«Schwedens Marine ist bereit, die freie Schifffahrt in der Ostsee zu verteidigen» – kommandiert wird sie von einer Frau

Der 500. Geburtstag der schwedischen Marine wird überschattet von der verschärften Sicherheitslage. Ihre Flotte habe die Situation aber im Griff, versichert Schwedens Marinechefin Ewa Skoog Haslum. Sorgen macht ihr die jahrzehntelange finanzielle Vernachlässigung der schwedischen Streitkräfte.

Schwedische und finnische Soldaten üben Zusammenarbeit während dem Nato-Manöver «Baltops 22» im vergangenen Juni.

Schwedische und finnische Soldaten üben Zusammenarbeit während dem Nato-Manöver «Baltops 22» im vergangenen Juni.

Nach fast dreissig mageren Jahren stehen der schwedischen Armee bessere Zeiten bevor. Die Marinechefin Ewa Skoog Haslum freut sich auf zwei neue U-Boote, «phantastische Fahrzeuge», vollgepfropft mit Spitzentechnologie. Allerdings muss die 54-Jährige noch mindestens bis 2028 warten, bis der Verteidigungskonzern Saab die U-Boote liefert – zehn Jahre verspätet und doppelt so teuer wie vorgesehen.

Skoog Haslum, seit Anfang 2020 am Steuerrad der schwedischen Marine, trinkt Kaffee – ihre erste Tasse, obwohl es schon früher Nachmittag ist. Im Aufenthaltsraum der Marinestreitschule ist es angenehm kühl und ruhig; ein willkommener Kontrast zum Trubel draussen. Die Marine hat an diesem heissen Augusttag zum 500-Jahr-Jubiläum ins südschwedische Karlskrona eingeladen, den geplanten Tag der offenen Tür musste sie jedoch aus dem Programm streichen. Wegen der verschlechterten sicherheitspolitischen Lage ist Schwedens wichtigster Flottenstützpunkt tabu für Neugierige. Stattdessen müssen die Besucher unter gleissender Sonne von der Uferpromenade aus beobachten, wie Kampfübungen und Rettungsaktionen auf See ablaufen. Der Zwölf-Uhr-Schlag der nahe liegenden Kirchen geht im ohrenbetäubenden Getöse eines Gripen-Kampfjets unter, dessen Pilot das Publikum begeistert.

Marinechefin Ewa Skoog Haslum.

Bessere internationale kooperation.

Welche Auswirkungen hat die veränderte sicherheitspolitische Lage auf die Marine? «Das Bedrohungsbild ist dasselbe, hat sich mit Russlands Aggression und dem Krieg in der Ukraine aber verschärft. Unsere wichtigste Aufgabe ist es, die freie Schifffahrt in der Ostsee zu sichern», sagt Konteradmiral Skoog Haslum. Die Zahl der Militärübungen steigt bereits seit Jahren: «Wir üben mehr, komplexer und häufiger mit anderen Nationen als früher, und wir sind noch mehr auf der Hut.» Skoog Haslum versichert, dass die Marine rund um die Uhr präsent sei und selbst kleinste Verletzungen des schwedischen Meeresraums wahrnehmen würde. Mit 2700 Kilometern Küstenlinie überwachen ihre Verbände eine der längsten Meeresgrenzen Europas.

Doch nicht nur der aggressive Nachbar hat den Alltag radikal verändert. Auch die Pandemie war ein Augenöffner: «Wir haben geglaubt, dass ‹just in time› funktioniert – doch das tut es weder für das Militär noch für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes.» Habe man sich früher etwa darauf verlassen können, ein kaputtes Teil innert ein paar Monaten beim ausländischen Hersteller reparieren zu lassen, kaufe man heute besser zwei davon oder beschaffe Ersatzteile, sinniert Ewa Skoog Haslum. Doch dies kostet.

Und gerade Geld ist das grosse Problem der Streitkräfte. Überzeugt davon, dass auf den Kalten Krieg der ewige Frieden folge, kürzte Schweden das Militärbudget im neuen Millennium massiv. Die Streitkräfte wurden ab- und umgebaut, statt der Landesverteidigung standen internationale Friedenseinsätze im Zentrum. Erst Russlands Annektierung der Krim weckte Schweden aus dem Dornröschenschlaf – Aufrüstung wurde wieder ins politische Vokabular aufgenommen: 2015 sowie 2020 erhielten Armee, Luftwaffe und Flotte erstmals wieder mehr Mittel, nachdem das Budget zuvor auf fast ein Prozent des Bruttoinlandprodukts gekürzt worden war, so tief wie fast nirgends in Europa. Kürzlich haben Regierung und Parlament avisiert, dass schon 2023 eine Nato-kompatible Aufstockung auf zwei Prozent beschlossen werden könnte.

