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Disculpen las molestias

Departamento Informática.

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Orc 5 - sportboat.

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RCNP Informa

Ocio, escuelas de vela, escuelas de piragüismo, equipos de competición, conferencias, charlas, conciertos. Para mantenerse informado de todas las actividades que realizamos en Club.

Trofeo Ciutat de Palma: SPRINT 2024

Carta de agradecimiento del presidente del RCNP a los socios

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Adrián Castaño: “Cuando empecé, no esperaba llegar aquí”

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Alex Graneri, medalla de bronce en el Mundial Sub 23 de piragüismo

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El RCNP reedita el triunfo en el Circuito Mediterráneo de Vela

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La familia del RCNP celebró su 76 aniversario

  • Conferencia

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La triple medallista olímpica Lydia Valentín protagoniza este viernes una charla sobre el esfuerzo en el RCNP

Ponte en Forma es un programa con gran variedad de actividades dirigidas, en unas instalaciones modernas y adaptadas para la práctica deportiva.   [+]

Disfruta del mar de Palma, de sus paisajes y de unas horas de diversión emocionante en una de las tres modalidades de nuestra escuela de vela: INFANTIL y JUVENIL.   [+]

El Real Club Náutico de Palma tiene unos equipos que participan en las competiciones que se celebran tanto en las islas provinciales como a niveles nacionales e internacionales.   [+]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolore eiusmod quis tempor incididunt ut et dolore Ut veniam unde voluptatem. Sed unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem.

Amazing Project

Trofeo RCNP A2

  • del 14 de Enero al 24 de Noviembre de 2024
  • ORC 0 - 3 , ORC 4 - 5

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui sint blanditiis prae sentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non eleifend enim a feugiat. Pellentesque viverra vehicula sem ut volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing condimentum eleifend enim a feugiat.

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Sandberg Estates J/70 Worlds

  • del 13 al 22 de Septiembre de 2024

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  • 12 de Octubre de 2024

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Swan One Design Worlds

  • del 23 al 27 de Octubre de 2024

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OK Dinghy European Championship 2024

  • del 28 de Octubre al 03 de Noviembre de 2024

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Regata Palma - Melilla - Palma

  • del 05 al 22 de Noviembre de 2024

yacht club palma de mallorca

Trofeo Ciutat de Palma

yacht club palma de mallorca

$Trofeo Ciutat de Palma

yacht club palma de mallorca

$RCNP Informa

yacht club palma de mallorca

$Ponte en Forma 2024 - 2025

yacht club palma de mallorca

$Ciclo de Valores

Los artífices de nuestros éxitos!

Palacio Can Marqués

OK Mobility

OK Mobility

Hostipal Quirón PalmaPlanas

Watches of Switzerland

Watches of Switzerland

Martín Codax

Martín Codax


Los regatistas más importantes del mundo han marcado su pasado y siguen marcando su presente, con una impronta que muy pocos clubs pueden ostentar.

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yacht club palma de mallorca

Aviso Legal

Información sobre el titular del sitio web, la asociación deportiva real club nautico de palma con domicilio en muelle san pedro, 1, palma de mallorca (islas baleares), es titular del dominio rcnp.es, provista de c.i.f. g-07019268, está inscrita en el registro de asociaciones deportivas de baleares, con fecha del día 15/12/1987 y con el número dc. 0806., el real club nautico de palma podrá alterar en cualquier momento y sin aviso previo, el diseño, presentación y/o configuración del sitio web, así como algunos o todos los servicios, y añadir servicios nuevos. la utilización de este sitio web implica la plena aceptación de las disposiciones incluidas en este aviso en la versión publicada por real club nautico de palma en el momento en que el usuario acceda al sitio web., responsabilidad hacia los menores de edad, si los padres o tutores consienten que los menores de edad a su cargo usen los servicios de real club nautico de palma de inscripción obligatoria, éstos se responsabilizan del comportamiento de los menores, del control de sus accesos, así como de las consecuencias que pudiesen derivar del uso inapropiado de los servicios del real club nautico de palma por menores de edad., los padres o tutores deben ser conscientes de que el real club nautico de palma no garantiza que todos los contenidos de este sitio web sean apropiados para menores de edad., cookies e ips, el usuario acepta el uso de cookies y seguimientos de ips. nuestro analizador de tráfico del sitio web utiliza cookies y seguimientos de ips que nos permiten recoger datos a efectos estadísticos como: fecha de la primera visita, número de veces que se ha visitado, fecha de la última visita, url y dominio de la que proviene, explorador utilizado y resolución de la pantalla. no obstante, el usuario si lo desea puede desactivar y/o eliminar estas cookies siguiendo las instrucciones de su navegador de internet., concesión de derechos por parte de real club nautico palma, el material de la red de real club nautico de palma, incluyendo textos, software, códigos de fuentes para html, java y flash, fotos, vídeos, gráficos, música y sonidos está protegido por los derechos de autor. la descarga y la utilización de material protegido por los derechos de autor que haya suministrado rcnp.es se permite para su exclusivo uso privado; en la medida en que ello suceda en el ámbito de las estipulaciones legales aplicables y las presentes condiciones de negocio., en ningún caso el acceso a dichas páginas web implica ningún tipo de renuncia, transmisión o cesión total ni parcial de dichos derechos, ni confiere ningún derecho de utilización, alteración, explotación, reproducción, distribución o comunicación pública sobre dichos contenidos sin la previa y expresa autorización específicamente otorgada a tal efecto por parte del real club nautico de palma o del tercero titular de los derechos afectados, a salvo del derecho de visualizar y obtener una copia privada de seguridad de tales contenidos siempre que dicho derecho se ejercite según los principios de la buena fe y que en todo caso se mantenga inalterado en la eventual copia privada de seguridad el "copyright" y demás datos identificativos de los derechos del real club nautico de palma o terceros titulares de los mismos sobre tales contenidos, así como que se realice sin fines comerciales y exclusivamente para información personal del usuario., protección de datos de carácter personal, en caso de que el usuario facilite sus datos de carácter personal a través de alguno de los medios facilitados en el portal, se incluirán en un fichero correctamente declarado ante la agencia española de protección de datos. este fichero es titularidad y responsabilidad de real club nautico de palma. los datos de carácter personal facilitados serán procesados en españa., el usuario podrá acceder a su información, pudiendo ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y, en su caso, cancelación de acuerdo con lo establecido en la ley orgánica de protección de datos de carácter personal 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre y demás normativa aplicable al efecto, debiendo para ello dirigirse a:, oficina de regatas [email protected] real club nautico de palma muelle san pedro, 1 07012 palma de mallorca, el usuario deberá adjuntar siempre una fotocopia de su dni o documento equivalente en el supuesto de no ser español., el real club nautico palma adoptará todas las medidas razonables para confirmar la identidad del usuario antes de proporcionarle datos sobre la información personal que se tengan del mismo., exclusión de garantías y responsabilidad, real club nautico palma no se responsabiliza por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la falta de exactitud, exhaustividad, actualidad, así como a errores u omisiones de los que pudieran adolecer las informaciones y servicios contenidos de este sitio web u otros contenidos a los que se pueda acceder a través del mismo. real club nautico asume, no obstante, el deber y el compromiso de velar por rectificar cualquier contenido o información de este sitio web., asimismo, real club nautico palma no garantiza la disponibilidad, continuidad ni la infalibilidad del funcionamiento del sitio web, y en consecuencia excluye, en la máxima medida permitida por la legislación vigente, cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la falta de disponibilidad o de continuidad del funcionamiento del sitio web y de los servicios habilitados en el mismo, así como a los errores en el acceso a las distintas páginas web o a aquellas desde las que, en su caso, se presten dichos servicios., el real club nautico palma excluye cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda índole que pudieran deberse a los servicios prestados por terceros a través de este sitio web así como a los medios que éstos habilitan para gestionar las solicitudes de servicio, y concretamente, a modo enunciativo y no limitativo: por los actos de competencia desleal y publicidad ilícita como consecuencia de la prestación de servicios por terceros a través del sitio web, así como a la falta de veracidad, exactitud, exhaustividad, vicios, defectos, pertinencia y/o actualidad de los contenidos transmitidos, difundidos, almacenados, recibidos, obtenidos, puestos a disposición o accesibles mediante los servicios prestados por terceros a través de este sitio web., en particular, el real club nautico palma declina cualquier tipo de responsabilidad de la actividad que en este sitio web desarrollan las compañías acciona y ultramar express en la venta de billetes para el transporte marítimo y para la venta de alojamiento, respectivamente, debiendo ceñirse el usuario a las condiciones y términos generales establecidos por dichas compañías en el marco de los servicios que a través de este sitio web prestan., el real club nautico palma informa que la transmisión de información a través de internet, tanto por correo electrónico como por correo basado en web, sólo resulta segura cuando se codifica. es posible que los mensajes del usuario se envíen a través de un número indeterminado de países antes de que lleguen a su destinatario; tal es la naturaleza de la world wide web/intranet. el real club nautico palma no puede responsabilizarse de ningún acceso no autorizado o pérdida de información personal que escape de su nuestro control..

El dominio rcnp.es contiene enlaces a otros sites. El REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA no se responsabiliza de la política de privacidad de esos sites. Se sugiere al usuario máxima precaución cuando abandone el presente site y la lectura de las políticas de privacidad de todos y cada uno de los sites que reúnan información personal identificable. Esta política de privacidad sólo es aplicable a la información contenida en wl site del REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA.

En consecuencia, tanto el acceso a dichas Páginas Web como el uso que pueda hacerse de la información y contenidos incluidos en las mismas se efectúa bajo la exclusiva responsabilidad de quien lo realice, y el REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA no responderá en ningún caso y en ninguna medida, ni por daños directos ni indirectos, ni por daño emergente ni por lucro cesante, por los eventuales perjuicios derivados del uso de la información y contenidos accesibles en dicha Página Web o del acceso a otras Páginas Web o contenidos de terceros a través de las conexiones y "links" existentes.

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Política cookies.

En las Webs del REAL CLUB NÁUTICO PALMA utilizamos cookies. En caso de utilizar nuestras webs sin proceder a la desactivación de las cookies en su navegador, manifiesta su consentimiento para la instalación de las mismas.

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Sail-Clubs Logo

  • Real Club Nautico de Palma, Baleares, Spain

Palma de Mallorca

Sailing / Yacht Club

Real Club Nautico de Palma

View on map

Founded Year

The Real Club Nautico Yacht Club is situated at the heart of the Bay of Palma, in the SW of Mallorca. Perfectly protected from the winds and storms, it offers its visitors exemplary safety. 10 km by motorway from the Son Sant Joan international airport, 3 km from the Port of Palma, and situated in the middle of the Paseo Marítimo, the Club has pedestrian access to the centre of the City and immediate connection to the network of land communications on the Island. Its strategic position also allows you speedy access to taxis, buses, trains, car rental companies, shops, cinemas, theatres, ships chandlers, bars, restaurants, discos, etc. The Club is thus an ideal maritime venue for maritime connections with neighbouring islands and the most important ports of the Balearic archipelago.

Plaza de San Pedro, nº 1

(+34) 971 726 848

(+34) 971 718 636

[email protected]


News and Offers

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Real Club Nautico

Harbour real club nautico, real club nautico.

The luxurious yacht club in the heart of Palma Bay: The Real Club Náutico is one of the most important marinas in the Balearic Islands and thus a sought-after maritime meeting place. The popular club surpasses its high standards year after year. Numerous services, high security measures and a varied entertainment programme make every stay a real pleasure. The largest marina in Palma, with just under 1000 berths, is just as popular with club members as it is with the international public. We recommend booking in good time.

Small boutiques and impressive department stores: Palma is a true shopper’s paradise. From small souvenirs to regional products and luxury goods of all kinds, the old town and the Porto Pí Shopping Centre fulfil every wish. For authentic, local products, it’s worth marvelling at the market stalls.

The Real Club Náutico regularly attracts exciting sailing regattas. In spring, the season opens with the PalmaVela and a big party for the spectators, and in August, sailing enthusiasts from all over the world celebrate their sport at the Copa del Rey MAPFRE.


Theatres, cinemas, bars and discos: leisure options abound in Palma’s old town, which is within walking distance. During the day, weekly and hippy markets are a popular activity in the island capital, in the evening you can visit galleries or immerse yourself in the city’s colourful nightlife. Our tip: The former fishing village of Portixol has developed into a real trendy district in Palma. Here it’s all about seeing and being seen – on a stroll along the waterfront promenade or over lunch in a charming café.


Evenings in Palma are exciting and glamorous. Whether it’s exclusive parties in the city’s popular nightclubs or elegant dinners in one of the excellent restaurants near the harbour, Palma’s special atmosphere captivates everyone.

harbour real club nautico de sant joan


The team at Forn de Sant Joan delights its guests with a successful mix of rustic ambience and upscale, international cuisine. The creative and lovingly prepared fusion dishes and the unusual interior design in the dining room make the restaurant a real insider tip.


harbour real club nautico mar de nudos


Palma’s culinary scene reaches a new level with the “Mar de Nudos”. The multinational cuisine paired with a modern ambience creates a true oasis for gourmets. The gentle sway of the yachts in the marina makes the setting perfect. Homemade sushi specialities are joined by Mediterranean highlights and refreshing drinks on the exquisite menu. The pasta fresh from the cheese wheel is an insider tip among the guests. Taste your way through the nations and enjoy a special evening in Palma.



Palma’s unique chiringuito “LA CAÑA” invites you to a beach holiday in the middle of the city. Surrounded by the colours of the sea, dine and enjoy authentic Mediterranean food. The ambience is deliberately kept simple, which makes the beach bar feeling perfect. A visit to LA CAÑA is particularly worthwhile in large groups. A variety of tapas and different group menus make you want to get together in a relaxed setting. The restaurant puts it aptly: “There is always a reason to enjoy life and good tapas.”



Ready to get going? Vitality and pleasure combine to form a delightful duo at the VIDA. In tropical elegance, indulge all your senses with that certain something. While the eye feasts on splashes of colour, the nose catches the fine aromas of world cuisine. The fresh and sustainably created dishes melt on your tongue, until the cool glass of your signature cocktail refreshes your sense of touch to top it off. Depending on the event, you can enjoy soft jungle beats or precious pearls of electronic music. At VIDA, you can experience the diversity of Palma all along the line.



