancasta yacht services will get your yacht back on the water as soon as possible..

Over the years we have managed yacht and boat refit projects for some of the most prestigious yachts and motorboats, as well as high profile race boats and round-the-world fleets. From the initial survey and quote through to project management and quality control, we can look after every aspect of your yacht refit from start to finish.

Our expert and experienced yacht refit and repair team can also undertake GRP and composite boat repair . From collisions and groundings to general wear and tear, we can get your yacht or motorboat back on the water quickly and efficiently.

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Hatches & portlights, interior joinery, composite & gel repairs, matrix & keel repairs, osmosis prevention & repair.

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From teak deck refurbishment and caulking repairs to low maintenance teak alternatives, our boat builders offer a range of deck repair services including complete traditional or pre-made teak decks.

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Control of light and ventilation is key to cabin temperature, and your comfort below deck. As an Approved Lewmar installation and Service Centre, we offer a comprehensive range of high quality hatches, portlights and shades.

Lewmar - approved gold installer

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From built-in storage solutions and bespoke joinery, to interior redesigns and galley refits, our experienced boatbuilders can help you to transform the interior of your yacht. Our workshops incorporate a 150m2 well equipped woodmill.

Composite repair work requires expert knowledge and skill to ensure a seamless finish. With a dedicated laminating workshop our team can accommodate a wide range of gelcoat work ranging from full structural reconstruction to cosmetic hull and deck work, for both GRP and carbon.

Slamming, grounding, over-stressing a hull in rough conditions, and hard racing can all cause damage to the inner keel matrix. The keel, keel bolts and matrix should be inspected annually to identify possible areas of de-bonding or areas of damage. In the event of damage being identified, as a professional repair yard, we can assist with a structural repair to meet your surveyors specification.

Osmosis is usually identified by the surface of a boat's hull starting to blister; to avoid this occurring you may consider protecting your hull with our anti-osmosis gel shield and epoxy coating. If it's too late for a preventive approach, then we offer an extensive repair treatment.

Yacht Insurance Repairs

With over 45 years experience, undercover storage for yachts up to 80ft with a dedicated paint bay, a large well equipped wood shop, engineering workshop and well stocked stores, we regularly carry out boat repair work on behalf of all major insurance companies.

Approved Insurance Repairers for Pantaenius

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From deck brightwork to a glass finish on a yacht’s superstructure, our varnish specialists will ensure your boat not only looks beautiful but is well protected from the elements too.

Bow and stern thruster systems from Jet Thruster offer an innovative and quiet solution to make docking more comfortable and professional. A flexible system that can be added to the bow and stern with flush composite thro-hull thruster nozzles, and no moving parts under the water line for safety. Suitable for both shallow and deep keeled boats and easy to install. As a Jet Thruster UK Distributor we can offer parts or a full supply and fit option. Please talk to our team about the best solution for you.

Jet Thruster – UK Distributor

Manoeuvring in marina’s can be tricky, but the addition of a bow or stern thruster can compensate for external forces such as wind and current, making docking simple. A range of thruster solutions are available, including tunnel thrusters, retractable thrusters, and custom solutions.

Lewmar - approved gold installer Quick –installation and service agent

Anchoring Solutions

To fully enjoy a peaceful night at anchor you need absolute confidence in your ground tackle. Our team can guide you through the options available from galvanised or stainless anchors and chain options, to the correct windlass and bow roller for your boat, and safety measures such as chain stoppers, cleats and other mooring points.

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Regular maintenance of your steering system is vitally important - from rudder and shaft inspection to the replacement or overhaul of rudder bearings. A general service can correct alignment issues and avoid failure at critical moments. Autopilots are invaluable on long passages, and today have become an integral part of a yacht’s navigation system. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your steering system, or simply replace components such as wheels, pedestals or drives our knowledgeable team can assist.

To enhance your experience onboard, we offer a wide range of davits, gangways and passerelles as an elegant solution for launching tenders and jet skis, or boarding when stern to.

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  • Price Guide

Boat window repairs and deck hatch refurbishment

Specialising in the renovation of marine windows and deck hatches. also screen conversions and the supply and fitting of new windows. our services include:, refurbishment and re-sealing of most types of boat window., acrylic or toughened glass re-glazing., restoration of sliding windows and hoppers including replacement channels, weather-strips and seals., crazed acrylic panel replacement., new acrylic windows in a wide assortment of tints and thicknesses., we refurbish, repair, and re-glaze most makes of hatches, replacement of acrylic washboards., we can also supply a wide range of fixings, seals and bedding compound..