Dies ist zwar viel Geld. Doch die für klare Worte bekannte Marinechefin erinnert daran, dass Schweden sich auf einem sehr tiefen Niveau befinde: «Muss man eine Bruchbude renovieren, so kostet dies mehr, als wenn man sein Haus kontinuierlich unterhält.» Ihre Frustration bezüglich der unsteten Materialbeschaffungen wie auch der langsamen Entscheide ist kein Geheimnis. Dennoch hofft sie, dass die Marine bald ein weiteres U-Boot bestellen kann. Neben Kampfjets waren U-Boote im vergangenen Jahrhundert der grosse Stolz Schwedens und von dessen Verteidigungsindustrie. Neue Modelle kamen im Zehn-Jahres-Takt auf den Markt, wie ein eindrücklicher Saal des Marinemuseums Karlskrona zeigt. Doch 1996 war Schluss damit. Zwei der drei damals gelieferten U -Boote des Typs Gotland wurden seither aufgerüstet, ebenso wie die «Visby-Korvetten» – Kampfschiffe, deren Tarn-Eigenschaften international für Aufmerksamkeit sorgten.

Nato-Beitritt verändert wenig

Obwohl Korvetten wie U-Boote über zwanzig Jahre auf dem Buckel haben, ist die Marinechefin voll des Lobes über die nach wie vor moderne Technologie. Sie gibt allerdings zu, dass es etwas peinlich sei, wenn sie mit ihrer alten Flotte und der zahlenmässig bescheidenen Mannschaft die amerikanischen Kollegen treffe. Damit die Marine ihren Auftrag auch künftig ausführen könne, brauche es neue Fahrzeuge und mehr als die derzeit 3200 Männer und Frauen.

Ewa Skoog Haslum, die schon als 14-Jährige zur Marine wollte und nun seit 35 Jahren dort Dienst leistet, hofft, dass die Flotte mit Schwedens avisiertem Nato-Beitritt eine Aufwertung erhält. International sei die Marine bereits heute sehr respektiert, und «wir prahlen ja gerne damit, dass wir auf unserem Gebiet die Besten sind». Innerhalb der Nato könnten Schweden und Finnland, mit dem man sehr eng kooperiere, eine grosse Verantwortung für die Ostseeregion übernehmen. Für die Flotte, wie für Schwedens Streitkräfte überhaupt, werde ein Beitritt zum Nordatlantikpakt keinen grossen Schritt darstellen, sagt Skoog Haslum: «Wir üben sehr häufig mit der Nato, unsere Kommandosprache ist Englisch, auch unsere Verfahren und fast alle Reglemente sind auf Englisch geschrieben, und wenn wir Material bestellen, so ist es interoperabel mit der Nato.» Es sei daher eher merkwürdig, dass Schweden nicht längst Mitglied sei.

Ein Luftkissen-Fahrzeug der schwedischen Marine im Einsatz bei den Nato-Manövern vom vergangenen Juni.

40 prozent frauen in der marineschule.

Was Ewa Skoog Haslum nervt, ist die Geschlechterfrage, die ihr Journalisten immer wieder stellen. So sorgte nicht erst ihre Beförderung zur ersten Chefin der Marine für Schlagzeilen. Schon als sie 2007 Kapitän eines schwedischen Kriegsschiffes wurde, das vor der Küste Libanons patrouillierte, wurde sie gefragt, wie es sich anfühle, Fahrzeugchefin im Auftrag der Uno zu sein. Oder wie sie als Mutter zweier kleiner Söhne fünf Monate auf See verbringen könne. Als ob dies für Väter kein Thema sei! Unter den diesjährigen Rekruten der Marinestreitschule seien 40 Prozent Frauen, sagt Skoog Haslum. Der Frauenanteil innerhalb der Streitkräfte werde mit der Zeit ganz natürlich steigen, aber bis dann verzerre ihre Generation die Statistik.

Die Zeit im Mittelmeer war für die Marinechefin äusserst lehrreich – im Gegensatz zu all den Übungen in der Ostsee, die den Krieg simulieren, herrschte auf ihrer Korvette der Ernstfall. Die Gefahr, vom Hizbullah beschossen zu werden, war äusserst real. In solchen Situationen müsse man rasch und einsam Entscheide treffen. Und man lerne, zu delegieren und sich auf seine Mannschaft zu verlassen.

Das Leben auf See vermisse sie, noch mehr aber die Besuche beim Personal sowie direkte Kontakte zu andern Marinechefs, die pandemiebedingt zu kurz kamen. Inzwischen ist das Reisen wieder in Gang gekommen. Eine etwas andere Mission erfüllte die Marinechefin Ende Mai, als zwei Schulschiffe nach Lübeck segelten . Dort hatte der spätere schwedische König Gustav Wasa vor 500 Jahren zehn Kriegsschiffe abgeholt, um das vom dänischen König eroberte Stockholm zu befreien. Ob Wasa die Fahrzeuge kaufte, geliehen bekam oder sogar stahl, lag über Jahrhunderte im Dunkeln. Ewa Skoog Haslum überreichte der Hansestadt deshalb eine symbolische Münze, um die eventuellen Schulden aus dem Jahr 1522 zu begleichen.