[email protected] www.rcnp.es

Coordinates: 39°34,0N 002°38,0’E VHF channel: 09/77 VHF call: Capitania real Club Náutico


  • Capitania: 971-726848
  • Club Náutico: 971-715100
  • Club fax: 971-718636
  • Port police: 971-780400
  • Doctor: 971-720224
  • 24h pharmacy: 971-402133


  • 946 berths for yachts up to 35 metres in length
  • 24-hour security
  • Repair service
  • Travel lift up to 100 tons
  • Yacht crane up to 12 tons
  • Petrol station
  • Water and electricity access up to 20 metres included


+34 971 23 22 04 (Telephone) +34 680 31 68 62 (WhatsApp) [email protected]

  • Contact form


Port Adriano, Local 3 07180 El Toro Mallorca, Spanien

yacht club palma de mallorca


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During its 60 years of existence, the Club has hosted an impressive number of international regattas. Its past has been characterised by the world´s most important competitors and this is continuing, leaving a legacy that very few clubs can demonstrate.

The history of the Club was condensed into a book printed in 1998 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. The book recounts an important part of the life of the Club, its sporting vocation and social anecdotes, and lists the various boards of directo rs, as well as its chairmen. In 1998 the Club was nominated as the “Best Spanish Yacht Club” in Bayonne, which corroborated the success of the reforms that have been carried out over the last six years.

The jetties, the dry dock, the offices, the library, the leisure rooms, the bars and restaurants, the terraces, the swimming pool, the gymnasium and the sailing school have all been completely refurbished.

In 1999 the Club was awarded the Distinction of “Important” by the Diario de Mallorca newspaper and a prize by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca and Ibiza.

Please find full information about the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA by using the following link:  HOMEPAGE REAL CLUB NÁUTICO


Privacy Overview

Palma Yacht Crew

Palma De Mallorca

yacht club palma de mallorca

Welcome to Mallorca!

Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the Balearic Islands and also one of the major yachting hubs in the Mediterranean. Here you will find large superyacht marinas, shipyards, crew agencies, crew training schools, a handful of crew houses and basically any other yachting service, you can ever dream of.

For yacht crew it is close to being the perfect destination to be based out of. Most marinas are located nearby shopping, nightlife and restaurants, perhaps with the exception of Puerto Portals and Port Adriano. The city itself has a great city vibe and is nothing less than breathtakingly beautiful! You will really enjoy your stay here, in particular on your days off, when you can explore the mountains, the old villages and of course the many beaches surrounding Mallorca. It is no wonder why so many yachties decided to call this little Mediterranean gem of an island home. There is little doubt that you will be leaving a rather large piece of your heart behind come the day, when you throw the lines and sail out through the Bay of Palma while watching the city and its’ cathedral with the mountains as a backdrop.

For those looking to find work or to get started in yachting, Palma is also a brilliant choice considering the large amount of crew agencies found here, the reasonably priced options for crew housing, crew training facilities, ease of networking and of course the large amount of yachts pulling in and out of port – all while being able to enjoy life to the fullest…  On the flipside many marinas are gated, yet most dockwalkers seem to be able to manage to hand out CVs, find daywork and for some that elusive permanent gig on the yacht of their dreams!

This little mini-guide was written to help you find your way around the city and to get settled in as smoothly as possible;

Please select any of the tabs below to view the information contained.

Palma De Mallorca Information

Enjoying mallorca, crew houses, property agencies, flat shares, room booking sites, accomodation facebook groups, transport info, tourist information, crew training, crew agencies, marinas & shipyards, crew medical services, emergency contacts.

1 Reserve crew house well in advance

The yachting hubs get very busy during the season with crew houses known to be fully booked from the end of March throughout June-ish. If you decide to stay in a crew house, then it is vital to make a reservation as soon as you know when you will be going. Make sure to bring a printed confirmation. A listing of crew houses can be found in the “Crew Houses”-section. Alternatively, you also have the option of staying in a hostel. HostelWorld is a brilliant tool to help you find the most suitable hostels for soon-to-be-yachties.

2 Passport- and visa copy

Keep with you a laminated copy of your passport and any visa you may be required. This way you limit the risk of being stuck overseas without any sort of ID. Include your emergency contact numbers on the backside – and possibly also your blood type.

3 Credit Card numbers

Make a note of your credit card numbers and the related lost/stolen telephone help line. You can leave them on a note with your family, for instance.

4 Local Transport

This is usually pretty easy although during the evenings or on public holidays public transportation can be somewhat limited. Tell the driver where you need to go, and he will normally let you know where to get off.

Watch your belongings when using public transportation. Several cases of crew having lost bags, phones etc. have been reported in the past.

The public transport around Mallorca is actually quite good;

  • city buses (EMT)
  • island-wide buses (TIB)
  • public train line serving Inca and Manacor
  • scenic tourist train Palma – Sóller, where you can connect to Port de Sollèr via the vintage tram
  • ferries to Menorca, Ibiza, Barcelona, Valencia and Toulon

On the Palma de Mallorca Airport website you will find updated flight info along with other practical information about the airport itself and how to get to and from the airport .

To get into Palma from the airport get on Line 1 Airport–Palma .

Buses operate between 06.30 to 22.10h in direction of Palma and 05.30 to 21.30h in direction of the airport. A single fare is 5 Euros for non-residents. The bus stops just outside the arrivals and departures with easy access to both.

Fares within the city are 2 Euros or 1.50 if you buy a 10-journey prepaid card. All bus schedules can be found on the EMT Palma website .

If you are looking to go dockwalking in Puerto Portals ( Line 108N) and/or Port Adriano ( Line 106N ) you will need to get on the red/yellow TIB intercity bus, which operates between the main bus station underneath Plaza España and via the Paseo Maritimo (the port) to either of the two ports. All schedules and routes are listed here . Bus fares vary depending on your destination. Tickets are 40% cheaper when purchased in the bus station.

Airport taxis are found to the right of the pedestrian escalator just outside the arrivals terminal. The price into the city is approximately 18 Euros plus luggage- and night supplements. Taxis are usually plentiful but if not, they can be reached at

  • Taxi Palma +34 971 134 700
  • Taxis Palma Radio +34 971 401 414
  • Radio Taxi +34 971 201 212

There are three different lines operating from underneath Plaza España;

  • Line T1 Inca
  • Line T2 Sa Pobla via Inca
  • Line T3 Manacor via Inca, Sineu and Petra

All lines stop in Poligono Marratxí, where you find the Bluewater training facilities.

Additionally, the Ferrocarril de Sóller vintage train serves the very scenic route to Sóller from where you connect to Puerto de Sóller via the tram service. This makes for a great day of exploring. The Saturday market (8-14.00h) in Sóller followed by seaside lunch and drinks in the port is a Mallorca classic and a must-do!

  • Uber: Not available in Palma

A few good pointers to how you can save money / avoid being scammed when using ATMs and shopping with your bank card overseas;

– ALWAYS withdraw in LOCAL currency (US$ in US, EUROS in EU/Euro zone, GBP in UK, Rand in South Africa, Swiss Francs in Switzerland etc.)

– ALWAYS decline conversion (leave it to your own bank)

– ALWAYS pay good attention to the transaction fee – in particular in areas with lots of nightlife. (one yachty experienced being charged 50 USD in Cancun just to withdraw 100 USD!!!)

– Some ATMs will offer quite large amounts (to make a larger profit from the transaction). In such case, see what your alternative options are.

Check out this great explanatory video where you will see how it works in real life. Potentially, it will save you a lot of money!

6 Get a local SIM card

Getting yourself set up with a local telephone number is not strictly required. Yet, people prefer to call local numbers rather than overseas numbers despite everyone being on WhatsApp these days. Furthermore, you may avoid any roaming charges associated with your current provider.

In Spain many yachties use

  • Hits Mobile
  • Lebara Mobile

All three providers offer pay-as-you-go plans with accumulation of unused GB.

As soon as you have a local number make sure to include it on your CV and business card as well as updating your number with any crew agencies you are signed up with.

7 Print business cards and CVs

The sooner you have your CV and business cards (the Spanish call it a “Tarjeta de Visita”) printed, the sooner you will be ready to start the job hunt.

Both clip art and templates are available for free online. The very simple design above was made using Canva (which also offers great templates for your CV). They even give you the option to include nautical themes such as an anchor, a lighthouse, a compass, a sail, waves, a rising sun, a dolphin – you name it…

Alternatively, for a very minimal fee you can have a professional designer create a print-ready professional looking business card (and CVs) on FIVERR . The design below includes double-sided design and unlimited revisions. This business card was designed by a designer starting her design service at just 5 USD.

Make sure to include the following information:

  • Telephone / WhatsApp / Skype
  • Short objective / “Available for Daywork, Freelance, Deliveries, Full-time or Part Time work” – as applies to you
  • Qualifications
  • Photo (optional, although it will help the recipient remember you)
  • QR code* with link to your CV

* Free QR codes can easily be generated online. Next, download the scannable code and include it with your business card.

Your business card does not have to be the highest print quality available, but obviously the better quality the more it will stand out. Many yachties use Moo.com and VistaPrint.com . Both are great services and well-recommended. You can work on this in advance and have your business cards delivered straight to your crew house or your home address prior to traveling to Palma de Mallorca, although doing so you will not be able to include a local number.

Locally, crew have been recommending business card- and CV printing in the beginning of Carrer dels Oms (the pedestrian street connecting Las Ramblas with Plaza España). Here you will find a number of printing shops on the left side of the street. They are not expensive either.

  • Copisteria Bohigas – Carrer dels Oms 40

( Mon – Fri: 9-13.30h 16.30-19.30h Sat 10.30-13.30h)

  • Central Copistería , Carrer dels Oms 44

(Mon – Fri: 9-13.30h 16.30-19.30h)

  • Paperoms , Carrer dels Oms 48

(Mon – Fri: 9-13.00h. Private appointments: 16-      19.00h)

A little closer to Santa Catalina and La Lonja you find

  • Impresrapit , Calle Baró Santa Maria del Sepulcre 7 (one of the two streets opposite the main entrance to the small El Corte Inglès) on Jaime III (Mon-Friday 9-18.00h)

How many cards and CVs to print is up to you to decide, but somewhere around 50-100 CVs and perhaps 200 business cards should do you fine to begin with. It is easy to have more printed, if necessary.

As for printing CVs, one important thing to remember is that if you work on it or make prints in a public internet café etc . always remember to delete your CV off the computer , when you are done.

8 Get to know the ports Finding out which ports are most popular with superyachts is essential, obviously. Pick the brains of others staying in your crew house or hostel. They will most likely know where to go. Some marinas will be way better for dockwalking than others. Some may be gated, while others may have easy access. Some may have lots of large yachts, while others are for small pleasure yachts with no professional crew on board.

And then there are the shipyards, where there is always work going on. They will usually have security by the gate, often with strict security measures. There is a good reason for that; other than providing security for their clients, with a lot of heavy machinery moving around and the type of work going on, dockwalking can be dangerous, in particular for newcomers to yachting. Generally, dockwalking is not recommended in shipyards. Instead try and meet crew in the yachty bars after work.

The following marinas and shipyards are popular with superyachts in the Balearic Islands;

  • Port Ibiza Town
  • Marina Ibiza*
  • Club de Mar*
  • Pantalán del Mediterráneo*
  • Marina Port de Mallorca*
  • Real Club Nautico – RCNP*
  • Astilleros**
  • Puerto Portals (Portals Nous)
  • Port Adriano (El Toro)

*   Gated Marina

** Gated Shipyard – for safety reasons   dockwalking is not encouraged!

Job seekers will primarily be looking for work in Palma de Mallorca, which is the main yachting hub in Spain. If you are in or close by any of the other locations, you can also try your luck there.

You can use MarineTraffic to see if any new yachts have arrived or to check out how busy the various ports in your area are.

9 Networking

There is little doubt that he large majority of crew jobs goes through word of mouth. For this reason, it is really important for you to start building a good network within the industry already from Day 1.

The more people, who knows you are looking for work, the larger are your chances of finding work. It is often seen that a yacht already employing a dayworker or two needs more dayworkers the following day. In such a case the captain will nearly always ask the dayworkers if they know of anyone else, who may be available. That’s where you get in the picture, but only if you have an established network. Here are a few of ideas of how to do that;

First off, build a good reputation for yourself as being friendly and helpful – and be sociable.

  • When you do yachting courses meet up for a drink or two after training is over and connect with everyone attending the course on Facebook.
  • If you do your STCW and other entry-level training keep in touch with your fellow students.
  • Stay in a crew house instead of private accommodation.
  • If you stay in a crew house be sociable with everyone.
  • It is no secret that sailors like a drink or three. Neither is it a secret that the best way to meet yacht crew is either when dayworking or in the bars.
  • When you daywork, be friendly and sociable with everyone on board– without interfering with their work. You may run into them in the bar one of the coming days or perhaps in years from now on a different yacht!
  • Try not to miss out on any yachting events such as boat shows, crew events, webinars or crew dinners. These events will normally be announced ahead of time in the Yacht Crew Facebook groups, among others.
  • When you meet people in the industry, share your business card and within reason ask them if you may add that person on Facebook.
  • Use Facebook to build your network. Set up an account purely for yachting and add other yachties and industry professionals. Be active with posting photos etc., which gives them something to comment on. Make sure, they can tag you in job posts.
  • In the Facebook group covering your current location ask if there is anyone, who might be interested to meet up. You could ask if there is anyone from your country in town or if there is anyone interested in participating in an activity that you both share (rent a car together and go exploring for the weekend, go for a run, go to the beach, go on a hike, go to the movies, go for a drink, go to watch rugby or Champions League in a bar, go out for a pizza etc.).

After work many venture out for a drink just to get off the boat for a little while. Crew tend to frequent the same bars, no matter where in the world, they are located. Some of the more popular yachty bars in the area are;

  • The Corner Bar
  • The Anchor (Cala Mayor)
  • The Crow’s Nest (Cala Mayor)
  • Mojo Beach (Cala Mayor)

Long story short, making a good name for yourself and being proactive in your quest to build a larger network will pay off, eventually. The more people you know, the larger are the chances that work will come to you. Good luck!

10 Weekly budget

Make your money last as long as possible. As simple as that may sound, you will have a fair few expenses including;

  • Travel insurance
  • Local transportation
  • Accommodation
  • Printing of business cards and CVs
  • Mobile phone
  • Training & ENG/1
  • Unforeseen expenses

Your expenses will vary all depending on the location. South of France is by far the most expensive destination in Europe, while Palma is not exactly super cheap either. Fort Lauderdale is somewhere in between.

You can also save a fair amount of money on making your own food or sharing with others rather than going out for pizzas, kebabs and burgers.