We offer a complete removal and refitting service. Although we are based in Brundall, Norfolk, distance is not usually a problem. We have many ways to help you, please don't hesitate to contact us at any time. All the relevant details can be found on our contact page . We look forward to hearing from you.

Windows refurbished by Boat Window Repairs

Video shows moments before superyacht went down in storm off Sicily

Newly released video captures a luxury superyacht being battered by a violent storm before it suddenly sank off Sicily with 22 people aboard Monday.

The grainy images obtained by NBC News and other outlets were recorded on closed-circuit television not far from where the Bayesian was anchored, about a half-mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily’s northern coast .

The yacht's 250-foot mast, illuminated with lights and lashed by the storm, appears to bend to one side before it finally disappears and is replaced by darkness.

The speed with which a yacht built to handle the roughest seas capsized stunned maritime experts.  

“I can’t remember the last time I read about a vessel going down quickly like that, you know, completely capsizing and going down that quickly, a vessel of that nature, a yacht of that size,” said Stephen Richter of SAR Marine Consulting.

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and five of the 22 other people who were aboard the 184-foot vessel remain unaccounted for and are believed to be trapped in the Bayesian’s hull, nearly 170 feet underwater.

Officials confirmed Monday that at least one person, the ship’s cook, had died.  

UK's vessel Bayesian

Superyachts like the Bayesian, which had been available for charters at a rate of $215,000 a week, are designed to stay afloat even as they are taking on water to give the people aboard a chance to escape, Richter said. 

“Boats of this size, they’re taking passengers on an excursion or a holiday,” Richter said. “They are not going to put them in situations where it may be dangerous or it may be uncomfortable, so this storm that popped up was obviously an anomaly. These vessels that carry passengers, they’re typically very well-maintained, very well-appointed.”

Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world, according to CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters. 

On Tuesday, Italian rescue workers resumed the search for Lynch and the five other passengers still missing: Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife.

“The fear is that the bodies got trapped inside the vessel,” Salvatore Cocina, the head of civil protection in Sicily, told Reuters .

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was one of the 15 people rescued Monday after it capsized.

Divers of the Vigili del Fuoco, the Italian Corps. of Firefighters, near Palermo

“It’s extremely rare for a boat of this size to sink,” Richter said.

What’s not rare is the kind of storm that sank it , said Simon Boxall, senior lecturer in oceanography at Britain’s University of Southampton.

“People assume the Mediterranean is this rather calm and passive place that never gets storms and always blue skies,” Boxall said. “In fact, you get some quite horrendous storms that are not uncommon at this time of year.”

The president of Italy’s meteorological society has said Monday’s violent storm may have involved a waterspout, essentially a tornado over water, or a downburst, which occurs more frequently but doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorology Society, also said recent temperatures may have been a factor. 

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius [86 Fahrenheit], which is almost 3 degrees more than normal,” Mercalli told Reuters. “This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms.”

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who two months ago was acquitted by a San Francisco jury of fraud charges stemming from the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion.

Prosecutors alleged that Lynch, dubbed “Britain’s Bill Gates,” and Autonomy’s vice president for finance, Stephen Chamberlain, had padded the firm’s finances ahead of the sale. Lynch’s lawyers argued that HP was so eager to acquire Autonomy that it failed to adequately check the books .

Lynch had taken Morvill, who was one of his defense attorneys, on the luxury trip. 

Chamberlain was not on the Bayesian.

In what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a car struck and killed Chamberlain on Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

“Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family,” Chamberlain’s lawyer, Gary Lincenberg, said in a statement .

Henry Austin reported from London and Corky Siemaszko from New York City.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Henry Austin is a senior editor for NBC News Digital based in London.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Corky Siemaszko is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital.

Port Synthetics

Boat Windows, Hatches & Screens

We manufacture boat windows, hatches, screens, washboards, polypropylene tanks, instrument panels, flybridge screens etc. We understand the importance of a rapid response particularly if the vessel is vulnerable to adverse weather or theft. This is why we can usually operate a fast service on request for replacements.


We stock many variants of marine grade perspex/plexiglas/polycarbonates etc. Clear, tinted, coloured, patterned, mirrored, solvent resistant and unbreakable materials are all available from stock in a wide range of thicknesses varying from 3mm – 20mm.

Our moulding oven is the largest in the area and enables us to produce curved/shaped screens in excess of 3 metres in length. If you are unable to supply the moulding required, Port Synthetics are able to produce tooling for all mouldings.

Below are some of our custom built marine fabrications, for more infomation about the different services we can provide for the marine industry please contact us via our contact us page.