In den Anfangsjahren lag Schwedens Flotte vor Stockholm, wo sie winters oft festfror – derweil Dänemarks Kriegsschiffe vom eisfreien Kopenhagen her in schwedische Gewässer eindrangen. Um dem Feind nicht freie Hand zu lassen, verlegte König Karl XI. seine Schiffe 1679 auf eine Insel im Süden, die meeresseitig durch eine dichte Schärenlandschaft geschützt war. Karlskrona war geboren, und die Stadt soll auch in Zukunft eine zentrale Rolle für die Marine spielen. Nur einen Sprung von der Marinestreitschule entfernt liegt die traditionelle Karlskrona-Werft. Vor kurzem war sie noch dem Untergang geweiht und Objekt eines diplomatischen «U-Boot-Krieges» zwischen Schweden und Deutschland , heute nehmen hinter meterhohen Mauern und unter grösster Geheimhaltung die neuen U-Boote Gestalt an.

Der Nato-Beitritt von Finnland und Schweden ist noch lange nicht in trockenen Tüchern

Von der sommerfrische zum militärstrategischen brennpunkt – drei grosse ostseeinseln erhalten eine bereits überwunden geglaubte rolle zurück, schwedens vergebliche u-boot-jagd – und was davon bleibt, mehr von ingrid meissl årebo (inm), auf gotland ist der perfekte rasen hässlich und braun, endstation für russische touristen: estland schliesst die grenze, der bundesrat lässt sich mit dem energiesparen zeit, sie sind hochmotiviert, vielseitig und im ernstfall innert stunden einsatzbereit: schwedens freiwilligenarmee erlebt dank putin einen boom, ob könig, bundesrat oder schreiner – am wasalauf sind alle gleich, mehr zum thema schweden, schweden wollte den koranverbrenner salwan momika in sein heimatland irak abschieben. es kam anders, nato-beitritt von schweden: schweden ist jetzt offizielles mitglied des verteidigungsbündnisses, mit schwedens beitritt wird die nato grösser – doch welchen beitrag leistet das skandinavische land, gewinnt die nato nach schwedens beitritt die alleinige kontrolle über die ostsee es ist kompliziert – eine analyse in karten, wiedereinführung der wehrpflicht boris pistorius nimmt anschauungsunterricht in skandinavien, nach langem zögern: ungarn stimmt schwedens nato-beitritt zu, kostenlose onlinespiele, kreuzworträtsel, bubble shooter, power of two.

Skåne County, Sweden

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Ystad is a picturesque seaside town located in the south of Sweden. It’s renowned for its sandy beaches, historic buildings, delicious seafood, and slow paced life. 

On Ferryhopper, you can find useful information about the coastal town of Ystad, what to do and see, and how to get there by ferry! Find the crossing that suits you best and learn how to plan your ferry trip in Sweden easily and quickly !

View to the baroque St. Mary’s Church from a street in Historic Ystad

St Mary’s Church, the oldest building in Ystad

Vacation in Ystad

Ystad is one of the coziest and most charming towns in southern Sweden, on the coast of the Baltic Sea, and is set in Skåne’s breathtaking landscape . It harmoniously combines medieval architecture, top-class museums and art galleries, and 40 km of sandy beaches west and east of the town.

With pleasant pedestrian streets and striking timber framed houses dating back to the Middle Ages , visiting Ystad is like going back in time. The small colorful town also makes a great base for exploring the area, as well as Skåne, and trying tons of activities like hiking or fishing. Therefore, whether you’re a history lover, nature enthusiast or culture-seeker, Ystad has something for everyone yearning for a relaxing getaway away from everyday life.

How to get to Ystad

There are countless options when it comes to traveling to Ystad. To get there by ferry , there is a direct route from Świnoujście in Poland and the Danish island of Rønne to Ystad.

Alternatively, you may choose to arrive by plane . Your nearest point of arrival is Malmö Airport , which is just 30 minutes from the city center by car. You can also fly to Copenhagen Airport , which is 1 hour away but serves many international connections.

If you wish to travel by train , Ystad can be reached from Stockholm or Copenhagen by high-speed train, changing at Lund or Malmö to a local train ( pågatåg ).

Tip : to learn more about ferries to Ystad , check out our relevant section below and get in the right mood for holidays on Sweden’s southern coast!

What to do in Ystad

One of the best things to do in Ystad is to walk through the city’s historic center and admire its medieval, pastel-coloured half-timbered cottages. Visit one of Ystad’s charming galleries or boutiques to purchase some artisan handicrafts and enjoy the comings and goings of the city’s famous veteran fire truck .

Historic Ystad has 2 key medieval buildings at its heart: the 13th-century monastery , with a cultural history museum, surrounded by idyllic gardens, and the nearby St. Mary's Church , the oldest building in the town. The 51 meter high church has a tradition of a nightwatchman blowing his horn from the church tower – all year round, every night, since the 18th century. This is a must-do experience which only exists here in Ystad. 