Over in Antibes some have been using the local campsites in the past, which saved them a bunch of money. Unfortunately, camping is unavailable in Palma de Mallorca. Many end up renting a private room or share a flat with other job seeking yachties. These options are cheaper than most crew houses and hostels, but keep in mind the importance of networking, which will be limited in particular when renting a private room. If you choose to stay in a hostel or in a crew house inquire about prices prior to booking. You can find a list of crew houses and hostels in the crew house section.

There is also money to be saved on local transportation. To get around the city, you can buy a second hand bicycle or moped on Facebook or travel by bus and train instead of by taxi, even though they are not terribly expensive in Palma. Simon Chippindale has a great service offering fixed-up second hand bicycles at fair prices. His “buy-it-back”-policy is also very popular with yacht crew, so you may want to check out which bikes he has in stock. Most public transportation will offer discounts on multiple journeys or day passes so look into that. There are links posted in the “Local Transport”-section.

When it comes to printing business cards, then you can have FREE business cards printed on VistaPrint . They come with a small advert on the backside, but they do the job.

Phone plans continue to change, so it is impossible to say which one is cheapest and which one suits your needs best, but also there you can save yourself a bunch. Shop around, check online rates and if in doubt, ask on Palma Yacht Crew to see what other crew recommends.

Finding daywork is obviously a complete game changer when it comes to your budget. Suddenly, you have an income, which will make life so much easier plus you spend less if you eat on board. Keep spending your money wisely. You never know when you will find work next – it could take weeks!

Putting a number on any of the expenses mentioned above is nearly impossible, as we are all different. Some will not mind sleeping in a tent, while others may want to share an AirBnB rental apartment. Some may be partying everyday while others will meet up for a cup of coffee here and there. Some may not find any daywork at all (it is not uncommon these days, unfortunately), while others find daywork on day 1. In Palma, count on a monthly budget in the range of 1,000-1,500 Euros (not including training and medical expenses).

Watch over your money like a hawk! If you piss it away, apart from having a good time, your job hunt could come to an end much sooner.

11 Training

Having the right credentials is key to finding a job on a yacht. In an industry that is surrounded by rules and regulations, there is just no way around it. Common for all crew, you must have your STCW/10 Basic Safety Training (sometimes referred to as STCW/95) and the ENG/1 or a similar seafarer medical certificate.

The minimum requirements to work on a yacht depend on the position you are looking for;

  • Deckhand: STCW/10, Powerboat 1+2 including VHF
  • Stewardess: STCW/10, Food & Hygiene Level 2
  • Engineer: STCW/10, AEC
  • Chef: STCW/10, Ship’s Cook Certificate

Desirable courses, which will improve your chances of finding work:

  • Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) (all crew)
  • Personal Water Craft Instructor (PWC Instructor) (Deckhands)
  • Yachtmaster Offshore (Deckhands)
  • Silver Service (Stewardesses)

If these courses are not available in your current location, you can do them in Antibes, Palma, Fort Lauderdale and UK – among others but remember to book your courses well in advance!

In the “Crew Positions” section, you can read more about which certificates are necessary to work in the position you are looking for and to progress up the ranks.

Course prices vary hugely between destinations. In countries such as South Africa, the Philippines and various Eastern European countries, you will find some of the best prices. In the UK and US prices are fairly reasonable while in Palma and Antibes some prices are at the higher end of the scale. It definitely pays to compare prices between the schools if you are on a somewhat tight budget. Do keep in mind any added travel expenses should you decide to do courses in other locations. Also make sure whether or not VAT is included in the course price. Some schools list their prices excluding VAT.

There are a number of training schools in Palma. All of them have a good reputation, and prices are mostly about the same. Some may offer you 10% Palma Yacht Crew discount off some courses, but you will have to inquire directly.

Courses available locally include (but are not limited to)

  • STCW/10 (English or Spanish)
  • Powerboat Level 1+2
  • Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean
  • Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD)
  • PWC Proficiency / Instructor
  • OOW modules
  • Food Safety & Hygiene Level 2
  • Silver Service
  • U.E.S.T. interior modules
  • Medical training

Below, you find a list of schools conducting courses for yacht crew in Palma;

Bluewater Yachting (English)

Escuela del Mar (Español)

Seascope Maritime (English)

Sovren Nautical Academy (English)

VIP Service School

Yachting Butler Academy

Balearic Sea School Mallorca (RYA)

Bluewater Yachting

Crew Training Solutions ((IYT)

Deep Blue Sea Training (RYA)

Nautica Pro (Español)

Palma Sea School (RYA)

Pollensa Training (RYA)

Seascope Maritime (RYA)

Solaris Sailing (RYA)

Sovren Nautical Academy (RYA)


Nautica Pro

Palma Sea School

Tradewinds Engineering – marine refrigeration

CHEF Training:

Galley Club

MEDICAL Training:

Bluewater Yachting (MCA)

Club de Mar Medical (MCA)

Medical Support Offshore (MCA)

You have many other alternatives to these training providers in other locations, including in France, UK, South Africa, US, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, just to name a few. In Eastern Europe prices are known to be less than half of those in Antibes, Barcelona and Palma, why for Eastern European crew in particular there is money to be saved there.

If you have any questions, remember you can always ask on Palma Yacht Crew !

Good luck to you – and enjoy Mallorca!

Crew houses fill up quickly, so make sure to reserve a bed as soon as you know when you will be arriving . Do notice that in many cases your deposit is non-refundable . Make sure to have a confirmation saved on your phone .

Below is a list of places that specialise in crew accommodation.


The Boat House Palma Plaza San Antonio 4 – Principal (Old Town) Tel: +34 634 357 690 Email: [email protected] Web: www.theboathousepalma.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crewaccommodations/

Volta Dos Carrer de la Volta de la Merce nr 2 bel 1-b Tel: +34 664 583 654 (ask for Michele) Email: [email protected] Web: www.voltados.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VOLTADOS/

The Yogi Crew House Carrer de la Volta de la Merce 2 Tel: +34 664 583 654 (ask for Michelle) Email: [email protected] Web: www.yogicrewhouse.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/yogisandyachties

Casa del Mar C/ Passeig de Escollera 7 Tel: +34 971 725 445

NB: To stay in the above crew houses, you are required to present either your Seaman’s Book, yachting CV or your STCW certificate

Staying in a hostel is a good alternative to crew houses and private accommodation, in particular when these often fill up well in advance. HostelWorld offers a brilliant service listing all hostels including their prices, descriptions, location and ratings.

Hostal Pura Vida

Carrer Sant Sebastia 2

Tel: 635 027 871


Hostal Apuntadores

Carrer Apuntadors 8

07012, Palma de Mallorca

Tel: 971 713 491


Hostal Corona

Josep Villalonga 22

Tel: 971 731 935


Hostal Terramar

Plaza de la Mediterràneo

07014, Palma de Mallorca

Tel: 971 739 931


Hostal Ritzi

Calle Apuntadores 6

Palma de Mallorca

Tel: 971 714 610


Palma Port Hostel

Calle Son Catlaret 5

Tel: 628 630 847 or 971 416 494


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalmaPortHostel/Urban Hostel

Urban Hostel

Plaça de la Verge del Miracle 4

Santa Catalina

07013 Palma de Mallorca

Tel: +34 607797072

[email protected]



Accommodation Palma

C/Annibal, 25 bjs , Santa Catalina

07013, Palma de Mallorca

Tel: +34 871933952

Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.accommodationpalma.com

Captain and Crew Rentals Palma

Carrer Conquistador, 2bjs, 07001 Palma

TEL: + 34 971 81 01 76 / +34 648 788 401

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.captainandcrew.rentals

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RentalsMallorca/

Kingsber Crew Support

Tel: +34 618 989 848

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Web: www.kingsbercrewsupport.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kingsber-Crew-Support-428693721034169

Properties Palma

Tel: +34 610 935 181

Email: [email protected]



Pisos Compatidos




Mallorca Apartments and Rooms for Rent Palma Yacht Crew Rentals Pisos Compartidos Mallorca Yacht Crew Accommodation Rooms to Rent in Palma de Mallorca Yacht Crew Accommodation

Getting around Mallorca is generally pretty easy. During the evenings or on public holidays public transportation can be somewhat limited, however. Tell the driver where you need to go, and he will normally let you know where to get off.

As nearly anywhere in the world, when you use public transport, please

Watch your belongings! Several cases of crew having lost bags, phones etc . have been reported in the past.

With that said, the public transport around Mallorca is actually quite good and safe. You will find the following options;

General Info:   – www.aena.es/en/palma-mallorca-airport/airlines.html

Flight Info:        – www.aena.es/csee/Satellite/infovuelos/en/

To get into Palma from the airport get on Line 1 Airport–Palma . The bus stop is located after the taxis when exiting the Arrivals.

To get to or from the airport on Bus #1:

  • STP/Astilleros and Santa Catalina get on/off opposite Bar Cuba.
  • The rest of the port get on/off at Paseo Maritimo, but mention the name of the marina to the driver as the Paseo has numerous stops.
  • La Lonja (Bluewater Yachting / Corner Bar) get on/off at Paseo Mallorc a
  • The city centre get on/off at Plaza España

Buses operate between 06.30 to 22.10h in direction of Palma and 05.30 to 21.30h in direction of the airport. A single fare is 5 Euros for non-residents. The bus stops just outside the Departures and Arrivals with easy access to both.

The bus- and train station with connections to all other destinations on the island is located beneath Plaza España

You can find bus schedules here:

– Palma:                         www.emtpalma.es

– Rest of the Island: www.tib.org/en/web/ctm/inici

  • Taxis Palma Radio +34 971 401 414 / 971 400 004

Taxi Numbers in other parts of Mallorca:

  • Alcúdia: 971 549 870 / 971 549 766
  • Andratx: 971 136 398
  • Calvia: 971 134 700 / 971 680 970
  • Inca taxis: 971 881 020
  • Sóller taxis: 971 638 484

A taxi fare to/from the airport is about 20 Euros to the ports in Palma and the city centre. Rates outside the city will vary depending on distance.

Not available on Mallorca

Additionally, the Ferrocarril de Sóller vintage train serves the very scenic route to Sóller from where you connect to Puerto de Sóller via the tram service. This makes for a great day of exploring. The Saturday market (8-14.00h) in Sóller followed by seaside lunch and drink in the port is a Mallorca classic and a must-do!

The free MobiPalma app is really useful for anyone using public transport and/or own transport in Palma. With it you can

  • keep up to date with current schedules
  • calculate routes around the city using public transport
  • find the closest bus stops and check the arrival time
  • stay updated with the bus arrival times
  • locate the closest taxi stops
  • locate free BiciPalma public bicycles (you need to register first)
  • find parking in Palma
  • compare price between parking
  • check the traffic congestion of the main roads of the city

Available on AppStore and Google Play


  • Mallorca Tourist Information Service (OIT – Oficines d’Informacio Turistica de Mallorca):

Address: Plaça de la Reina 2

Tel: 971 173 990

WhatsApp: 699 294 742

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.infomallorca.net

Hours: Mon-Fri 10-17.00 / Sat 09.00-15.00 / Sun closed

  • OIT Airport

Location: Arrivals

Tel: 971 789 556

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Mon-Sat 09.00-16.00 / Sunday 09.00-13.30

The tourist office can help you with local advice, free maps and information on attractions and public transport on the island.


A number of private websites are packed with useful information. It is also recommended to follow their Facebook and Instagram pages. These three are among the most popular:

  • Visit Palma: www.visitpalma.com/en/
  • ABC Mallorca: www.abc-mallorca.com
  • SEE Mallorca: www.seemallorca.com

Palma offers a fairly wide variety of training options for crew. All required courses are available for those looking to start out in yachting, while more experienced crew has the option to attend OOW and / or Master modules, Engineering courses and interior training courses, including G.U.E.S.T. modules.

  • Balearic Sea School Mallorca (RYA)                        www.balearicseaschool.com
  • Bluewater Yachting                                                         www.bluewateryachting.com/crew-training
  • Deep Blue Sea Training (RYA)                                      www.deepbluesea.training
  • Escuela del Mar (Español)                                             www.escueladelmar.net
  • Nautica Pro (Español)                                                     www.natutica.pro
  • Palma Sea School (RYA)                                                  www.palmaseaschool.com
  • Pollensa Training (RYA)                                                   www.pollensatraining.com
  • Solaris Sailing (RYA)                                                          www.solarissailing.com
  • Sovren Nautical Academy (RYA)                                   www.thenauticalacademy.net


  • Bluewater Yachting                                                            www.bluewateryachting.com/crew-training
  • Nautica Pro (Español)                                                       www.nautica.pro
  • Palma Sea School                                                                www.palmaseaschool.com
  • Tradewinds Engineering – marine refrigeration     www.technicalpassport.com
  • VIP Service School                                                               www.vipserviceschool.com
  • Yachting Butler Academy                                                 www.yachtingbutleracademy.com

CHEF Training;

  • Galley Club                                                                             www.thegalleyclub.com

MEDICAL Training;

  • Bluewater Yachting (MCA)                                               www.bluewateryachting.com/crew-training
  • Club de Mar Medical (MCA)                                             www.clubdemarmedical.com/training
  • Medical Support Offshore (MCA)                                   www.msos.org.uk/training-courses

In Spain you find a fairly large number of crew agencies, nearly all located in Palma de Mallorca. As always, make sure to register online with any agency before making an appointment. For further information about how to work with crew agencies, please visit the “Crew Agency”-page here on Palma Yacht Crew.com

A-Z Yachting*                           Palma                www.a-zyachting.com

Alba Crew                                  Palma                www.albacrewpl.com

Angels On Board                     Palma                www.angels-on-board.com

Bluewater Yachting*             Palma                www.bluewateryachting.com

Crew & Concierge*                 Palma                www.crewandconcierge.com

Crew Network*                        Palma                www.crewnetwork.com

Earth & Sea Elite

Lifestyle Management*       Palma                 www.earthandsearecruitment.com

El Crew Co                                 Palma                www.elcrewco.com

Elite Chefs                                 Palma                www.elite-chefs.com

Elite Crew International     Barcelona         www.elitecrewintl.com

Flow Yacht Crew                     Palma                www.flowyachtcrew.com

Global Crew Services*          Palma                www.globalcrewservices.com

Hill Robinson Crew*              Palma                www.hrcrew.com

Invisible Crew                          Palma                www.invisiblecrew.com

KT Yacht Services                   Palma                 www.ktyachtservices.com

Luxury Yacht Group*             Palma                www.luxyachts.com

Mymuybueno*                         Palma                www.mymuybuenointerior.com



Rooster Recruitment           Palma                  www.roosterrecruitment.com

Sovren Crew*                           Palma                www.sovrencrew.com

Van Allen Crew                         Palma                www.leticiayachtcrew.com

*MLC compliant agencies

PLEASE HELP   us keep this list of crew agencies up to date. It is no secret agencies come and go, so if you know of a new one or spot a link that is not working, please contact   Palma Yacht Crew at [email protected] .