We are currently offering a free of charge templating service Monday-Thursday 9am to 5pm Friday 9am to 2pm Saturday by appointment 10am-12noon We will take a template of your old window / washboard/ or companion way while you wait! Take them back and secure your pride and joy. Either call us on 02392 269788 or use the link below to  book a time.

Replacement Boat Washboard – Before & After

Below you can see an old wooden boat washboard a customer came to us with, and next to it the brand new plastic boat washboard we replaced it with. Lightweight, modern and allowing lots of light inside, this is a great example of the ideal replacement boat washboard – and a very happy customer!


Boat Hatch and Washboard, from the inside and outside

View from inside.

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View From Outside

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Vandals smashed screen with brick

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New screen moulded and refitted

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Windows Perspex/acrylic windows are a light and durable alternative to glass. We are able to cut to your specific shapes, from either your existing windows or templates. We can provide drilled & countersunk holes, polish/bevel edges to suit your individual requirements.

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Washboards We manufacture 1, 2 & 3 part washboards in Perspex/acrylic, which allows light into your cabin whilst keeping it secure. Using a tint ensures you maintain a level of privacy. Unlike wood, acrylic will not rot or deteriorate.

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Hatches Port Synthetics supply new acrylic panels to replace your old crazed/discoloured hatch.

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Flybridge Screen Replacement

  • We specialise in replacement Flybridge screens and fully understand the frustration of being unable to replace your screens through your boat manufacturer.
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Used mainly for windows, hatches, washboards & screens

  • 10 year warranty
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POLYCARBONATE – Trade names Makrolon, Lexan, Marlon etc

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Used mainly for wrap around speedboat screens (3mm/4mm thick), which are able to be cold bent to suit.

In general we do not recommend the use of polycarbonate in a marine environment as the softer surface scratches much easier than that of acrylic. However, in extreme cases where impact strength is paramount, we can supply this material with an abrasion resistant coating, although this is much more expensive option.

Boat Windows – When to Fit a Replacement Window

Taking care of your boat windows (also known as marine windows) is a great way to avoid having to do the boat windows replacement procedure due to disrepair. Having ports or windows in your boat serves a variety of purposes, they add appeal, light, and can increase the value of your boat. Ports are generally smaller than boat windows, with some windows being as large as those found in a home. Regular repair is also recommended especially if your boat spends a significant amount of time in a salt-water environment as this can damage parts of the boat windows themselves, as well as the surrounding parts.

Essential Maintenance of Your Marine Windows

A ll types of boat windows are going to require maintenance and parts will need to be replaced if they become damaged. For example, seals are an important part of the boat windows and are often overlooked; they are designed to help keep moisture out of the boat by forming a tight seal around the window. Salt air can be damaging to the wood, fabrics, fittings and plastics in a boat. To avoid the type of damage that comes from prolonged exposure it is important to check the ports and boat windows for cracked glass  / acrylic panels or damaged seals and fittings.

Do Your Boat windows Have Seals?

M ost boat windows have a seal . In some cases, they will have two, one for between the glass and the window frames and the other for between the frame and the hull of the boat. If there are cracks in either of the seals, the window can be compromised. Even if these cracks do not let in potentially damaging salt air it can cause moisture to build up between the window frame and the hull and can cause mould and mildew to grow. If your boat is wood, it can even cause the wood to rot if there is prolonged exposure.

Keep Them Water Tight

Rubber is one of the common materials that are used to make watertight seals on ports and boat windows. If they are not cared for they can end up drying out and cracking. When this happens, the seals need to be replaced. If a seal has been damaged for an extended period, you may end up needing to replace the entire window. Replacement does not have to be limited to times where you find damage. There are other reasons to consider replacing your boat windows. Boats generally have enclosed cabins, ports and boat windows are one of the easy ways that airflow is provided to cabins.

Reducing Your Costs

Ports and boat windows can be as energy efficient as windows designed for homes. You can purchase windows with double paned or thicker glass, although clear or smoked acrylic panels are often preferred for value and durability. This can help to insulate the cabin from outside changes in temperature. Damage is not the only reason for boat windows to be replaced. Many people consider replacing their marine windows and ports as a way to reduce fuel and energy expenses by insulating the cabin. When your boat windows and ports are in good repair they provide significant benefit to you and your boat. Boat Windows help to protect against outside temperatures, damp creeping in and help to keep the inside protected and provide light and air to the cabin.

In Summary About Boat / Marine Windows

First of all, if you need help, advice or a quote Contact Us Here. Acrylic is a light weight tough material that is often preferred to glass when mariners decide to replace their boat windows. just make sure that you replace your Boat Windows before you develop major problems.