Ystad is also known as the " Hollywood of Sweden ." It’s home to the oldest cinema in Sweden (Biografteatern Scala), Scandinavia's largest film studio (Ystad studios) and the Cineteket interactive film museum. If you are a fan of the crime books and series of Henning Mankell, featuring fictional Ystad police inspector Kurt Wallander, we highly recommend following the Wallander trails .

In addition, Ystad is the perfect base for day excursions . During summer, enjoy a walk or swim at Sandhammaren, one of the most beautiful beaches in Sweden . Other day trip options include the cozy little village of Simrishamn and Stenshuvuds nature reserve .

Fine white sand and bushes on Sandhammaren beach, Sweden

Wavy day at the stunning Sandhammaren beach in Skåne, south Sweden

Sightseeing in Ystad

Ystad has a long history and a rich cultural heritage . Here, you can visit an array of cultural landmarks and well preserved late medieval and renaissance buildings. Among the most beautiful attractions to discover in and around Ystad we recommend:

  • Ales Stenar , 15 km east of Ystad, it is the Stonehenge of Sweden
  • The Marsvinsholm Castle , about 10 km northwest of Ystad
  • St. Mary's Church , dating back to 1200, it is the oldest building in the town
  • The Greyfriars Abbey , a medieval monastery that houses St Peter's Church and the Museum of Cultural History
  • The Ystad Art Museum , with works by contemporary southern Swedish and Danish artists
  • The Ystad Abbey, opened in 1267 and houses a popular museum
  • The Kemnerska gården , where the king Karl XII is said to have spent the night
  • The Ystads theater

Large stone blocks standing tall on a hill in Skåne, Sweden

Breathtaking views from the Ales Stenar monument in Skåne, Sweden

Nightlife in Ystad

The nightlife in Ystad is relatively quiet , filled with moments of relaxation and idyllic views! However, you will find several traditional pubs to enjoy local beer and wine along Stora Östergatan , Ystad’s busiest retail street, and Stortorget square .

Ystad also hosts the Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival , which takes place each year in early August and presents around 40 concerts and other events.

Food in Ystad

Ystad has a reputation for culinary innovation . There are a number of nice restaurants that you can visit during your vacation here, offering plenty of varieties of seafood and fresh fish, as well as t raditional Swedish food .

Useful information about Ystad

In Ystad you can find everything you might need for a pleasant, smooth holiday trip. It is a great destination for a weekend getaway and a beautiful town to relax surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. 

Regarding accommodation , you can find some nice hotels in central Ystad, as well as Bed & Breakfast options. You also have the opportunity to go camping close to the well-known Ystad sand beach. In addition, the town is home to what is considered the best resort in all of Sweden , Ystad Saltsjöbad. Related to healthcare , there is a hospital and medical center in Ystad located very close to the center of the town.

St. Peter’s Church surrounded by trees in Ystad, Sweden

The Church of St Peter at Greyfriars Abbey, Ystad

Important phone numbers for your stay in Ystad

Here are some useful contacts for your trip to Ystad: 

  • Port of Ystad: +4641118080
  • Ystad medical center: +46411995900
  • Ystad hospital: +46411995000
  • Police department: +46771141400
  • Ystad Tourist Information Office: +46411577681
  • European emergency number: 112

Transportation in Ystad

Considering its small size, everything is easily accessible on foot in Ystad. Another option is to use the bus or rent a bike to get around the town. There's also a little tourist street 'train' that runs tours in the city but also out in Sandskogen.

If you would like to explore Ystad’s picturesque countryside, we would recommend doing so with your vehicle .

Ports in Ystad

Until the 19th century, the Port of Ystad on the Baltic sea was one of Sweden's most important ports. Nowadays, with well over 2 million people passing through the port each year, it is the third busiest ferry port in Sweden .

The port is situated only a few minutes walk away from the city center and 660 meters northwest of Ystad railway station .

Ystad ferry: schedules and tickets

The port of Ystad has ferry connections with the port of Świnoujście in Poland and Rønne in Denmark. Here you can find more information on the ferry connections from/to Ystad:

  • Świnoujście - Ystad ferry : the ferry connection between Świnoujście and Ystad is operated by Polferries and Unity Line with up to 4 daily crossings all year round. The crossings last 6.5 to 7.5 hr .
  • Rønne - Ystad ferry : there are up to 8 daily connections from Rønne to Ystad, operated by Bornholmslinjen. The ferry crossing lasts around 1.5 hours .

Ship docked at the port of Ystad, Sweden

Ship just arrived at the port of Ystad

Book ferry tickets to Ystad online

At the moment, it’s not possible to book ferry tickets from/to Ystad on Ferryhopper. As we focus on including more routes, check out our interactive Map of ferries , browse all available ferry schedules in Sweden and book ferry tickets for your next trip!