  • Club de Mar

Tel: 971 403 611

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.clubdemar-mallorca.com

Location: 39º 33’22’’N / -002º 37’45’’E

Max Length: 350M

Berths: 575

  • Marina Palma Cuarentena

Tel: 971 454 395

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.marinapalma.com

Location: 39º 33’40’’N / -002º 37’6’’E

Max Length: 60M

  • Marina Port de Mallorca

Tel: 971 289 693

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.portdemallorca.com

Location: 39º 33’49’’N / -002º 37’48’’E

Max Length: 50M

Berths: 200

  • Marina Moll Vell

Tel: 971 716 332

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.mollvell.com/en/

Location: 39º 33’59’’N / -002º 38’33’’E

Max Length: 42M

  • Marina Naviera Balear

Tel: 971 454 455

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.navierabalear.com

Location: 39º 33’30’’N / -002º 38’00’’E

Max Length: 30M

  • Pantalan del Mediterraneo

Tel: 971 458 211

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.pantalanmediterraneo.com

Location: 39º 33’42’’N / -002º 37’48’’E

Max Length: 128M

  • Real Club Nautico de Palma

Tel: 971 726 848

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Web: www.rcnp.es

Location: 39º 33’52’’N / -002º 38’20’’E

Max Length: 35M

Depth: 7M or 1.5 – 4m

Berths: 971

OTHER MARINAS in Mallorca:

  • Port Cala Nova

Tel: 971 402 512

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.portcalanova.com/en

Location: 39º 54’N / -002º 59’E ??

Max Length: 25M

Berths: 172

  • Puerto Portals

Tel: 971 171 100

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.puertoportals.com

Location: 39º 32’N / -002º 35’E

Depth: 4.5 – 7.5M

Berths: 650

  • Port Adriano

Tel: 971 232 494

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.portadriano.com

Location: 39º 29’21’’N / -002º 28’40’’E

Max Length: 80M

Berths: 480

  • Club de Vela Puerto de Andratx

Tel: 971 671 721 / 971 672 337

VHF: Ch.9 / 16

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.cvpa.es

Location: 39º 32’41’’N / -002º 23’05’’E

Max Length: 36M

Depth: 2-2.5M

Berths: 475

  • Puerto de Sóller

Tel: 971 186 129

VHF: Ch.8 and 9

Email: [email protected]

Location: 39º 47’41.7’’N / -002º 41’21.3’’E

Max Length: 15M

Depth: 2-3M

Berths: 465

  • Marina Tramontana – Port de Sóller

Tel: 971 632 960 / 671 037 671

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.marinatramontana-portdesoller.es

Depth: 4-5.5M

Tel: 971 546 000 / 971 546 004

Email:[email protected]

Web: www.alcudiamar.es

Location: 39º 49’58.1’’N / -003º 08’20.3’’E

Depth: 2-4M

Berths: 745

  • Real Club Náutic Port de Pollença

Tel: 971 864 635 / 971 864 636

Email: [email protected] / via website

Web: www.rcnpp.es

Location: 39º 54’05”N /  -003º 05’-5”E

Depth: 2.7M

Berths: 375

  • Cala d’Or Marina

Tel: 971 657 068 / 971 657 070

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.marinacalador.es

Location: 39º 22’09.5’’N  / -003º 13’21.9’’E

Max Length: 26M

Berths: 563

  • Club Náutico Sa Rápita

Tel: 971 640 001

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.cnrapita.es

Location: 39º 21′ N / 02º 57′ E

Max Length: 20M

Berths: 476


Tel: 971 710 645

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.astillerosdemallorca.com

Location: 39º33’59N / -002º 38’22’’E

Max Length: 120M

Depth: 7.5M

Tel: 971 214 747

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.stp-palma.com

Location: 39º 33’50’’N / -002º 38’23’’E

MARINAS & SHIPYARDS IN SPAIN (other than Mallorca)

The following marinas and shipyards are also popular with superyachts in

  • Port Forum*
  • Vilanova Grand Marina*
  • Port Tarraco*
  • Marina Juan Carlos
  • Marina Valencia “T” dock*
  • Marina Alicante
  • Puerto Banus

** Gated Shipyard – for safety reasons dockwalking is not encouraged

You can use MarineTraffic to see how busy the various ports in your area are.


  • Emergency 112
  • National Poison Control  +34 915 620 420
  • Doctor Search – Balearics:  https://www.mallorcamedicos.com/en
  • Pharmacy Search – Balearics:  https://www.cofib.es/es/mapes_cercador.aspx


  • Chiropractic Center Jake Smith

Address: Avenida Argentina, 51 Bajos-Izq (Santa Catalina)

Tel: +34 971 454 760 / +34 635 886 874

Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.drjakesmith.com

  • Emergency Dentist: 961 496 199
  • Centro Medico Porto Pi (Languages: ESP/ENG/GER)

Tel: 971 707 055

Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.centromedicoportopi.es/en/department-en/dentist/

  • Santa Ponsa Dental (Languages: ESP/ENG/POL)

Address: Avenida del Rey Jaime I, 108, 07180, Santa Ponsa

Tel: 971 694 071

Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.santaponsadental.com

  • Clinica Mar Dental (Languages: ESP/ENG/GER/DAN/SWE/FRE/ITA)

Address: C/ Llaüt 3, 07610 Playa de Palma

Tel: 971 268 390

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.clinicamardental.com


  • Dr Elisabeth Masgrau. Dermatologia 2000

Address: Calle de Menorca, 5, 07011 Palma

Tel: +34 971 73 86 06

Web:  www.dramasgrau.es

  •       Dr. Med. Jens Löhnert (ENG/GER)

Address: Calle Porto Pí, 8, 1b, 07015 Palma de Mallorca

Tel: +34 971 70 70 55

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.derma-clinic-palma.com/en and www.centromedicoportopi.es/en/doctor/dr-jens-loehnert/

  • Clinca Rotger

Address: C/Santiago Rusiñol, 9 – Vía Roma, 3 , 07012  Palma de Mallorca

Tel: +34 971 448 550

Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.clinicarotger.com/en/specialities-clinic-rotger-hospital-mallorca/dermatology-clinica-rotger/


  • Locate a doctor: 1003
  • Club de Mar Medical ( ENG/1 ) (Languages: ENG)

Av Gabriel Roca / Calle Ses Rafaletes, 1 Edificio B, Planta PR, Local 2, IZQ (left), Porto Pi

Tel: 971 703 391 / 639 949 125 (GP)

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.clubdemarmedical.com

  • British Medical Centre ( ENG/1 ) (Languages: ENG)

Dr. Amit K. Bajpai

Calle Ses Planas, 7 Bajo, Palmanova

Tel. 971 683 511 / Mobile 650 249 952

Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.britishmedicalcentre.com


Calle Porto Pi 8, 1a + 1b

Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.centromedicoportopi.es/en/

  • Stoma Medical (Languages: ENG)

Calle Tudo 11, Son Ferrer

Tel:  871 201 007

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Web:  www.stomamedical.es/english/


  • Clinica RotgerAddress: C/Santiago Rusiñol, 9 – Vía Roma, 3 , 07012  Palma de MallorcaTel: +34 971 448 520Email: [email protected]: https://www.clinicarotger.com/en/specialities-clinic-rotger-hospital-mallorca/gynaecology-and-obstetrics-clinica-rotger/
  • Palma Clinic / Dr Nele Braun (ENG/GER)

Tel: +34 971 905 202 – Urgencies +34 645 192 276

Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.palma-clinic.com/en/mallorca-doctors/gynaecologists

  • Hospital Son Espases

Carretera de Valldemossa 79

Tel: 871 205 000

Web: www.hospitalsonespases.es

  • Hospital Juaneda Miramar

Camí de la Vileta 30

Tel: 971 767 000

Web:  www.juaneda.es

  • Clinica Rotger

C/Santiago Rusiñol, 9 – Vía Roma, 3

Tel: 971 448 500

Web: www.clinicarotger.com

  • Hospital de la Creu Roja Espanyola

Calle de Pons I Gallarza 90

Tel: 971 751 445

Web: www.hcrpalma.es

  • Hospital Palmaplanas

Camí dels Reis 308

Tel: 971 918 000

Web: www.quironsalud.es


  • Care 4 Health

Port Calanova, San Augustin, Palma de Mallorca

Tel: +34 635 809 606 / +34 605 708 441

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


  • Farmacia Balanguera

Carrer de la Balanguera 15

Tel: 971 458 788

Web:  www.farmaciabalanguera.com 

  • Farmacia March

Avenida Joan Miro 186, Porto Pi

Tel: 971 402 133

Country Code Spain:                                           0034

Emergency Services:

  • ALL Emergencies                                       112

AMBULANCE (Ambulancia)

  • Ambulance                                                  061 or 112


  • Fire Brigade:                                               080 or 112
  • Rest of Mallorca:                                       085
  • Police – please see below
  • Maritime and Coast Guard Rescue:  112 / 900 202 202 / 971 724 562 / VHF 16

POLICE (Policia)

  • Police Emergency                                      091
  • La Guardia Civil                                          062 / 971 731 100
  • Local Police                                                  092 / 971 225 500
  • National Police                                            971 225 200
  • Tourist Police “SATE”                                971 494 219 /  971 266 262 ( ENG / GER / FR / IT )                                                                                                                 Email: [email protected]
  • Web:  policia.es
  • Port Authority                                                971 228 150
  • Harbour Master:                                           971 711 371
  • Customs                                                           971 711 167 / 971 725 997
  • Immigration (Mon-Fri 8-14.00)               971 708 212 / 225  or 630 825 311 (mobile)

Email:  [email protected] / [email protected]

For Port Authority contact numbers in Formentera, Ibiza and Menorca: Ports de Balears


  • Great Britain:                              Tel: 933 666 200         Email: [email protected]
  • Ireland:                                          Tel: 971 719 244         Email: [email protected]
  • Germany:                                      Tel: 971 707 737         Email: [email protected]
  • France:                                           Tel: 971 730 30            Email:  [email protected]
  • Italy:                                                Tel: 971 097 013          Email: [email protected]
  • Sweden:                                        Tel: 971 725 492          Email:  [email protected]
  • US:                                                   Tel: 971 403 707          Email: [email protected]

Other Consulates in Palma: www.embassypages.com/city/palmademallorca

OTHER NATIONALITIES in selected locations around Spain:

– Barcelona:                                     Tel: 933 623 792          Email:  [email protected]

– Madrid:                                            Tel: 913 536 600          Email:  [email protected]

– Barcelona:                                      Tel: 932 703 614          Email: [email protected]

– Madrid:                                             Tel: 913 828 400          Email: [email protected]

  • New Zealand

– Madrid:                                             Tel: 915 230 226          Email:  [email protected]

  • Philippines

– Barcelona:                                       Tel: 930 267 007          Email: [email protected]

– Madrid:                                              Tel: 917 823 830          Email: [email protected]

  • South Africa

– Madrid:                                              Tel: 914 363 780          Email: [email protected]

For all other nationalities and nationalities mentioned above with diplomatic representations in other Spanish locations:  www.embassypages.com/spain


Do you have a problem and in need of someone to speak to? Then these free help lines for seafarers are very helpful;

  • ISWAN is a free 24 hour helpline. The SeafarerHelp Live webchat or call back service is free, confidential, multilingual, 365 days a year, wherever you are in the world.

Tel: +44 20 7323 2737

Email: [email protected]

Web: https://www.seafarerhelp.org

  • NAUTILUS – 24 hour helpline for Nautilus members.

Web: https://www.nautilusint.org/en/assistance/nautilus-247/

Tel (SMS): +44 (0)7860 017 119

Email: [email protected]

Skype (username nautilus-247)

  • YACHT CREW HELP – free multilingual & confidential helpline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether you feel down mentally or have job related issues, Yacht Crew Help is there for you

Tel: +44 (0)20 3713 7273

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.yachtcrewhelp.org

  • The Crew Mess – a safe space for yacht crew suffering from alcohol or drug related problems

Tel: +44 20 7459 4066

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.thecrewmess.org

Customs                                                                       971 711 167 / 971 725 997

Harbour Master:                                                        971 711 371

Immigration                                                                971 708 212

Port Authority                                                             971 228 150

For port contact numbers in Alcudia, Formentera, Ibiza and Menorca:  Ports de Balears

  • Great Britain:                     933 666 200 / [email protected]
  • Ireland:                                 971 719 244 / [email protected]
  • Germany:                             971 707 737 / [email protected]
  • France:                                   971 730 301 /   [email protected]
  • Italy:                                        971 097 013 / [email protected]
  • Sweden:                                971 725 492 /  [email protected]
  • US:                                          971 403 707 / [email protected]
  • Other Consulates in Palma:  www.embassypages.com/city/palmademallorca

– Barcelona:                       933 623 792 /  [email protected]

– Madrid:                             913 536 600 /  [email protected]

– Barcelona:                      932 703 614 /  [email protected]

– Madrid:                            913 828 400 /  [email protected]

– Madrid:                           915 230 226 /  [email protected]

– Barcelona:                    930 267 007 /  [email protected]

– Madrid:                          917 823 830 /  [email protected]

– Madrid:                         914 363 780 /  [email protected]

For all other nationalities and nationalities mentioned above with diplomatic representations in other Spanish locations:   www.embassypages.com/spain


If you are joining or getting off a yacht in Palma, and you are there on a Schengen visa, then you need to get stamped out / back into the Schengen, so your 90-day permit to stay reflects exactly how many days you have left on your visa.

What you need to do is to go to the ferry terminal behind Club de Mar. Take the escalator to the 1 st  floor and on the right of the building you will find the Police office (Puesto Fronterizo de la Policia Nacional). It’s open 8am – 2pm. Bring a stamped and signed (by the captain) crew list, letter from captain, boat registration details, your contract and your passport. If you are too busy to do this yourself, Estella Shipping offers this service as well for a fee.


  • ISWAN  is a free 24 hour helpline. The SeafarerHelp Live webchat or call back service is free, confidential, multilingual, 365 days a year, wherever you are in the world.

Tel: +44 20 7323 2737  Email:  [email protected]  Web:  https://www.seafarerhelp.org

  • NAUTILUS  – 24 hour helpline for Nautilus members.