More Boat Window and Boat Hatch Photos

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Yacht Refit and Refurbishment

With decades of experience in the yachting industry, Berthon provides an unrivalled luxury yacht refit service. Our comprehensive refit process ensures high-quality results for yacht owners through expert project management from initial planning and inspections through extensive overhauls.

At our state-of-the-art marine facilities, Berthon’s highly trained staff utilise traditional and wooden boatbuilding methods for boat refurbishments and renovations of any scale. Services include complete hull refits, engine refits, interior refits, upgrading systems, replacing components, refinishing surfaces, and restoring historic vessels to their former glory.

Whether undergoing an extensive refit or targeted upgrade, Berthon’s meticulous attention to detail preserves each luxury yacht’s craftsmanship while improving performance. Our expertise ensures the refit time meets expectations and refit costs remain competitive.

From long-range sailing yachts needing a new interior to classic yachts requiring an overhaul, Berthon’s comprehensive yacht refitting services provide yacht owners and crew with the utmost quality and care. With our heritage of keeping traditional skills alive, your yacht is in safe hands at Berthon.

Classic boats

Historic restorations

Attention to detail

What boat refurbishment can we offer?

  • Complete refit – Full yard facilities for complex projects
  • Preparation and painting – Hand and sprayed
  • Engineering – From servicing, to engine and generator renewal
  • Plumbing – From freshwater systems, to air conditioning
  • Shipwright skills in GRP, high-tech composites, wood, aluminium and steel
  • Electrical services – From system checks to full technical rewire
  • Electronics troubleshooting to advising on upgrades, supplying and fitting new electronics and entertainment systems
  • Rigging services – From rig check, to full re-rig and repair of spars
  • Yacht Interiors
  • Repair work – Using both latest and traditional technology

Our accomplished and highly skilled project managers, with extensive expertise in complete refits and complex projects, are able to advise you on all technical aspects of your luxury yacht refit and renewal program. Utilising cutting-edge technology and leveraging the capabilities of our skilled marine engineers across our state-of-the-art yard facilities, Berthon ensures the desired outcome through meticulous planning and execution.

Explore our range of services showcased through previous refitting yacht projects Berthon has undertaken, highlighted in our case studies and blog articles. These examples demonstrate our ability to handle intricate repair work, upgrades, and extensive overhauls while delivering high-quality results that meet your vision.

Berthon’s comprehensive project management approach, combined with our highly skilled workforce and advanced yard facilities, provides yacht owners with a seamless and rewarding refit experience for their luxury vessel investment.

Refit Case studies

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BRYNHILDE Restoration

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1942 MGB 81 – 71.5ft Motor Gunboat – PNBPT

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SY Aglaia Yacht Refit Project (77′)

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8 Ton Gauntlet Refit

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M.Y. Bounty Motor Yacht Refit

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If you would like to discuss your boat design with us, one of our project managers would be happy to run through your requirements with you.

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We are specialists in boat windows. We supply clear and tinted acrylic either in sheets, cut to shape or finished as ready to fit windows and screens for fishing boats, cabin cruisers, yachts and speedboats in thicknesses to suit river, estuary, coastal and ocean going. We also stock a large range of seals and stainless steel fixings for do-it-yourself refurbishing and fitting. There are some helpful factsheets for d-i-y available on our downloads page.

We also offer a refurbishment service for leaking or crazed framed windows and hatches, inserting new acrylic if required or refitting glass. Broken glass windows can also be repaired with new toughened or laminated glass (laminated not suitable for sea going vessels). Because of space limitations we only take two windows at a time from any one client. This does not apply to hatches. The details and menu price list for this service is in the catalogue but not on the website.

Prices are effective from 1st of May 2024, we welcome payments by internet banking or with major credit cards over the phone. Customers without a UK bank account may prefer to pay with PayPal or by Swiftbank transfer.

As an alternative I have given you the option of downloading our catalogue which contains most of the products listed on the website and a menu of our framed window refurbishment prices. Let us know if you cannot find what you are after.

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Yacht Restorations and Refurbishments

The words and the work behind yacht refurbishment, yacht restoration, and yacht repair may seem similar, but they couldn’t be more different.

Unfortunately, there is no standard definition for what constitutes restoration and what constitutes refurbishment. It is highly dependent on the technician’s idea of the work at hand.

The hardest part of yacht restoration and refurbishment is finding a quality and trusted, local Fort Lauderdale boatyard that holds itself to high standards.

Finding a trustworthy yacht technician is 70% of the work.

With that in mind, Yacht Management, a South Florida boatyard  and service center, wants to take a shot at defining these slippery terms to provide a little insight and hopefully some clarity when it comes to deciding whether your yacht needs a refurbishment, repair, or restoration.