Ystad ferry timetable

View the complete ferry schedule from and to Ystad for the upcoming week. Find up-to-date trip information, including departure and arrival dates and times, ferry operators and ticket prices.

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Sjöhistoriska museet i snölandskap

Welcome to The National Maritime Museum!

Opening hours.



Closed on Mondays

Closed because of internal conference

Children 0-18

Apart from an amazing view, the café serves lunch dishes, sandwiches and delicious fika such as bisquits and pastries.

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Highlights selected by curators from the Maritime Museum. Enjoy! 

Närbild av Originalmodellen. Tre miniatyrfigurer på däck. I förgrunden detaljer av riggen. I bakgrunden miniatyr kanoner.

For families

Children aged 0-6 are welcome to come and play in a magical part of the Baltic Sea, with submarines, fish, sunken treasures and shipwrecks! For the older ones, there's a creative workshop open on weekends.

Sjöhistoriska museet framifrån. En grupp människor står nedanför museets entrétrappa. Flaggstänger framför museet med hissade svenska flaggor.

Museum history

Here is the story of how Sweden, after many trials and tribulations, finally in 1938 got its Maritime Museum.


The library of the Maritime Museum is considered to comprise the largest collection of nautical books in the Nordic countries. Open to public Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12 am-4 pm.

staatsyacht schweden

Ships and boats

Sweden has a long coastline, many lakes, rivers and canals. Throughout history its people have been dependent on the waterways for transporting both goods and people. So sailing vessels are part of our cultural heritage.

Advokatbåten är en traditionell fiskebåt med klinkbyggt träskrov. Den har en förruff med fyra ventiler, en sittbrunn i aktern och en styrhytt. Bakom båten syns båthus på rad.

staatsyacht schweden

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From its beautiful waterfront position on Sweden’s southeast coast, the modern capital of Stockholm is truly resplendent. Spread across 14 different islands and criss-crossed by over 50 bridges, Stockholm is one of the world’s most alluring cityscapes.

Occupying a glittering expanse where the Baltic meets the appealing Lake Mälaren, Stockholm is a historical city turned design-mad. Recently experiencing a second youth, the streets of Stockholm are rampant with a confident population that pack the city’s many outdoor cafés, funky bars, and open-air spaces.

The city’s port is located in the heart of the city, surrounded by a myriad of intriguing cultural sights, inviting stores and historical landmarks. Stockholm is home to an impressive 70 museums including the unique open-air Skansen and the cutting-edge Nobel.

Islands Approaching this remarkable city by yacht blesses lucky travellers with the opportunity to sail through one of the most amazing natural scenes in the world; the spectacular archipelago of over 24,000 tiny islands. The small inhabited ones glitter with tiny red or yellow houses that look like the cottages of fairytales, while the larger islands like Sandhamm and Finnhamm are brushed with traditional restaurants and inns.

Gamla Stan (Old Town) The medieval quarter of Gamla Stan (Old Town) sits comfortably nearby the trendy harbour brimming with brilliant facilities, fabulous hotels, and charming cafés. A historic marvel, it is easy to while away an afternoon wandering the cobblestone alleys and atmospheric restaurants of this lovely area.

Stockholm is famous for its intricate and exquisite crystal designs, but also boasts attractive stores over-flowing with trendy fashions and local handicrafts.

Östermalm Northeast of the Old Town is the opulent neighbourhood of Östermalm where the city’s most tantalising shops, elegant streets and spectacular homes can be found. Not to be missed is the covered market of culinary delicacies at the Saluhall, a remarkable spread of truly sumptuous treats.

For fashionable upscale nightlife, head to Birger Jarlsgatan, Stureplan and the city end of Kungsträdgården where the glamorous bars and clubs attracts a glossy clientele.

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Shore Excursions

Stockholm, sweden.

The approach to Sweden’s capital city of Stockholm, through the untouched nature of the archipelago, is breathtaking. Spread over 14 islands, Stockholm is called “The City That Floats on Water.” Not surprisingly, 57 bridges traverse the city. Start your tour at Djurgården, an island that was once the hunting grounds of the king and is now home to the fascinating Vasa Museum, housing the world’s only preserved 17th-century warship. Stockholm has 70 museums, including the world’s oldest open-air museum, the Skansen. Explore the narrow streets and medieval buildings of Gamla Stan, the Old Town founded in the 13th century. Stockholm also gives you access to three UNESCO World Heritage sites: the Viking outpost of Birka, the unique cemetery of Skogskyrkogården, and Drottningholm Palace, which has been home to the royal family since 1662.

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  • Sweden Yachts
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BECAUSE THE WORLD IS MORE THAN TWO THIRDS WATER. The elegant design of a Sweden Yachts is quintessentially Swedish. Our boats are built to ensure performance, luxury, comfort and safety to the most discerning of sailors. All hulls and interiors are built by hand ensuring the highest of quality and adaptability to a customer’s bespoke wishes.