Tel (SMS): +44 (0)7860 017 119    Email: [email protected]   Skype: Nautilus-247 Web:  https://www.nautilusint.org/en/assistance/nautilus-247/

  • YACHT CREW HELP  – free multilingual & confidential helpline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whether you feel down mentally or have job related issues, Yacht Crew Help is there for you!

Tel: +44 (0)20 3713 7273   Email:  [email protected]     Web:  www.yachtcrewhelp.org

  • The Crew Mess  – a safe space for yacht crew suffering from alcohol or drug related problems

Tel: +44 20 7459 406   Email: [email protected]   Web: www.thecrewmess.org

yacht club palma de mallorca

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You make the memories. We make the arrangements.

Palma de Mallorca yacht Charter

Palma de Mallorca Yacht Charter

We offer a few insights to experience on a Palma de Mallorca Yacht Charter . Palma de Mallorca has long been Spain’s most popular yachting destination. It is also one of the most ancient cities in Spain , and its history goes back more than 2,000 years. The town’s roots go deep into the Roman Empire, and it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical sites and buildings.

A street in Palma de Mallorca. Palma de Mallorca Luxury Yacht Charter

From the Iberian culture, the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Christians, and many more have left their mark on this beautiful city. Experience this town on a Palma de Mallorca Luxury Yacht Charter in the Balearic Islands .

The best time to visit is from the end of April until October. Temperatures range from 68–82 °F, and evenings may be cool and require a jacket or light sweater.

Palma de Mallorca Yacht Charter | Places to See

  • Castell de Bellver : A 14th-century circular castle. You can enjoy stunning views of the entire city from this hilltop castle.
  • Es Balaurd: A contemporary art gallery housing Miro, Barcelo, and Picasso artwork collections.
  • Palau March: A stately mansion that was one of the homes of the March family.
  • Santa Maria Cathedral . One of the best-known monuments in the Mediterranean, and construction started in the 13th century. The cathedral’s central nave is approximately 145 feet high, making it one of Europe’s tallest.
  • Bellver Castle is a Gothic-style medieval fortress on a hill just west of the center of Palma de Mallorca. It was built in the 14th century for King James II of Mallorca and is one of the few circular castles in Europe.
  • Caves of Genova . Descend over 100 feet into these caves close to Palma de Mallorca. The caves were naturally sculpted over time and contain impressive domes, columns, water pools, and tunnels.
  • S’Hort del Rei Garden (The King’s Orchard) is A medieval park with cypress trees, fountains, ponds, and pergolas. The garden was once part of the Royal Palace of La Almudain.

Palma de Mallorca Yacht Charter | Things to Do

  • Nightlife. In Palma de Mallorca, many districts offer exciting nightlife. There are numerous restaurants, bars, and live music venues to try while visiting. Have drinks at Cafe Atlantico Cocktail Bar or dance the night away at Pacha Mallorca or Kaelum Club.
  • Shopping . Stores offer leather goods, handicrafts, jewelry, and more. San Miguel and Carrer Streets are some of the best places for shopping.
  • Beaches . For seclusion and swimming, try La Cova Beach. Kayaking and windsurfing are excellent at Playa d’en Bossa, and Es Portell Beach is popular with surfers due to the big waves there.
  • Hiking . Mallorca’s landscape offers some excellent hiking routes for all skill levels.

Palma de Mallorca’s incredible food scene is one of the main reasons for choosing to charter a yacht here. From fish and shellfish dishes, like gambas pil-pil or espetada , to a wide range of meats, there is something for every taste.

The abundant seafood and meat options provide an excellent opportunity for tasting local cuisine on your yacht charter. For the vegans and vegetarians out there, don’t worry! Plenty of restaurants serve fresh fruit and vegetables and vegan and vegetarian options.

While visiting, try some traditional foods such as:

  • Pamboli – a traditional sandwich made with Majorcan bread, olive oil, and tomato.
  • Ensaimada – traditional sweet pastry topped with powdered sugar or filled with chocolate, cream, or fruit.
  • Sobrasada – Cured pork sausage that is typical of Mallorca.
  • Bunyols – (sweet pastries) Bunyols are commonly made of boiled potatoes, flour, eggs, butter or lard, yeast, and sugar; they are fried in hot oil and then sprinkled with sugar. These sweet treats are typically made in autumn.

Sunset in Cap de Formentor on a Palma de Mallorca yacht charter

Marinas and Anchorages Bear Palma de Mallorca

Club de mar.

Club de Mar has 575 berths for yachts between 8m and 135m in length and has a waiting dock that can accommodate vessels up to 350m.

Real Club Nautico

Has an impressive 971 moorings for sail and motor boats up to 131 feet long. Situated near the center of Palma, it offers good security with easy access to all nautical goods and services.

Port Calanova

Calanova is situated to the west of Palma, between the popular resorts of Cala Major and Illetes. It has 172 moorings for yachts up to 25m in length, within walking distance of luxury hotels, restaurants, and beaches.

Playa de Palma

Just east of Palma, this port has 667 moorings for boats of a maximum length of 25m. This marina has a long stretch of sandy beach and a wide range of restaurants, bars, and nightlife.

Palma de Mallorca Yacht Types

We can arrange crewed sailing catamarans, monohull sailboats, power catamarans, and motor yachts. Contact us to discuss your group’s preferences, and we will work to find you the best yacht for your needs.

Palma de Mallorca luxury yacht charter itinerary options are one-way charters between the islands or round-trip from Ibiza or Palma de Mallorca. View our sample Spain charter itineraries for more information.

Let us deliver on your dream vacation.

Contact us to start a conversation about your dream vacation, and let us show you how we can help bring your vision to life through our exceptional yacht charter services.

a large yacht on the ocean

Home / Regattas and places / Spain / Copa Del Rey 2024

Copa Del Rey 2024

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Copa Del Rey 2024

About event

Start : Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain

Finish : Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain

Copa Del Rey — Mediterranean regatta with royal charm

The Copa del Rey race is one of the most beautiful and super-competitive sailing regattas in the Mediterranean. The regatta is part of the Grand Slam series. This elite Spanish regatta traditionally gathers professional yachtsmen from all over the Mediterranean on the most modern yachts. The number of participants in the regatta is increasing every year — in 2019, more than 150 crews took part in the regatta. Beginners can take part in the regatta as part of experienced crews.

The regatta was founded in 1982 and is held annually at the Real Club Náutico de Palma yacht club, located in the heart of the bay of Palma de Mallorca. Copa Del Rey is under the patronage of the King of Spain. The king himself and his immediate family also take part in the regatta on equal terms with other crews. So the regatta is really royal!

Each year, elite yachts participate in the regatta: TP 52, GC32, Club Swan 50, Swan 45, Club Swan 42, X-35, J-80, IRC, ORC.

The Royal Yacht Club of the city of Palma organizes an exciting program every evening, so you will have the opportunity to relax and have fun after a competition day.

Copa Del Rey 2024

This is my first time, is this ok?

Beginners without experience can participate in the regatta, since on the yacht there is always a professional skipper with extensive experience who will teach you everything you need for your role on the boat. In addition, as a rule, there are experienced yachtsmen in the crew who will help you get settled and feel comfortable.

What is included and not included in the price?

As a rule, the cost of participation in the regatta includes:.

— accommodation on a yacht for the duration of the regatta;

— bed linen and towels;

— organizational fee;

— skipper services;

— the cost of mooring in marinas;

— basic sailing training;

— a yacht polo or t-shirts from the organizers.

Additional expenses you will need to pay:

— airplane tickets and transfer to the marina;

— a visa. However, we will give you an invitation and confirmation of accommodation booking for the embassy. Visas for sporting events are easy to get;

— personal expenses.

You cannot choose a team?

Events schedule.

The regatta will take place in the bay of Palma on Mallorca.

Palma de Mallorca will be interesting not only for those who like beach vacations. It also has many natural and historical attractions. Mallorca is a place with a mixture of cultures, so here you can find everything from Gothic cathedrals to Arabic-style houses.

The Cathedral of St. Mary is the main cathedral not only of Palma, but of all the Balearic Islands. This is a wonderful example of Gothic architecture. They began to build the cathedral in the 14th century, and in our times, the building was rebuilt several times, and the famous Antonio Gaudi worked on the interior.

Bellver Castle is a few kilometers from Palma. This is the only round Gothic structure in Spain. The castle stands on a hill and a beautiful panorama of the bay opens from it.

Almudain Palace is the oldest royal palace in Spain. It used to be an Arab fortress and the palace of the Moorish viziers. Now, it is the residence of the Spanish king in Mallorca. Both the courtyard and the royal palace are open for visitors.

Art lovers must visit the Es Baluard Museum of Modern Art. The museum is situated in the building of the ancient 16th century bastion, which has been restored. In the museum, you will find works of art by artists such as Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Joan Miró and others. A beautiful view of the city opens from the museums’ observation deck.


The regatta is over


The regatta consists of short distance races in the bay of Palma. Several races will be held every day. The series consists of 6 super-active racing days. Wonderful weather, gorgeous views of the island of Mallorca, attractions and a high level of adrenaline throughout all 6 racing days — all this is the Copa del Rey 2020 regatta.

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Can i participate in a regatta if i don’t have yachting experience.

Yes, of course. There will be an experienced skipper and team members on the yacht. They will give you a role and teach you everything you need to know to be a useful team member and feel comfortable.

Will I be able to steer a yacht?

Yes, all team members will definitely try themselves in different roles to better understand each other. Standing at the helm is an integral part of training for beginners as well as setting sails, and helping the team during moorings.

Where will I live during the regatta?

As a rule, participants in the regatta live on the yacht. The boat has everything you need for a comfortable stay: nice beds, a kitchen, a shower with toilet. If you do not want to live on a yacht, then you can arrange to stay at the hotel onshore.

What will we eat?

The crew decides altogether what kind of food they prefer to eat and makes necessary purchases. Simple dishes can be cooked, usually taking turns. Some regattas offer daily meals and intensive evening program for all crews.

Do you help with a visa?

We can make an invitation for a visa, but you need to apply for a visa by yourself.

Will I have seasick? What should I do if I have sickness?

Most people tolerate some seasickness easily. If you feel that you are starting to feel sick, it is best to get at the steering wheel or tune the sails. Get yourself busy, show your body that you don’t have time to get sick, you have to fight for victory in the race. There are also many quite effective medicines from sickness. If you start taking them in advance, then the probability of seasickness is almost zero.

How and where will I meet the crew and the captain?

Before each trip, we organize an online meeting where participants get to know each other and the captain. The captain will answer all your questions. The crew will have a group chat so you can get to know each other before the start of the regatta. Then you will meet in the marina.

What clothes do I need?

The main rule is to dress comfortably and according to the weather. Clothing: • windbreaker and pants or shorts; • shirt/jacket with UV protection (thermal underwear and fleece); • adjustable hat/cap; • gloves. We recommend to purchase a long-sleeved jacket with UV protection in order to protect yourself from the sun and strong wind. Yachting shoes should be: • light, with non-slip white outsole; • with the fixed heel; • with a tightly closed nose. During the sailing without shoes, you can fall or injure your fingers and feet on the deck. There are many protruding parts on the boat that are easy to catch. Unfortunately, even experienced sailors are not protected from unpleasant injuries when they ignore this simple rule.

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a yacht in front of Palma cathedral mallorca

© 212 yachts

a yacht in front of Palma cathedral mallorca

Chartering yachts in Mallorca

Discover the top Mallorca sailing charter options

The beauty of sailing around Mallorca's 555km of coastline is that you will experience a wonderful variety of landscapes and a wide choice of places to stop off. You'll be able to admire dramatic mountains that plunge into the sea, shallow turquoise waters, long natural beaches bordered by sand dunes, natural parks and idyllic coves with their secluded beaches.

Book My Charter

Popular Sailing Spots to Visit in Mallorca
, ,
, , , , ,

Whether you want to charter a boat for a day, a week or even months, you'll find you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to picking one suitable for your individual needs. Mallorca is home to endless charter companies offering sailing yachts, motor yachts, catamarans and speedboats of all different shapes and sizes.

A couple sitting ont he front of a yacht

Prevailing weather

The sea breeze around the coast of Mallorca is normally very reliable and the summer thermal winds provide a steady stream throughout the day. The coast receives an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, with prevailing winds coming from the north-west, so south-east regions tend to be warmer and drier. Many of the bays are well protected, ensuring dangerous swells are kept away from the shore. During the winter months, some of these bays remain sheltered by the mountains, especially around Port de Pollença and Port d’Alcúdia thanks to the protection from the Formentor point. However, some calas are very open, allowing waves and swells to pass in easily. In winter months or times of adverse weather and storms, the channel of water between Mallorca and Menorca can also get quite rough, as swells can often hit the north coast of Mallorca and then bend round to the east.

Gaia Sofia Mangusta 72 2011 Motor Yacht, Ibiza exterior

Charter options

Many companies on the island offer yacht charters. Before making enquiries, you need to know the number of people you plan on taking on the boat, the amount of time you want it for and whether you require a skipper or not (note that, if you don't have a qualified captain amongst your party, you will need one). You'll also need to decide whether you would like to go for the sailing or motor yacht experience. There is a significant difference in the operation and experience of a yacht charter depending on whether you opt for one or the other.

Sailing charter Sailing is more of a sport and operating a sailboat is a part of the experience with a sailing yacht. Therefore, they are the preferred choice for those who are interested in an authentic sailing experience. Whilst these boats have motors to aid them, there is nothing quite as romantic as gliding through the water with the sails up and the engines off. Sailing yacht charters tend to be the cheaper choice and fuel costs are also lower than when chartering a motor yacht.

Motor boat charter Motor yachts are the more glamorous option for holidaymakers keen to explore the island in comfort. It’s more about space, luxury and speed on motor yachts and they are definitely preferred by those who want to discover as much of Mallorca's coastline as possible.

Bareboat charter Bareboat charter is for those who have a qualified skipper in their group, who can sail the boat and instruct others to act as crew. He/she will need to produce an International Certificate of Competence - an equivalent to the RYA Day Skipper qualification. You can obtain this certificate from the RYA (if you are a member), and some charter companies will issue you a certificate once they have evaluated your ability. It is worth noting that boats with a length of up to 5 metres (16 ft) and a maximum performance of 15 HP can be driven without a skipper license. These boats are not allowed to drive further than 2 NM from the homeport or the coast and can only be chartered for day cruises. For anything larger than this, a boat license is required.

Crewed or skippered charter When no one in your group knows how to sail and you want to charter a larger boat, you need to take a skippered yacht and possibly crewed, depending on the size of the boat. On a skippered vessel, you can also take advantage of the local knowledge your skipper will have as there are a lot of choices when it comes to places to sail to in Mallorca. Your itinerary may depend on the weather and sea conditions too.