  • Yacht Refurbishment

Refurbishment can be interchanged with the words reconditioning or refinishing. It’s the first option available, but not always the best.

Yacht refurbishment requires less work to bring the vessel back to a functioning state. If there is less of a need for new marine parts, but rather the existing parts could be refurbished to work, that constitutes a refurbishment.

The end goal is to ensure that the yacht functions and looks good again. A yacht refurbishment shouldn’t be used to save money, but rather if that’s all the vessel needs.

  • Yacht Restoration

Restoration is much like rebuilding a yacht.

The purpose of yacht restoration is to bring the vessel back to its original state; installing new parts, removing damage, and replacing it.

Not only will the yacht look good and function well, the restored parts will last longer and perform much better than if the yacht was refurbished.

The idea is to return the yacht to its former glory, bring it back to life, and ready to make new memories on it. Reset to factory settings.

Restoration that is not handled by professionals or a skilled yacht technician can leave the yacht in worse condition than before. Small structural anomalies could lead to even bigger issues long term. It’s vital to find the right yacht technician for the job.

  • Yacht Repair 

Yacht repair should only be necessary if the vessel has sustained damage. Yacht refurbishment and yacht restoration are preventative, whereas yacht repair is a cure. Repair is close to the realm of restoration. If repair is necessary, then the situation is likely more serious. Repairs are synonymous with serious damage.

Yacht Restorations and Refurbishments Separator

Yacht Management’s experienced marine technicians in South Florida explain the differences between yacht repair, yacht restoration, yacht refurbishment.

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How to Find a Good Boatyard and Service Center

There’s no avoiding the three R’s of any boatyard. The sea won’t just let anyone pass through gently, we all must pay a tariff, and that’s why Yacht Management of South Florida spends time inspecting, maintaining, and repairing vessels under our care.

Find a yacht technician that’s in your corner. As mentioned before, finding a marine technician in South Florida that is both experienced and trusted is the most difficult part of the job.

Look for reviews, ask around, and visit your local South Florida marina to get a feeling for the boatyard’s standards.

Don’t stick with a poor yacht technician simply because they have worked on your vessel for a long period of time. Find a tech that you know will refurbish, restore or repair up to your standards.

Contact Us

For all inquiries, fill out the form below and a member of our team will respond as soon as possible

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Eagle Boat Windows

Eagle Boat Windows is a specialist marine window and deck hatch refurbishment and supply company with over 30 years experience

Unit 11 Enterprise Park Etna Road Suffolk IP33 1JZ United Kingdom

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Please use the quotation page to receive a quotation for your work.

Hermitage Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent

As a boat owner and having worked in the marine industry for many years I know that there is nothing more irritating than a leaky window or hatch.

Help is at hand, contact me with your window or hatch problem and make it go away. I cover a large area in the southeast of England and can visit in Kent, Medway, Sussex, Surrey & Essex also except work worldwide (contact me for details). You can also send me your problematic window or hatch for service in my workshop.

Aluminium framed windows

Hatches & windscreens

Acrylic windows

Washboards & doors

Boat Window Specialists

Refurbishment and Repair

Mobile: +44 7761 882626  Phone: +44 1622 205837

Email: [email protected]

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Bayesian maker says crew should have had time to rescue passengers

The image shows the luxury sailboat Bayesian in the water near Palermo, Sicily, Italy. The boat is tilting slightly to one side with its sails fully extended. Several people, wearing red shirts and caps, are visible on the deck, engaged in various activities. The name Bayesian is prominently displayed on the stern of the boat

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  • Bayesian maker says crew should have had time to rescue passengers on whatsapp (opens in a new window)

Marianna Giusti in Porticello

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

The manufacturer of the superyacht that sank off Sicily, causing the deaths of UK tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and at least five others, has said the boat was “absolutely safe” and the crew should have had time to evacuate the passengers.

Giovanni Costantino, chief executive of The Italian Sea Group, which owns several boat brands including the yacht’s builder, Perini Navi, told the Financial Times that the Bayesian “was designed to be absolutely stable and carry . . . the world’s second-tallest mast”.

“The boat sank because it took on water,” Costantino said, suggesting that proper procedures were not followed.

He suggested the large opening just above the waterline on the stern, which pivots down to make a bathing platform and launching point for small boats, may have been open and become flooded, and the same might have been true for another waterline opening on the side.

Italian and UK authorities, which are investigating the circumstances of the incident , have not said when the boat started filling with water, whether vulnerable hatches were open, or whether the crew started the engine and tried to manoeuvre out of danger.