It all started in 1976 with a yacht (Sverige) that was built for America’s Cup. Since then, Sweden Yachts has developed into being one of the world’s leading producers of luxurious, high quality sailing yachts, helping customers to find and participate in buying the boat of their dreams. Sweden Yachts is represented by people with ambitions to construct, produce and sell the best yachts, and we never compromise with quality.

We are keen to establish a close working relationship with all our customers and to give the best service in the process of purchasing a new yacht. Sweden Yachts owners all over the world have become our friends and we make sure to keep in touch and inform them about news from the yard. The yard today is located in Kungsviken, Sweden. Our customers can visit us throughout the whole process of buying, building and delivering their yacht and experience all stages of the production at the Yard. Sweden Yachts now build boats in the range of 40 to 54 feet, each with their own characteristics but with one thing in common; excellent quality throughout, and sailing performance above expectations.

SWEDEN YACHTS OWNERS If you are the owner of a Sweden Yachts or prospective owner we are here to help.  You can download archived brochures and specifications below. You are welcome to contact us at  [email protected] for further help and information.

If you are a member of Facebook and a Sweden Yachts owner or enthusiast you may well be happy to know that there is an owners’ group on this platform. You can find the group by either clicking on the following link www.facebook.com/groups or simply by searching for Sweden Yachts Owners on Facebook and requesting to join. This is a great opportunity to be part of a sailing community where you can receive or share tips and advice from other Sweden Yachts owners.

Sweden Yachts

It all started in 1976 with a yacht (Sverige) that was built for America’s Cup. Since then, Sweden Yachts has developed into being one of the world’s leading producers of luxurious, high quality sailing yachts, helping customers to find and participate in buying the boat of their dreams. Sweden Yachts is represented by people with ambitions to construct, produce and sell the best yachts, and we never compromise with quality.

We are keen to establish a close working relationship with all our customers and to give the best service in the process of purchasing a new yacht. Sweden Yachts owners all over the world have become our friends and we make sure to keep in touch and inform them about news from the yard. The yard today is located in Kungsviken, Sweden. Our customers can visit us throughout the whole process of buying, building and delivering their yacht and experience all stages of the production at the Yard. Sweden Yachts now build boats in the range of 40 to 54 feet, each with their own characteristics but with one thing in common; excellent quality throughout, and sailing performance above expectations.

  • Sweden Yachts 42
  • Sweden Yachts 45

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  • Sweden Yachts 54
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  • 08:00 - 16:00
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  • Bowthruster
  • Furling mainsail
  • Fully battened mainsail
  • Electric toilet

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Sweden Yacht charters

Beautiful Scandinavian country with an impressive coastline. Explore waters of Sweden with yacht charter from bases in Stockholm or Gothenburg. 12 Knots offers great variety of sailboats and motor yachts for yacht charter in Sweden.

Rent a Boat in Sweden: 62 Available

Viggen 23 sailboat charter (1974).

Main image - 0

Rent a boat Albin 25 (1979) in Sweden

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Power boat Delphia Nano (2015) for rent in Sweden

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Delphia Escape 800 power boat charter (2014)

no name - 0

Rent a boat Delphia Escape 800 (2014) in Sweden

Linnea - 0

Sailboat Oceanis 38.1 (2017) for rent in Sweden


Bavaria Cruiser 32 sailboat charter (2012)

Main image - 0

Rent a boat Dufour 360 GL - 3 cab. (2020) in Sweden


Power boat Regina von Platen (1995) for rent in Sweden

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Dufour 412 GL sailboat charter (2020)


Sweden Yacht Charter Reviews with 12knots

Matthew Gunnison

“Thanks for helping to coordinate!”

It was terrific, thanks. Sail Marine is a great outfit. Thanks for helping to coordinate! Best, Matt


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Sweden yacht charter

Sweden yacht charter

Sweden is a unique yacht charter  destination ideal for people who want to completely abandon  civilization. Explore numerous islands and rugged coastline with yacht  charter from Gothenburg, Stockholm Lidingo or Malm. Experience rough  Scandinavian beauty sailing in the kingdom of calm nature and  unforgettable sceneries. Yacht charter in Sweden with its Rugged  coastline and interesting history and excellent weather conditions has a  lot to offer to even most demanding sailors.

Vast country area is taken under government protection. Sail around  to see some places with old windmills, secluded beaches brightned by the  cool sun, or unusual medieval towns with various attractions. All this  will make for a memorable sailing vacation in Sweden.

Frequently Asked Questions about yachting in Sweden

How much does it cost to rent a yacht in sweden , how many boats are available for rent in sweden , what are the main yacht charter bases in sweden , what boats are available for charter in sweden .

staatsyacht schweden


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  • Sweden Yachts

New and used Sweden Yachts for sale

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  • Sweden Yachts 34
  • Sweden Yachts 34 C
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  • Sweden Yachts 38
  • Sweden Yachts 39
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Sweden Yachts 390

Search all our new or used Sweden Yachts for sale. We have Sweden Yachts brokers and sellers from around the world at great prices.