Catered or self-catered charter Some companies in Mallorca offer fully catered charters, usually you can decide at the time of booking which meals and provisions you would like to include. There are also a number of private chefs and caterers in Mallorca you can book who can prepare your meals for the full trip or just the odd night.

Mallorca also offers a host of inexpensive boat trips around the island if you're keen to get out on the island's waters at a more cost effective price.

photo of a pebble beach and a sea cove

Best places to drop anchor

Travelling by boat means you can explore Mallorca’s hidden treasures, difficult to access by car or even foot. All along the 555km of coastline you'll find coves offering tranquil areas where you can throw down the anchor for the day and have a swim in the clear blue seas. Whilst some larger coves allow night anchorage during good weather conditions please note that conditions can change quickly at night time, so you must be aware that you may need to move.

The South Coast

Thanks to many established marinas and a number of quality bays in the south west, there’s a great choice of places to drop anchor when yachting in these parts. From larger stretches of sandy beaches to more secluded bays with pristine turquoise waters, there is plenty to offer those cruising in this part of the island.

Palma Bay The Bay of Palma covers a wide area and is the place to spot superyachts in the summer months. The bay itself isn’t very sheltered which means smaller yachts might find the conditions unsuitable. If this is the case, then head towards Cala Blava for some sanctuary which is on the far east side of the bay. It’s also the only part of Palma Bay where mooring buoys have been installed, it has a sandy beach, idyllic turquoise waters for swimming and is within walking distance of Arenal Yacht Club .

Illetas Within close proximity of Palma and Portals ports, yachts tend to migrate to Illetas . A short cruise from these two established ports on the island, this resort boasts three sheltered bays with pristine turquoise waters, fabulous restaurants, a famous beach club and a colourful iconic holiday resort built in the style of a Mediterranean village known as The Anchorage. Prepare to anchor here as there aren’t buoys and be aware of swimmers, paddle boarders and kayakers who are often found drifting between the yachts.

Puerto Portals With a port home to the rich and famous, it should come as no surprise that the neighbouring bay is a hotspot for yachts to anchor. Puerto Portals , whilst less sheltered, does have a small islet providing enough sanctuary for boats wanting to stop here. With a highly popular beach with sun loungers aplenty, the celebrated Roxy’s Beach Club , a watersports centre, a beach bar and a restaurant, there is plenty to do if you decide to jump ashore. There are no buoys here, so it’s up to you where you choose to drop anchor.

Portals Vells Portals Vells is found in the south-west of the island, within easy reach of Magaluf , Palma Nova , Puerto Portals and Port Adriano . This bay is extremely popular for yachting each year thanks to its natural beauty, which includes perfect turquoise waters and caves. There are three sandy beaches in close proximity with sun loungers and a couple of restaurants to choose from that serve up traditional beach-side fare like paella and seafood. The bay can get busy in the summer months. Buoys are charged at a daily rate and overnight mooring is also an option. It's even possible to anchor away from the buoys in the deeper area of the water, although there are large patches of seaweed which can make holding poor here so make sure your anchor is in well.

Port d'Andratx Located in the south-west corner of Mallorca, Port d'Andratx was originally a small traditional fishing harbour . There is a great nautical scene here with a number of popular bars and restaurants looking on to its enclosed bay and yachting marina . A few designer clothing boutiques, jewellery and interior design shops can be found in the town too. There are overnight moorings in the harbour and buoys in the bay charged at a daily rate. Unfortunately, no anchoring is permitted in the outer harbour in order to protect the Posidonia Oceanica seagrass that grows underwater. The only anchorage is outside the breakwater. For the buoys and marina, it's worth booking a spot 24 hours in advance here in the summer months to avoid disappointment.

Sant Elm Just up the coast from Port d'Andratx lies the charming, quieter resort of Sant Elm . There are a few restaurants and some of the island's best hiking trails with some amazing views over to the Natural Park of Sa Dragonera , a small island protected from development. It's possible to drop anchor around Sant Elm and mooring buoys can be found opposite Es Geperut, which is one of the largest beaches in the area and partially sheltered by Pantaleu islet. The waters are fairly deep which allows bigger yachts to moor here too but it's recommended to reserve a buoy in advance. There are several anchorages on Sa Dragonera, if the weather is stable you can anchor in Cala Llado and visit the island by tender. The visitors centre located here has some interesting displays about the island’s history, vegetation and wildlife.

The West Coast

yacht club palma de mallorca

Due to the rocky coastline in the west of the island, these parts of Mallorca can sometimes be overlooked in the yachting world. For those who are keen to get away from all the yacht traffic in the south west of Mallorca in the summer months, we would highly recommend venturing further afield to explore some of the remote bays found within the nooks and crannies of the cliffs.

Port de Sóller Port de Sóller is a charismatic port town offering a fantastic atmosphere in the summer months with crowds of people gathering along the beach-side bars and restaurants overlooking its large horseshoe bay. Other popular attractions include the bohemian boutique shops and a traditional vintage train with wooden carriages that travels between the town of Sóller and Palma . It's possible to book a mooring in the port or mooring buoys in the bay for a fee but many are private, and you can also anchor a little further out in the designated area. Waters here are calm during good weather conditions but waves can pick up and be quite treacherous during high winds as there is little protection when you veer past the lighthouse.

Cala Deià This is a renowned celebrity hotspot thanks to its discreet location and its legendary fish restaurant attracts people from far and wide. Cala Deià is a shingle beach, which means it’s the place to some to avoid masses of sunbathers who often interrupt the stunning scenery along Mallorca’s idyllic coastline. There are no buoys here, which means no fees for anchoring but there is limited space so we recommend arriving early to avoid disappointment.

The North Coast

yacht club palma de mallorca

The north coast is a popular spot for yachting thanks to its great selection of charming bays. If one bay is too busy for your liking, there is almost guaranteed to be another quieter area nearby. There’s a mixture of rocky coves and sandy beach calas waiting to be discovered in this neck of the woods.

Cala Bóquer Nestled on the north-west coast of the island near Port de Pollença , Cala Bóquer is only accessible by foot or boat making it a very quiet and peaceful spot. It has clear waters which are ideal for swimming and snorkelling, there are also crabs hiding within the nooks and crannies of the rocks. Other attractions in this area include historical sites like the Roman city of ‘Bochoris’ where traces of the ancient town wall and its entrance gates remain. It's well worth dropping anchor here but be aware that some areas can be very shallow and there are areas of rocks around the cala, so do not anchor too close to the shore.

Formentor Beach This popular beach is one of the most northerly points in Mallorca just up from Port de Pollença . The natural sandy beach is lined with luxury hotels, bars and restaurants whilst the water is ideal for swimming thanks to the crystal clear blue seas. There are plenty of mooring buoys in this area due to its popularity but there is also space to anchor in the neighbouring area. The sandy ground has a depth of around three to five metres except for the area around the small island of Illa de Formentor where it is only one metre.

Coll Baix This open cove is located 7km north-east of Alcúdia . Rocky cliffs and high headland surround the cala while the 445m high La Victoria Hill with its hermitage and 16th-century defence tower can be seen from the bay. This cove can be difficult to get to by land meaning that it doesn’t get too crowded, making it an ideal spot for snorkelling. Waters are not very deep here so caution is advised when anchoring.

The East Coast

yacht club palma de mallorca

Famous for its caves and coves, the east coast of Mallorca provides an interesting enough coastline to keep those on board entertained. Whilst this area lacks ports to accommodate super yachts, you will find boats of all shapes and sizes around simply because it has some of the most beautiful beaches and bays this island has to offer.

Cala Moltó & Cala Agulla Cala Moltó and Cala Agulla are two bays in the north-east, near Cala Ratjada . Cala Moltó is the favourite place to anchor, overlooked by the 300m Son Jaumell Hill, it allows night anchorage if weather permits. It's ideal for sunbathing without tan lines as this clothing-optional beach offers a quiet and undisturbed spot in the sun. There is also a horse riding centre nearby where people travel from all over the island to go for a hack along some of the renowned trails this area has to offer. Cala Agulla has some beach bars, hotels and evening concerts which offer the perfect excuse to stretch the legs for an evening away from the boat. Anchoring in these bays is easy as the water is clear and the bottom mostly sand.

Porto Cristo & Calas de Mallorca The resorts of Porto Cristo and Calas de Mallorca provide the largest natural marina in the south-east. The famous Cuevas del Drach , within easy reach of Porto Cristo marina , are well worth a visit. Anchoring here is fairly easy while the sandy seafloor and clear waters are perfect for swimming. Note that weather conditions can change rapidly here because the cala is rather exposed to the wind so keep an eye on the forecast and stay aware at all times.

Cala Santanyí Located in the south-east of Mallorca, Cala Santanyí , a small sheltered cove, is home to the famous Es Pontas (The Bridge) stone arch created by erosion caused by waves. The water here is calm and clear, ideal for swimming and snorkelling and there is even a diving school nearby. With depths ranging from five to eight metres, it's the perfect spot for larger yachts to anchor although, depending on the wind conditions, you may need to find shelter closer to shore.

Colonia de Sant Jordi Located in the calm waters of the south-east, Colonia de Sant Jordi boasts some of the best beaches in Mallorca. Overnight anchorage is possible because the cala is protected from winds. The beach of Es Trenc is one of the most famous places to anchor in the area thanks to its long stretch of sand and perfect turquoise waters, whilst the Port de Sant Jordi offers temporary moorings, nautical-recreational and fishing activities. From the original fishing harbour of Colonia de Sant Jordi there are ferry services to the islands of Cabrera .

Cabrera National Park An archipelago of protected, beautiful small islands off the south-east coast of Mallorca, Cabrera is a Maritime-Terrestrial National Park with untouched flora and fauna. It's one of the most stunning natural areas you can visit in Mallorca by boat, as well as one of the most remote. There are severe regulations on sailing in Cabrera. Around the national park, speed is limited to 10 NM. Unauthorised anchoring is forbidden and limited to 50 permits at any one time. You can request a navigation permit which allows you to anchor from an hour after sunrise to an hour before sunset and lasts for a year. There are also overnight permits (from 18:00) valid for 2 nights during July and August and 7 nights the rest of the year. Permits must be requested between 20 and 2 days before the visit. Diving is also restricted, a permit is required and it's only allowed in certain locations in order to preserve and protect seaweed and seagrass. To request a permit, go to the Spanish National Parks website .


In certain areas of Mallorca, nature reserves have been set up to restrict visiting boats from anchoring. This is part of the LIFE Posidonia Project, launched to preserve the rare seagrass and seaweed which create the island's unique underwater ecosystem. Mooring buoys must be booked in advance up to 09:00 on the same day of your visit. Protected areas include Cala Blava in the Bay of Palma, Punta de l’Avançada in the Bay of Pollença, Sa Dragonera and Sant Elm in the south-west tip, the coastline near Artà and the Llevant coast. Boats can be fined for unauthorised anchoring. Charges vary from bay to bay and often correlate to the length of your boat.

Charter costs & taxes

There are currently no taxes applied to chartering yachts around Mallorca. However, there are additional costs that you need to consider since skipper, crew, fuel and mooring are not usually included in the cost of chartering a yacht.

Moorings & marinas

There are marinas all along Mallorca's coastline. The largest ones are located in Palma, and the south coast possesses the swankiest ones along with some of the island's most exclusive restaurants and bars. Lively port destinations include Palma, Puerto Portals, Port Adriano, Port d’Andratx, Port de Sóller, Port de Pollença, Port d’Alcúdia and Cala d’Or. These marinas are equipped with the latest facilities including berths available for small fishing boats right up to the growing superyacht category.

Most marinas in Mallorca also allocate a selection of ‘temporary moorings’ to allow passing boats travelling around the island to stay a night or more. The ports offer daily and overnight rates so it’s important to factor these additional costs into your yacht charter. It's highly recommended to book these moorings in advance, especially in peak season because the ports often get booked up.

When to come

The ideal time to be out on Mallorca’s water is between the months of April and October, although it is also possible to experience good calm weather in any season. The position of the Balearic islands is such that they create a ‘Mediterranean front’, so local winds are particularly favourable for yachting. Conditions are usually only bad when other weather fronts prevail, which can happen during the winter months.

Sailing lessons

There are sailing schools and watersports centres in Palma and most of the marinas around Mallorca. These are the places to go for sailing training, yacht master training, motor yacht licenses, jet ski licenses and much more. A majority of the time, the island has the ideal weather conditions that allow beginner sailors to learn the ropes in a safe environment. Sheltered bays provide a great setting for beginners to learn how to sail without having to deal with strong and intimidating winds or waves.

Attraction 24m Catamaran, Palma Centre & Marina exterior

Charter your yacht in Mallorca

Clear water and boats

Day's Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sailing in Mallorca is big business. In the last few alone decades new marinas have been built at Puerto Portals and Port Adriano to accommodate luxury yachts and Palma has one of the largest harbours in Europe for non commercial vessels.

a yacht in the sea in mallorca

Fancy being your own Captain?

Did you know that you could get your own ICC (International Certificate of Competence) to skipper a boat in the Med?

girls sunbating on front of a yacht at sea in mallorca

Sailing along Mallorca's coast

A yacht charter is the perfect way to celebrate that special occasion. A friend got in touch a while ago and asked for some recommendations of things to do for his 30th birthday if he were to come to Mallorca with a group of friends in June.

Porto Colom Full Day Boat Trip exterior

Top 12 Mallorca restaurants to sail to

There is nothing quite like cruising around the coastline of Mallorca on a yacht, and there are plenty of fabulous waterside restaurants dotted around the island which provide easy access from the water for a spot of lunch or dinner.

Start Planning

Port de Soller Sunset Boat Trip, Port de Soller

Start Exploring

a view over the roofs of Palma at sunset



382 boats available for bareboat or crewed charter

Yachts from professional fleet operators in Mallorca

Free cancellation of reservation without obligations within 4 days

Most popular boats For rent in MALLORCA

Main image -

Sun Odyssey 519 (2017)

NN -

Zodiac N-ZO 760 (2015)

Alboran Ron Punch -

Voyage 440 (2006)

Main image -

Bavaria Cruiser 50 (2014)

Alboran XXXI Saoco -

Oceanis 43 (2008)

Bubbles Up -

Lagoon 40 - 4 + 2 cab (2024)

Main image -

Sun Odyssey 519 (2018)

Anabella -

Lagoon 450 - 4 + 2 cab. (2017)

Leonis -

Bavaria Cruiser 50 (2011)

Main image -

Bavaria 46 Cruiser (2007)

Top destinations in mallorca for boat rental.