Video description

CCTV footage of the Bayesian sinking during a violent storm

The Italian coastguard has said divers had found no breaches in the hull and the mast was intact. The vessel — a 540-tonne, British-registered yacht designed by Ron Holland and built in 2008 — was resting on the seabed on its starboard side.

James Cutfield, the Bayesian’s skipper, did not immediately respond to the FT’s request for comment. His brother told the New Zealand Herald that Cutfield was “a very good sailor” and “very well respected” in the Mediterranean.

Costantino said it took 16 minutes from the time the boat was caught by the wind and started dragging its anchor near Porticello before it finally sank , which should have given the crew time to secure the vessel and save the passengers. 

“The torture lasted 16 minutes. It went down, not in one minute as some scientists have said. It went down in 16 minutes,” Costantino said. “You can see it from the charts, from the [Automatic Identification System] tracking chart.”

The FT has verified that AIS data is consistent with Costantino’s timings, but it is not possible at this stage to confirm his belief about what may have happened during that period.

“The captain should have prepared the boat and put it in a state of alert and of safety, just like the boat [Sir Robert Baden Powell] anchored 350 metres away, which was built in 1957 and handled the [weather] event brilliantly,” said Costantino.

Karsten Borner, the skipper of that boat, described to reporters in Sicily how he turned on his engine and manoeuvred to control his vessel and avoid a collision with the Bayesian. He saw the Bayesian heel over and then lost sight of it, before spotting a red flare from the Bayesian’s life raft. He rescued the 15 survivors. 

Costantino said Cutfield, a 50-year-old New Zealander, “should have locked everything up. He should have gathered all passengers in the safe point. This is protocol. No one should have been in their cabin. [You should] turn on the engine, weigh [raise] anchor, [point the] bow to the wind and lower the keel. This would have added stability, safety and comfort.”  

It has not been confirmed by divers whether the Bayesian’s long retractable keel was in the safer, lowered position or raised to allow entry to shallow water.

According to ISG, when the boat’s keel is raised, the Bayesian can withstand an inclination of up to 73 degrees; when the keel is lowered, she can tilt by up to 88 degrees — a nearly flat position with the mast on the water — without capsizing.

But Costantino does not believe the position of the keel was the issue. He said that once it was clear the boat was taking on water — CCTV footage from the shore showed the lights going out, presumably when water reached the generators or the electrical panels, he said — there should have been time to get everyone off the boat and into the life rafts.

“Jesus Christ! The hull is intact. The water came in from [hatchways] left open. There is no other possible explanation. If manoeuvred properly, the boat would have comfortably handled the weather — comfortably,” he said.

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Italy opens investigation into captain in deadly yacht sinking, lawyer says

James Cutfield, a veteran sailor from New Zealand, is being investigated after the Bayesian capsized, killing seven, including tech figure Mike Lynch.

Italian prosecutors are investigating James Cutfield, the captain of a superyacht that sank off the coast of Sicily last week in a storm , according to a lawyer representing him.

The sinking killed seven of the 22 people aboard, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch .

Aldo Mordiglia, Cutfield’s attorney, said by email that the captain is under investigation for potential manslaughter charges and will be interviewed by public prosecutors later Tuesday.

Italian media reports have also said the 51-year-old New Zealander will be questioned by prosecutors as part of a probe into how the ship sank within minutes of being hit by a storm on Aug. 19 and whether any errors were made.

Cutfield is “very affected” by the whole affair, another of his lawyers, Giovanni Rizzuti, told Italian media , and plans to defend himself against any charges.

News that the focus of the investigation has turned to Cutfield was first reported by the La Repubblica newspaper. Italian prosecutors said Saturday that they had opened an investigation into possible culpable shipwreck and manslaughter, but no suspects were named at the time.

Registering suspects is a requirement before autopsies can be carried out on the victims, Italian news agency ANSA reported .

In Italy, being placed under investigation doesn’t mean charges will follow. Under maritime law, a captain is responsible for the ship, its crew and any passengers.

Other crew members were interviewed Monday.

The British-flagged Bayesian capsized after being caught in what authorities called a “violent storm” in the early hours of Aug. 19. The 183-foot yacht sank to a depth of more than 160 feet. The bodies of Lynch and five other victims, including his 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, were found days later inside the yacht. The body of the yacht’s chef, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered during initial search efforts.

Italian investigators are trying to piece together what happened. A law enforcement official, speaking to The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about the ongoing investigation, said authorities are eager to examine the side of the submerged wreckage that is not visible.

“We’ll need to wait until the wreck is pulled out of water,” the official said.