History of Sweden Yachts

Sweden Yachts has a rich history that dates back to 1976 when the Sverige yacht was built for the America's Cup. Since then, the company has grown into one of the world's leading producers of luxurious and high-quality sailing yachts. With a commitment to never compromise on quality, Sweden Yachts attracts customers who are looking to find and purchase their dream boat.

One of the company's main priorities is establishing a close working relationship with its customers. They strive to provide the best service throughout the purchasing process, ensuring their customers' needs and desires are met. This dedication to customer satisfaction has led to many of their customers becoming lifelong friends.

Today, the Sweden Yachts yard is located in Kungsviken, Sweden. Customers have the opportunity to visit the yard and witness every stage of the production of their yacht, from buying to building and delivery. With boats ranging in size from 40 to 54 feet, each yacht is unique in its characteristics but shares a common trait: exceptional quality and performance that exceeds expectations.

Sweden Yachts has a storied history in the world of sailing yachts, and their commitment to quality and customer service has solidified their position as a top producer in the industry.

Which models do Sweden Yachts produce?

Sweden Yachts produce a range of boats including the Sweden Yachts 34 and Sweden Yachts 45 . For the full list of Sweden Yachts models currently listed on TheYachtMarket.com, see the model list in the search options on this page.

What types of boats do Sweden Yachts build?

Sweden Yachts manufactures a range of different types of boats. The ones listed on TheYachtMarket include Sloop , Cruiser , Cruiser/racer , Bluewater cruiser and Coastal cruiser .

How much does a boat from Sweden Yachts cost?

Used boats from Sweden Yachts on TheYachtMarket.com range in price from £24,700 GBP to £270,000 GBP with an average price of £134,000 GBP . A wide range of factors can affect the price of used boats from Sweden Yachts, for example the model, age and condition.

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  1. Hohenzollern Operational History

    Staatsyacht 1893 - 1923 Info History Operational History Technical Data 1:1250 Model 08.04.1893: Hohenzollern is commissioned.-24.04.1893: Trials. 1893: Two visits in Sweden. 1894: Voyage to Drontheim. 1895: Opening of the Kiel-Channel, the Hohenzollern is the first ship to make a transit. Voyages to Sweden and England. 1896: Voyages to Italy ...

  2. Liste von Staatsyachten

    In der Liste von Staatsyachten sind Schiffe aufgeführt, die offiziell durch Staaten oder Staatsoberhäupter genutzt wurden und Repräsentationszwecken bzw. dem Transport der jeweiligen Repräsentanten dienten. Zu diesem Zweck in Fahrt sind gegenwärtig die Motoryachten Dannebrog ( Dänemark ), Norge ( Norwegen) und Savarona ( Türkei ).

  3. Schwedens Marine: bereit für Nato mit Frau als Kommandantin

    Der 500. Geburtstag der schwedischen Marine wird überschattet von der verschärften Sicherheitslage. Ihre Flotte habe die Situation aber im Griff, versichert Schwedens Marinechefin Ewa Skoog Haslum.

  4. Timetable & prices

    Ticket Offices. Of course, there is a possibility to buy tickets for your ferry trip with FRS Baltic directly at the ferry terminals in Sassnitz and Trelleborg. Please note that we charge a service fee of 12€ at the ticket offices, as we have a high amount of administrative cost for this kind of booking. We kindly ask you to book online.

  5. Hohenzollern Information

    Staatsyacht 1893 - 1923 Info History Operational History Technical Data 1:1250 Model Named after the family of the German Emperor. Contruction Data. Laid down: Vulcan Stettin, 1891: Launched: 27.06.1892: Commissioned: 08.04.1893: Fate: scrapped 1923: Costs: Top of page ...

  6. Hohenzollern History

    Staatsyacht 1893 - 1923 Info History Operational History Technical Data 1:1250 Model The German Emperor Wilhelm II was very unsatisfied with the imperial yacht Hohenzollern, an outdated paddlewheel steam ship. As it got diffucult to approve the budget for such an imperial yacht, the ship was planned as a dual usage vessel: Imperial Yacht and ...

  7. Ystad Travel Guide & Ferry Info

    Until the 19th century, the Port of Ystad on the Baltic sea was one of Sweden's most important ports. Nowadays, with well over 2 million people passing through the port each year, it is the third busiest ferry port in Sweden. The port is situated only a few minutes walk away from the city center and 660 meters northwest of Ystad railway station.

  8. Welcome to The National Maritime Museum!

    Here is the story of how Sweden, after many trials and tribulations, finally in 1938 got its Maritime Museum. Collections. Collections The library of the Maritime Museum is considered to comprise the largest collection of nautical books in the Nordic countries. Open to public Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12 am-4 pm.