281 boats for charter

from ₽71,190 per week

El Arenal

33 boats for charter

from ₽108,360 per week

Port de Pollenca


20 boats for charter

from ₽196,470 per week


16 boats for charter

from ₽303,840 per week


14 boats for charter

from ₽92,700 per week

Cala D`Or

9 boats for charter

from ₽253,170 per week

  • Mahon 7 boats in Mahon 7
  • Port d`Alcudia 1 boats in Port d`Alcudia 1
  • Santa Ponsa 1 boats in Santa Ponsa 1

Types of boats available for rent in Mallorca

Sailboat charter

There are 221 sailboats available for charter in Mallorca, prices start from ₽73,350 per week. Most budget friendly option for a vacation.

Sailboat charter

Catamaran charter

120 catamarans available for rent in Mallorca, form ₽102,600 for 1 week charter. Ideal option for group of friends or family vacation.

Catamaran charter

Power boat charter

40 powerboats available in Mallorca for rent, starting from ₽213,930 per week. Bareboat or crewed options available for sailing vacations.

Power boat charter

Trimaran charter

Currently not available for charter in this country. Check other boat types.

Trimaran charter

Gulets charter

Gulets charter

Houseboat charter

Houseboat charter

Yacht charter types available in Mallorca

Bareboat charter, crewed yachts, skippered boats, mallorca sailing itineraries.

Mallorca 7 days sailing itinerary

Mallorca 7 days sailing itinerary

Menorca 7 days sailing itinerary

Menorca 7 days sailing itinerary

Cost of boat rental in mallorca.

Average yacht charter cost in Mallorca starts from ₽298,620 per week. Graphic below represents fluctuation of charter prices in Mallorca during the year, based on a sample of 50 boats ranging from 40 to 50-foot. This graphic shows months with lowest prices during the year as well high season when prices are above average. Before booking the boat at lowest rate, please check sailing conditions as usually best prices are during off season.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec













Sailing conditions in Mallorca

Air temperature, precipitation and wind force may vary significantly during the year. Below you may find graphics with min and max temperature and average precipitation days in Mallorca during the year. Book your charter vacation in Mallorca wisely! Considering sailing conditions along with the best price offers

Temperature by month

Average air High and Low temperature during the year

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max t° 15 °C 16 °C 17 °C 19 °C 22 °C 26 °C 29 °C 30 °C 27 °C 23 °C 19 °C 17 °C
Min t° 8 °C 9 °C 10 °C 11 °C 15 °C 18 °C 21 °C 22 °C 20 °C 16 °C 12 °C 10 °C
Max t° 59 °F 60 °F 63 °F 66 °F 72 °F 79 °F 84 °F 85 °F 81 °F 74 °F 67 °F 62 °F
Min t° 47 °F 47 °F 49 °F 52 °F 59 °F 65 °F 70 °F 72 °F 68 °F 61 °F 54 °F 50 °F

Rainy days by month

Average number of days with precipitation during the year.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Rainy Days 5 5 4 6 4 2 1 1 4 7 6 6

Mallorca Yacht Charter Reviews with 12knots

United States

“Excellent charter”

Excellent charter - I recommend them!

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The Balearics islands yacht charters

The Balearics islands yacht charters

Strategically positioned on ancient trading routs between  Europe and Africa, these islands got their fair share of invaders:  Greeks, Romans, Turks, etc. Christian kings, Arab rulers and Jewish  merchants have all left their mark there. With a yacht charter in  Mallorca you can easily explore its diverse architectural heritage, in  colorful fiestas, ceremonies and cuisine.

Like mainland of Spain, the Balearics Islands have been inhabited  since pre-historic times. So many invaders laid claim to them at various  points in history. Both Catalan and Castilian Spanish are spoken in the  Balearics Islands, which has been an autonomous region since 1983.

One of the Balearic Islands yacht charter bases is located in  Mallorca, a beautiful mountainous island, with rolling hills, sandy  beaches and stalagmite caves. It's landscape, culture and entertainment  offers a wide range of experiences during your sailing vacation. And it  is also by far the most culturally rich.

The great Polish composer Frederic Chopin stayed at the monastery of  Valldemossa with his lover Aurora Dupin, better known as the French  novelist George Sand, in the winter of 1838, where he composed his 24  preludes. The English poet Robert Graves hosted Pablo Picasso and actors  Alec Guiness and Peter Ustinov at his house. The painter and sculptor  Joan Miro also found his home here. His works are on display in the  Fundacio Pilar i Joan Miro, on the outskirts of Palma.

Yacht charter Mallorca is incredibly diverse in its landscape,  architecture, culture or just entertainment. There is so much to enjoy  in Palma during a sailing vacation: from stunning nature reserves and  charming fishing villages to picturesque ruins and impressive country  estates. With bareboat or skippered charter you'll get whatever you want  here: wonderful beaches and vibrant nightlife with dancing and music,  or rural retreats with sedate and peaceful atmosphere.

Mallorca sailing conditions

The climate is mild, typically Mediterranean, with dry and sunny  summer. During July and August, average temperature raises to 75 – 85 F  with stable light winds from 5 to 15 knots. The winds are predominantly  southeast on the west part of the island and northwest on the eat part.  July marks the beginning of the peak sailing season, which will last  till the end of September. Cold winters are very rare in this area, with  average temperature around 60 F, Palma boat rentals are available the  year round. Nights are cold, but days are mostly sunny with partial  clouds. The highest rainfall is usually between October and December.  All in all, the weather is very pleasant and mild all year around.

Winter navigation

The average temperature in December-January in navigation area  near Balearic Islands is mild. The average max temperature is 18 C and  the minimum temperature 13 C. But it’s quite frequent to have a few days  with 20 C or above.

It’s necessary to be equipped with warm clothes and waterproof  jackets, but don’t be afraid it is just a precaution and if sunny and on  land, you will have chance to wear T-shirt.

All boats are supplied with bed linen and warm blankets; additional  heaters are also available to make the main saloon and cabins warm and  toasty in almost any conditions.

Nevertheless you should keep in mind that it is better to bring all  staff in soft bags or backpacks because space on the boat is limited.  Take the most comfortable clothes (wool socks, wool sweater, waterproof  jackets, water resistant shoes, wool hats), sunglasses, and protective  sun cream, personal medicines, toilette accessories and gloves.

Places of interest

Places of interest

The island's north-west coast is especially scenic, with its  terraced cliff sides and hidden coves. Once you venture away from  crowds, this area will give you a pleasant sense of isolation. It's  craggy coast is dotted with watch towers, ancient monasteries and  churches and picturesque idyllic villages.

Sun Marroig, estate of 18th century, has been converted into a museum with a great collection of pottery and paintings.

Mirador del Ses Animes, the former defense tower, standing on a steep rock, is visible from far away.

Port d'Andratx, used to be a small fishing port, now harbors  expensive yachts for the rich and famous. The cute town, with its white  shuttered houses and cobbled streets, lies in a valley, while the old  watch towers are formidably standing on the hill above it.

Another popular attraction is the pearl factory at nearby Manacor.

On the island's east coast, near the fishing port of Porto Cristo,  are the Caves of Drach, which contain one of the world's largest  underground lakes.

Mallorca's Caves

Mallorca's Caves

Caves in Mallorca are formed out of limestone rocks. Some are the  size of a cathedral with dripstones that form fantastic forms and are  illuminated for better impression. Once they provided shelter for early  settlers or hiding places for pirates. Although Mallorca has about 200  caves, only a few of them are open to public. And it's worth taking a  tour! There is a number of caves with underground lakes. They have great  acoustics and concerts can be performed by the musicians seated in  boats.

Beaches of Mallorca

Beaches of Mallorca

Mallorca has about 80 beaches. The best are around Badia de Palma.  Some of the beaches include restaurants, fun parks, water sports and  beachside bars. But it is still possible to find secluded beaches:  however they may have quite a few facilities and could be difficult to  reach.

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca

Palma over the years has transformed itself from a provincial  town into a metropolis. With a quarter of a million residents, it is  Mallorca's main city and the capital of Baleares province. It captivates  you by the evident signs of its rich history: dominant cathedrals,  grand public buildings, exquisite private mansions.

On a hill overlooking the port there is Bellver Castle, a fine  example of the 14th century military architecture. Caiman Forum Palma,  built in 1902, the most impressive 20th century building, now serves as a  cultural center. Palau Reial de I'Almudaina, the former royal residence  built in 1309, is now turned into a museum. And here is the Gothic  Cathedral, built of golden sandstone, is one of the most breathtaking  buildings in Spain. Palma Cathedral is one of the best-sited cathedrals  anywhere - it is positioned high on the sea wall towering over the  harbor. The construction began in 1230 and finished in 1601. At the  beginning of the century Antonio Gaudi remodeled most of its interior.

Among other structures of interest are Arab Baths of the 10th  century, Church of San Francisco of the 13th century and The Forn Teatro  (Theater Bakery), well-known for its impressive facade and it's  delicious pastries.

Spanish cuisine is as varied as the country itself. Good  quality local cuisine is always available. Most of the Balearic dishes  are Catalan in origin: ensaimadas  - spiral pastries dusted with icing  sugar or sobrasadas - spicy pork pates.

But the influence of each occupying force over the centuries - Arabs,  French or British – also has left its mark on the local cuisine, as  well. Sobrasada - a sausage-meat spread. Embutits – cured meats.  Surrounded by water, there is no wonder that seafood (especially lobster  and cray fish) predominates here. Caldereta de llagosta (lobster stue),  once a simple fishermen's dish is now a delicacy. The classic Mallorcan  dish is Pa Amb Oli, a slice of toasted bread rubbed with garlic and  drizzled with local olive oil. Tapas are popular bite-sized snacks,  often served hot with chilled wine or beer.

Sailing itinerary

Sailing itinerary

We offer several options of sailing itineraries in Malloca  depending on the duration of the yacht charer weather conditions, your  personal preferences and starting point of your sailing vacation. There  are three major charter areas in Mallorca: Palma, Porto Colom and  Alcudia or Pollenca. Alcudia is a great starting point for all types of  itineraries including one week sailing to Menorca, while Palma and Porto  Colom are the best to explore Eastern or Western part of Majjorca  icluding round the island sailing trip.

7 days itinerary, 150 nm. Sailing from Mallorca to Menorca. Day 1 – Pollenca (Mallorca) / Arrival in the afternoon, grocery, check-inDay 2 – Ciutadella de Menorca / 33 nmDay 3 – Fornelles / 24 nmDay 4 – Mahon / 20 nmDay 5 – Cala Galdana / 24 nmDay 6 – Colonia San Pere / 34 nmDay 7 – Pollenca / 16 nmDeparture Day - Check-out 9am

7 days itinerary, 120 nm. Sailing eastern part of MallorcaDay 1 – Pollenca (Mallorca)Day 2 – Colonia San Pere / 16 nmDay 3 – Porto Christo / 26 nmDay 4 – Cala Figuera / 15 nmDay 5 – Cala Santanyi 2nm / Cala D’or / 4 nmDay 6 – Cala Ratjada / 25 nmDay 7 – Pollenca / 24 nmDeparture Day - Check-out 9am

7 days itinerary, 170 nm. Sailing round the MallorcaDay 1 – PalmaDay 2 – Port D’Andrax / 20 nmDay 3 – Port D’Soller / 25 nmDay 4 – Pollenca / 36 nmDay 2 – Cala Ratjada / 25 nmDay 3 – Cala Figuera / 28 nmDay 4 – Palma / 35 nm

Porto Cristo

Porto Cristo

Is a small town located on the eastern part of Mallorca. It was  not affected by mass tourism and preserved most of its charm and lovely  white sand beaches. Here you will find no trendy bars or busy  nightclubs but tranquil atmosphere where you can lie on the beach and  drink a cold beer without being disturbed.

The must-see attraction are two cave complexes called “Coves del  Drach and Coves dels Hams” that offer and incredible experience of  Mallorca’s natural beauty

Cala Figuera

Cala Figuera

More than in any other part of Mallorca, Cala Figueres retains the  atmosphere of an authentic fishing port. Here you will see white washed  houses on the water’s edge and fishermen fixing their nets. It’s a good  idea to arrive early and buy some catch of the day.

Cala Santanyi

Cala Santanyi

Cala Santanyi located on the south-eastern part of Mallorca, is a  popular beach and diving area. Local diving school offers great diving  courses so or you can just bask in the crystal-clear water. There are  several resort style hotels in the area

Cala D’or

This place is famous for many hidden calla’s and coves in the  area. For the food lovers, Cala D’Or offers a number of diverse  restaurants and busy bars.

Cala Ratjada

Cala Ratjada

Sailing east of Mallorca you will find this small fishing  village known for its fine white sand beaches, pristine clear water and  turquoise sea. If you’re looking for a slightly more serene experience  take a short walk away from the beach to the lighthouse at Punta de  Capdepera which offers fantastic view over to Menorca.

For the foodies, take a lunch trip to Es Coll d’Os which has a great  atmosphere and prides itself on home grown food. For a traditional meal,  Reco D’es Moll servers the finest Tapas in the area.

Sailing to the north tip of Mallorca you will find Pollenca, a  well sheltered anchorage, but there is also a marina if you’re looking  for some creature comforts. You should also check to see if there are  any festivals or fairs happening whilst you’re visiting as they are  popular and frequent here.


Mao-Mahon is the capital city of Menorca. It also known as the  second deepest natural harbor in the world; 5km long and 900 meters  wide. Sailing to Mahón harbor you will see La Mola Fortress, former  military prison during the Franco dictatorship and the Saint Felip  Castle. These sites certainly make entrance to the harbor quite an  experience. Once you are in Mahon you can choose either to take a  mooring, anchor or shelter in the harbor.


Fornells is a traditional fisherman's town on the north coast  of Menorca. Here you will find large well protected harbor, surrounded  by picturesque white washed buildings with local restaurants and bars.

Sailing to Fornells you see how this place retained its charm by fending off major development.

Near Fornells bay you will notice couple of pretty coves and three  small islands home to the indigenous blue green lizard 'S'argantana  Balear'. These coves and islands can only be reached by boat.

Must try local cuisine. Dinner in Fornells is a real feast for fish  lovers. This place offers number of fantastic fish restaurants which  Fornells has become renowned for.


This is a former capital of Menorca, a small charming town,  with old cobbled streets and reminiscent of a bygone era. Entering the  harbor, you will be amazed by stunning beauty of this town. Take a  mooring in front of the pier that is lined with bars and restaurants, so  you can literally hop off your yacht straight into a bar; and then roll  back out again.