The questions on investigators’ minds, the official added, range from whether the hatches had not been battened down — something that experts say could explain how seawater flooded the vessel so quickly — to whether “every crew member onboard did what they were supposed to.”

The official said that with the exception of the yacht’s chef, “the entire crew was already on the lifeboat,” while the six guests who died were still inside the yacht. Asked whether an alarm was ever sounded, the official replied: “How were those [guests] still in their rooms?”

In an analysis issued Tuesday, Italy’s National Research Council examined the possibility that a downdraft — a rapidly descending flow of air typically associated with violent storms — may have put the Bayesian in distress. It cited a 2008 example off the coast of Venice, where, within a few minutes, wind speed increased 10-fold, with some gusts above the capability of instruments to measure. Waves also increased in size, rapidly going from 11 inches to almost 10 feet.

Other boats in the area during last week’s storm were unscathed, leading the yacht’s designers to speculate that a hatch could have been left open, allowing water to enter.

“The Bayesian was built to go to sea in any weather,” Franco Romani, one of the Bayesian’s architects, told the La Stampa newspaper Monday.

Cutfield’s brother, Mark Cutfield, told the New Zealand Herald last week that his brother is “a very good sailor” who has spent much of his life working on boats in the Mediterranean after sailing competitively in his youth.

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Mike Lynch’s Body Is Found After Sicily Yacht Sinking, Official Says

The authorities have recovered the bodies of all but one of the six people missing after disaster struck a yacht carrying the British software tycoon.

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A rescue boat moored at a harbor with emergency workers both onboard and alongside ambulances on the shore. A blue body bag can be seen at the boat’s stern.

By Emma Bubola and Elisabetta Povoledo

Emma Bubola reported from Porticello, Italy, and Elisabetta Povoledo from Pallanza, Italy.

The body of the British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch was among those recovered by Italian divers, an official in the Sicilian capital, Palermo, said on Thursday, confirming that he was killed when a violent storm struck his yacht this week.

Of the 22 people on board the yacht, which had anchored off the Sicilian coast early Monday, when it sank, nine crew members and six passengers survived.

As of Thursday afternoon, Italian recovery teams had retrieved the bodies of the one remaining crew member and five passengers who had been on the yacht, which now lies in 165 feet of water near the port of Porticello, and were searching for one more passenger.

The death of Mr. Lynch was confirmed by Massimo Mariani, the prefect of Palermo, who said that the remaining missing person was the technology entrepreneur’s daughter Hannah.

The others victims were Jonathan Bloomer, the chairman of Morgan Stanley International; his wife, Judy Bloomer; Christopher J. Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance; and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

“This is an unimaginable grief to shoulder,” the Bloomer family said in a statement. “Our parents were incredible people.”

The Morvillo family said it was “completely devastated by the passing of Chris and Neda,” and added, “Their passing is a tremendous loss.”

The yacht was caught in a sudden downpour. Weather experts said that strong winds and lightning had hit the area and that the yacht had most likely been struck by air generated within a thunderstorm descending rapidly or by a waterspout , similar to a tornado over water.

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12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

yacht hatch refurbishment

Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

Rescue teams involving deep sea divers with the Italian firefighters’ corps, coordinated by the coast guard, as well as helicopters and rescue ships, had worked to reach the hull of the ship, which had settled on its side on the sea floor.

Carlo Dall’Oppio, the national head of Italy’s firefighters, said on Thursday that the boat was tilted by 90 degrees on the sea bottom. He said the bodies had been found “in the cabins,” although it remained unclear if they were all found in the same one.

The rescue teams recovered four bodies on Wednesday and one on Thursday, bringing them ashore in body bags in front of a crowd of reporters and onlookers.

The priority remained “the recovery of the missing body,” said Mr. Mariani. Once that search is completed, the judicial authorities would decide the next steps, he said.

The bodies recovered so far were already at the disposal of prosecutors, he said, “and then there is the investigative phase,” which would include the recovery of the yacht.

The Italian prosecutors handling the case have attracted strong criticism from the local press association because of their reluctance to share any information with reporters.

As of Thursday, they had not held a news conference or released a statement on the investigation, generating what the Sicilian press association called “a black market of news” that made it hard to verify information.

Finally, on Thursday afternoon, Ambrogio Cartosio, the prosecutor handling the case, said that a news conference would be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday in the town of Termini Imerese, the location of his office.

Mr. Mariani said the operations to recover the bodies had gone quickly, taking into account that the divers had a limited amount of time — about 12 minutes — to operate before coming up.

“It was complicated and also potentially dangerous for the divers,” he said, because of the size of the yacht. “There are objective difficulties; thankfully, they are well trained and know what they are doing.”