  9. Stockholm Luxury Yachting Guide

    From its beautiful waterfront position on Sweden's southeast coast, the modern capital of Stockholm is truly resplendent. Spread across 14 different islands and criss-crossed by over 50 bridges, Stockholm is one of the world's most alluring cityscapes. Occupying a glittering expanse where the Baltic meets the appealing Lake Mälaren ...

  10. Stockholm, Sweden

    FARES FROM. $10,300*. USD. MORE INFORMATION. REQUEST A QUOTE. COMPARE. *Taxes, fees and port expenses of $422 per passenger are additional. Fares are per person based on double occupancy. Learn more about what a luxurious cruise to Stockholm, Sweden has to offer with The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection.

  11. Six days exploring Sweden's east coast on a luxury yacht

    Karlskrona to Visby (via the island of Öland) Approximately 145 NM. The Island of Gotland is situated North East of Karlskrona, approx. 55 NM off the Swedish coast. Gotland is famous for its high coastline and the impressive limestone formations, called "Rauks". The island's capital, Visby, was first founded in 1203.

  12. Fähre Schweden

    Die schnellste Route von Deutschland nach Schweden. In Rekordzeit kannst du bei FRS mit der Fähre nach Schweden reisen oder andersherum von Schweden in den Deutschland-Urlaub fahren. Schnell in den Urlaub - mehr vom Urlaub. Unsere Fährverbindung Sassnitz - Schweden braucht dank des hochmodernen High-Speed-Katamarans nur 2,5 Stunden.

  13. Sweden Yachts

    The elegant design of a Sweden Yachts is quintessentially Swedish. Our boats are built to ensure performance, luxury, comfort and safety to the most discerning of sailors. All hulls and interiors are built by hand ensuring the highest of quality and adaptability to a customer's bespoke wishes. It all started in 1976 with a yacht (Sverige ...

  14. Sweden Yachts

    The Comfort 34 designed by Kenneth Albinsson was presented around 1974 by Comfort Boats of Arvika, Sweden. In 1978 Sweden Yachts in Stenungsund took over the model and the name was changed to C34. Production continued until 1986 when the Sweden Yachts 340 was released. In total there were 235 boats built.

  15. Sweden Yachts

    It all started in 1976 with the 12 meter yacht (Sverige) that was built for America's Cup. Since then, Sweden Yachts has developed into being one of the world's leading producers of luxurious, high quality sailing yachts, helping customers to find and participate in buying the boat of their dreams. Sweden Yachts is represented by people with ambitions to construct, produce and sell the ...

  16. Sweden Yachts

    sweden yachts - kungsviken 722 - se-473 99 henÅn, sweden - phone: +46 (0)304 596 00

  17. Rent a boat in Stockholm (Sweden) 2024-2025

    Stockholm YACHT CHARTERS, Sweden. 12 Knots offers crewed and bareboat yacht charters in Stockholm, Sweden. You may choose the right boat for you from 30 yachts listed on the web site. Click on the one you like to make an easy reservation for your sailing vacation in Stockholm.Rates start from $91 per week. Bases.

  18. Sweden Yacht Charters 2024

    Sweden yacht charter. Sweden is a unique yacht charter destination ideal for people who want to completely abandon civilization. Explore numerous islands and rugged coastline with yacht charter from Gothenburg, Stockholm Lidingo or Malm. Experience rough Scandinavian beauty sailing in the kingdom of calm nature and unforgettable sceneries.

  19. New and used Sweden Yachts for sale

    Used boats from Sweden Yachts on TheYachtMarket.com range in price from £24,700 GBP to £270,000 GBP with an average price of £131,000 GBP. A wide range of factors can affect the price of used boats from Sweden Yachts, for example the model, age and condition. Used Sweden Yachts for sale from around the world.

  20. Ferry Germany

    Welcome to FRS - the newest and fastest catamaran for travels between Sweden and Germany. In only 2.5 hours, we connect the idyllic scenery of Rügen with the beautiful region of South Swedish Skåne. Our ferry between Sweden and Germany allows you to be on holiday in no time. We look forward to welcoming you on board our high speed craft.

  21. Startpage

    When you book through our website, you will always be given flexible booking conditions, regardless of changes to your own holiday plans or the world around you. Information about our booking conditions. At the Swedish Tourist Association, we want to inspire you to large and small adventures. Come discover Sweden with us!

  22. Boats for sale in Sweden

    Motorized yachts are more common than sailing boats in Sweden with 194 powerboats listed for sale right now, versus 49 listings for sailboats. Prices for yachts in Sweden start at $30,812 for the lowest priced boats, up to $3,830,372 for the most luxurious, opulent superyachts and megayachts, with an average overall yacht value of $246,642.

  23. Staatsyacht Sehnsucht

    Staatsyacht Sehnsucht, Oranienburg. 206 likes · 16 were here. Dies ist die offizielle Seite des Kurbrandenburgischen Marinevereins e.V. und der Staatsyacht Sehnsucht.