The old town Cuitadella it's definitely worth visiting. You will  reach it by heading up some cobbled stairs where you will find many  remains of what the town used to be like, including the still standing  Cathedral of Menorca in the old town.

yacht club palma de mallorca

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73  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in Mallorca

Mallorca Yacht Charters

Mallorca opens up an entire world of possibilities for those visiting as part of a crewed yacht charter in Spain . The beautiful bays and crystal clear waters that surround the island's interior provide a fantastic playground for the modern charterer. What’s more, thanks to the marine facilities located just outside of the Spanish capital city of Palma, those visiting by superyacht are able to access the up-and-coming hotspot with incredible ease.

Mallorca Luxury Yacht Charter As part of the world-renowned Balearic Islands , Mallorca has beautifully striking landscapes and enjoys characteristically hot summers. Along with seemingly endless stretches of blemish-free beaches, there are a series of caves above and below the water for those who enjoy scuba diving when away on vacation. As much of a cultural hotspot as a geographical marvel, Mallorca is also home to an incredible dining scene as well as a burgeoning art world.

Luxury Yacht Charter In Mallorca A truly distinguished charter destination, Mallorca brings together everything that is great about the Balearic Islands and Spain more generally. Specifically, it combines an beautiful, natural landscape with plenty of attractions to enjoy on the mainland. With such an enviable backdrop on hand to charter guests, there are fewer destinations better suited for a luxury yacht charter in the summer. Of course, the city of Palma in the southwest of Majorca promises to amaze visitors with its sheer variety of sights and architecture.

Yacht Charters in Mallorca As an outstanding Mediterranean charter destination there is a wide selection of motor yachts, sailing yachts and luxury catamarans available for rent around Majorca.The Serra de Tramuntana mountain range in the north protects the island from violent gales, meaning its climate is consistently mild and pleasant, with temperatures creeping up to 30°C (85°F) in the hottest months of July and August. 

Charter Itineraries in Mallorca Hosting one of Europe’s largest marinas, Palma is undoubtedly the best place to begin a yacht vacation. Paved with winding cobbled streets, it’s well worth immersing yourself in the historic city before getting underway for Port’ d’Andrax, Soller, Pollenca, and Cala Ratjada. Each offering something unique to the modern charterer, these spots are perfect for enjoying the climate and culture.

Chartering a Private Yacht In Mallorca For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in Mallorca please contact your preferred yacht charter broker . They will be happy to assist in putting together your dream itinerary, combining your party's needs with recommendations about the best time to visit this superb destination.

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My Bro Yacht Charter in Mallorca

48m   Dunya Yachts

from $334,000 p/week ♦︎

Alulim Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Joia The Crown Jewel Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Joia The Crown Jewel 12

65m Codecasa

65m   2010/2023

from $556,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Virginian Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Virginian 12

62m Feadship

62m   1990/2024

from $272,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Satemi Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Burrasca 12

56m Perini Navi

56m   2003/2024

from $239,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Purpose Yacht Charter in Mallorca

55m Trinity Yachts

55m   2006/2023

from $300,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Alulim Yacht Charter in Mallorca

53m Sanlorenzo

53m   2018/2023

from $333,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Bel1 Yacht Charter in Mallorca

50m Rossinavi

from $287,000 p/w eek

Eternal Spark Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Eternal Spark 12

50m Bilgin Yachts

from $388,000 p/w eek ♦︎

My Bro Yacht Charter in Mallorca

48m Dunya Yachts

from $334,000 p/w eek ♦︎

MITseaAH Yacht Charter in Mallorca

MITseaAH 10

48m Pendennis

from $147,000 p/w eek

Lulworth Yacht Charter in Mallorca

46m White Brothers

46m   1920/2006

Big Aron Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Big Aron 10

46m Royal Denship

46m   2004/2020

from $165,000 p/w eek

Aiglon Yacht Charter in Mallorca

45m Abeking & Rasmussen

45m   1970/2009

Sir Robert Baden Powell Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sir Robert Baden Powell 17

42m Edgar Andre

42m   1957/2017

Barbara Anne Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Barbara Anne 11

41m Baglietto

from $250,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Legend Yacht Charter in Mallorca

37m Benetti

from $172,000 p/w eek ♦︎

The Palm Yacht Charter in Mallorca

The Palm 10

37m Canados

from $111,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Vayus Yacht Charter in Mallorca

37m Ocean King

from $167,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Mana I Yacht Charter in Mallorca

36m Mulder Shipyard

36m   2020/2021

from $155,000 p/w eek ♦︎

By Bubanny Yacht Charter in Mallorca

By Bubanny 8

35m Canados

from $75,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Ocean One Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Ocean One 12

from $177,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Gaja Yacht Charter in Mallorca

35m Hotchya Shipyard

35m   2006/2013

from $77,000 p/w eek

Spellbound Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Spellbound 9

35m Admiral Yachts

from $82,000 p/w eek ♦︎

V. Bahria Yacht Charter in Mallorca

V. Bahria 10

35m SBF Shipbuilders

from $80,000 p/w eek ♦︎

On Time Yacht Charter in Mallorca

34m Sanlorenzo

from $133,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Amata Yacht Charter in Mallorca

33m Cantieri di Pisa

33m   2009/2014

from $78,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Belisa Yacht Charter in Mallorca

33m Overmarine

33m   2004/2021

from $86,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Never Give Up Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Never Give Up 12

Gihramar Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Gihramar 10

31m Custom Line

31m   2001/2015

from $52,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Crystal Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $60,000 p/w eek ♦︎

La Mer Yacht Charter in Mallorca

30m   2003/2021

from $31,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Yolo Too Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Yolo Too 10

30m Custom Line

30m   2001/2024

Princess 95 Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Princess 95 8

29m Princess

Memories Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $90,000 p/w eek

Oasis Yacht Charter in Mallorca

28m Sunseeker

from $61,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Twenty-Eight Yacht Charter in Mallorca


Inspiration Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Inspiration 8

27m Pershing

27m   2006/2019

Lady Alhena of London Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Lady Alhena of London 11

27m Astondoa

27m   1994/2007

from $44,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Maximo Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m   2007/2010

from $48,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aya Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m Leopard

27m   2003/2009

from $53,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Vita Yacht Charter in Mallorca

27m Sunseeker

from $42,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Ariyas Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Sunseeker

26m   2011/2023

Dune Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Benetti

26m   1974/2018

from $24,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sula Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m   2009/2017

from $47,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Top Yacht Charter in Mallorca

26m Princess

Blue Ocean Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Blue Ocean 8

25m Astondoa

from $29,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Stella Yacht Charter in Mallorca

25m Nautor's Swan

25m   2006/2024

Victoria III Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Victoria III 8

25m Benetti Sail Division

25m   2001/2015

from $21,000 p/w eek

Moonshot Yacht Charter in Mallorca

25m Sanlorenzo

from $46,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Paladio Yacht Charter in Mallorca

25m Italversil

25m   1993/2023

Atraversia Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Atraversia 9

24m Silent Yachts

Georgia Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Sunseeker

24m   2007/2014

Spoom Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Gideon Shipyards

24m   1962/2010

Entre4 Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Sunreef Yachts

from $76,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Essoess Yacht Charter in Mallorca

24m Spertini Alalunga

24m   2007/2022

from $32,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Evasione Yacht Charter in Mallorca

23m Pershing

23m   2004/2024

from $50,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Regis Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $22,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dolce Vita Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Dolce Vita 8

22m Astondoa

22m   2001/2016

from $23,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Electra Yacht Charter in Mallorca

from $17,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sensation Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Sensation 6

22m Pershing

22m   2008/2023

Beauty Yacht Charter in Mallorca

22m   2007/2017

from $21,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Kitty Kat Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Kitty Kat 8

22m   2000/2018

Maia Fair Yacht Charter in Mallorca

Maia Fair 6

22m Sunseeker

from $43,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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  1. Real Club Nautico de Palma Marina

    Palma's main marina, by the cathedral. This royal yacht club is it the oldest and biggest in the Balearics. Situated near the centre of Palma, it offers good security with easy access for all nautical goods and services. There are 946 moorings of which 589 are for members. The club has a sailing and canoe schools,

  2. RCNP

    Real Club Nautico de Palma. Información sobre el titular del sitio web La Asociación Deportiva REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA con domicilio en Muelle San Pedro, 1, Palma de Mallorca (Islas Baleares), es titular del dominio rcnp.es, Provista de C.I.F. G-07019268, está inscrita en el Registro de Asociaciones Deportivas de Baleares, con fecha del día 15/12/1987 y con el número DC. 0806.

  3. Real Club Náutico de Palma

    Among the clubs facilities are an outdoor and indoor pool, a fully-equipped gymnasium, members' restaurants, a crèche, library and lounges.The club offers sailing and canoeing courses for different ages and levels. Palma's Royal Nautical Club hosts some of the most prestigious sailing competitions in the world.Palma Vela takes place in May, with regattas for large yacht classes as well as ...

  4. Real Club Nautico Yacht Club

    Palma de Mallorca: Small Group Tour in Hidden Coves of Mallorca. 17. Adventure Tours. from . $41.99. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Catamaran 2 hrs Sunset Sailing Cruise unlimited Champagne Drinks. 2. City Tours. ... Real Club Nautico Yacht Club - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  5. Real Club Nautico de Palma, Baleares, Spain

    The Real Club Nautico Yacht Club is situated at the heart of the Bay of Palma, in the SW of Mallorca. Perfectly protected from the winds and storms, it offers its visitors exemplary safety. 10 km by motorway from the Son Sant Joan international airport, 3 km from the Port of Palma, and situated in the middle of the Paseo Marítimo, the Club has ...

  6. Harbour info Real Club Nautico in Mallorca

    The luxurious yacht club in the heart of Palma Bay: The Real Club Náutico is one of the most important marinas in the Balearic Islands and thus a sought-after maritime meeting place. The popular club surpasses its high standards year after year. Numerous services, high security measures and a varied entertainment programme make every stay a ...

  7. The Club

    Club de Mar-Mallorca is one of the leading yacht clubs on the island of Mallorca. Its members, as well as its clients, are the fundamental pillar that has made the club grow to what it is today. With more than 500 moorings for large yachts and small boats, a sports area with first-class instructors and exclusive assistance, the club provides a ...

  8. Real Club Náutico

    Founded in 1948, the Real Club Náutico de Palma Yacht Club is the doyen of the Balearic Yacht Clubs. Faithful to its vocation of being one of the best clubs in Europe, it completely revamped its installations between 1999 and 2004. During its 60 years of existence, the Club has hosted an impressive number of international regattas.

  9. Real Club Náutico de Palma

    1019 berths. Max Length 20 m. Max Draught 4.5 m. Radio Channel. You can reach Real Club Náutico de Palma by calling VHF9. Real Club Náutico de Palma is a Recommended Marina. Real Club Náutico de Palma is a yacht club that is hosted by one of the most popular destinations in the world: Palma de Mallorca. It could accommodate yachts up to 20 m ...

  10. Mediterranean Yacht Club

    Mediterranean Yacht Club, Palma De Mallorca, Spain. 606 likes. MYC is a nonprofit organisation for the promotion of water sports, especially sailing....

  11. Palma De Mallorca

    Palma de Mallorca is the capital of the Balearic Islands and also one of the major yachting hubs in the Mediterranean. ... All of them have a good reputation, and prices are mostly about the same. Some may offer you 10% Palma Yacht Crew discount off some courses, but you will have to inquire directly. ... MARINAS in PALMA DE MALLORCA. Club de ...

  12. Real Club Nautico Yacht Club

    Palma de Mallorca: Small Group Tour by Locals in Hidden Coves. 24. Adventure Tours. from ₹3,512.58. per adult. Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Private Tour of Valldemossa, Soller and Serra de Tramuntana. 7. ... REAL CLUB NAUTICO YACHT CLUB (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos) - Tripadvisor.

  13. Palma de Mallorca Yacht Charter

    Sunset in Cap de Formentor on a Palma de Mallorca yacht charter Marinas and Anchorages Bear Palma de Mallorca Club de Mar. Club de Mar has 575 berths for yachts between 8m and 135m in length and has a waiting dock that can accommodate vessels up to 350m. Real Club Nautico . Has an impressive 971 moorings for sail and motor boats up to 131 feet ...

  14. Copa Del Rey 2024

    The regatta was founded in 1982 and is held annually at the Real Club Náutico de Palma yacht club, located in the heart of the bay of Palma de Mallorca. Copa Del Rey is under the patronage of the King of Spain. The king himself and his immediate family also take part in the regatta on equal terms with other crews.

  15. Real Club Nautico Yacht Club (Palma de Mallorca)

    Palma de Mallorca: Smågruppstur av lokalbefolkningen i dolda vikar. 24. Äventyrsturer. från . 433,89 kr. per vuxen. Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Privat rundtur i Valldemossa, Soller och Serra de Tramuntana. 7. Bussresor. ... Real Club Nautico Yacht Club (Palma de Mallorca) - Allt du behöver veta innan du besöker - Tripadvisor ...

  16. Real Club Nautico Yacht Club

    Full Day Tour to the Best Beaches and Coves of Mallorca. 97. Adventure Tours. from. C$209.72. C$172.20. per adult (price varies by group size) Real Club Nautico Yacht Club. Booking unavailable on Tripadvisor.

  17. Chartering yachts in Mallorca (Majorca)

    A day yacht charter with friends from Club de Mar Marina in Palma. Sailing along Mallorca's coast. Palma de Mallorca. A yacht charter is the perfect way to celebrate that special occasion. A friend got in touch a while ago and asked for some recommendations of things to do for his 30th birthday if he were to come to Mallorca with a group of ...

  18. Yacht Charter & Boat rental in Mallorca 2024

    Sailboat charter. There are 220 sailboats available for charter in Mallorca, prices start from $904 per week. Most budget friendly option for a vacation. From $904/week. Catamaran charter. 123 catamarans available for rent in Mallorca, form $1,265 for 1 week charter. Ideal option for group of friends or family vacation.

  19. Mallorca Yacht Charters

    Yacht Charters in Mallorca. As an outstanding Mediterranean charter destination there is a wide selection of motor yachts, sailing yachts and luxury catamarans available for rent around Majorca.The Serra de Tramuntana mountain range in the north protects the island from violent gales, meaning its climate is consistently mild and pleasant, with ...

  20. REAL CLUB NAUTICO YACHT CLUB (Palma de Mallorca)

    Real Club Nautico Yacht Club. 60 reviews. #59 of 160 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Palma de Mallorca. Boat Tours. Write a review. See all photos. About. Palma de Mallorca, Majorca, Spain. Contact.