Michael J. de la Merced contributed reporting from London.

Emma Bubola is a Times reporter based in Rome. More about Emma Bubola

Elisabetta Povoledo is a reporter based in Rome, covering Italy, the Vatican and the culture of the region. She has been a journalist for 35 years. More about Elisabetta Povoledo

Bayesian yacht sinking live: 5 bodies found as tech magnate Mike Lynch and Morgan Stanley International chair both identified

The first body has been recovered from the sunken Bayesian superyacht.

Divers searching the wreck of a superyacht that sank off Sicily have identified the five recovered bodies brought up from the wreck so far, including that of UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch and Jonathan Bloomer, chair of Morgan Stanley International.

Specialist divers working with an underwater robot on Wednesday had pulled up four bodies from the wreck of the “Bayesian”, while another was pulled up on Thursday morning, according to AFP reporters.

The five identified bodies are:

  • British technology tycoon Mike Lynch
  • Jonathan Bloomer, Morgan Stanley Bank International chairman
  • Judy Bloomer, Jonathan’s wife
  • Chris Morvillo, Clifford Chance lawyer
  • Neda Morvillo, the wife of Chris

Specialist divers are still searching for the last person missing, Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah Lynch.

Read more: Mike Lynch was ‘Britain’s Bill Gates’—but the late tech millionaire would spend many of his final months under house arrest

The 56-metre (185 feet) British-flagged “Bayesian” had been anchored some 700 metres off Porticello when it was struck by a waterspout — akin to a mini-tornado — during a pre-dawn storm.

It sank within minutes.

Fifteen people were rescued, including Lynch’s wife and a woman with a one-year-old baby.

But the tech entrepreneur and his daughter, his lawyer Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda, and Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy, were all reported missing.

Lynch and his daughter, his lawyer Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda, and Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy, were all reported missing.

Many questions remain about why the yacht sank, and on Thursday the head of the company which built the boat said the tragedy could have been avoided.

“Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors,” said Giovanni Costantino, head of the Italian Sea Group, which includes the Perini Navi company that built “Bayesian”.

He told Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper that bad weather was forecast and all the passengers should have been gathered at the assembly point, all the doors and hatches closed.

Security camera footage of the ship from the shore showed the lights on its mast going out, which Costantino said indicated a short circuit, meaning that the ship had already taken on water.

“A Perini ship resisted Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 (hurricane). Does it seem to you that it can’t resist a tornado from here?” he told the newspaper.

“It is good practice when the ship is at anchor to have a guard on the bridge, and if there was one he could not have failed to see the storm coming.

“Instead it took on water with the guests still in the cabin… They ended up in a trap, those poor people ended up like mice.”

Five minutes

The passengers were guests of Lynch — an entrepreneur sometimes referred to as Britain’s Bill Gates — to celebrate his acquittal in a massive US fraud case.

The 59-year-old was acquitted on all charges in a San Francisco court in June after he was accused of an $11 billion fraud linked to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.

Among the survivors was Charlotte Golunski, board director of a company founded by Lynch, who has described how she briefly lost hold of her one-year-old daughter before grabbing her again. Both were plucked to safety.

Fabio Genco, a member of the Palermo Emergency Medical Services who was among the team that treated the child, described the “apocalyptic” situation he found on arriving at the scene.

“The word that the mother and all the injured kept repeating was ‘darkness’, the darkness that they experienced during the shipwreck,” he told the BBC’s Newsnight programme.

“They spoke of about five minutes, maybe from three to five minutes, from the moment the boat was lifted, raised by the waves of the sea, until it sank.”

He said the survivors rescued had been in shock: “There were truly apocalyptic scenes where everyone was searching and hoping to find the people who at that moment, were not present or just missing.”

All the survivors treated in hospital have been discharged, he confirmed.

Anarchic sea conditions

The speed with which the yacht sank, and the fact that other boats around it were unaffected, was extraordinary.

Some key questions remain, including whether the keel, which provides a counterbalance to the towering mast, was down when the storm hit.

Matthew Schanck, from the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, told AFP what happened was a “pretty unprecedented”, describing it as a “black swan event” — something that is unlikely, but has a big impact.

UK meteorologist Peter Inness described a waterspout as a “narrow column of rotating air below a thunderstorm that occurs over water”.

Like tornadoes, they suck up air in a rotating motion. Many are fairly inconsequential, but some can pack winds of more than 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour, said Inness.

Jean-Marie Dumon, a former naval officer now with the GICAN, the French maritime industry association, added that conditions with winds of 100kph or more can “create completely anarchic sea conditions which can cause capsizing”.

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