Boat Renovation People

32ft Reinke Yacht Renovation By Mike

32ft Reinke yacht Renovation by Mike

Passat” is a 10 metre, GRP Reinke built in Berlin in 1970. The previous owner told me that he had sailed more than 60,000 miles in the yacht before suffering a heart attack. She was then laid up in a barn for 15 years before I bought her.

This project has been going on for 15 years now as I bought the boat in 2005 and right at the outset found that it was a much bigger project than I envisaged. Firstly the Bukh engine was beyond economical repair so I purchased a second hand Yanmar 3GM30 and overhauled it. This meant cutting out the engine bearers and glassing in new ones.

Then I found that even after being in storage for 15 years, the keel was full of water and after cutting an exploratory hole in the side, it was decided that this too was not fit for purpose having been constructed of hollow ferro-cement with a glass skin, ballasted with billets of stainless steel. So I had a Naval Architect design a new keel in 10mm steel that could be welded together on site. This was done and then ballasted to the same weight and CofG as the old one using lead from a derelict yacht that I bought for £1, and melted into the keel. Also the rudder was found to be in a similar condition and I decided to fit a Hanse rudder which meant reconfiguring the hull. This I had done professionally. At this stage I was working in Australia on a six week rotation so didn’t really get much time to work on the boat again until I retired in 2014 at the age of 72. I then built a light aircraft and restored two vintage motorcycles before starting in earnest on the boat.

Over the last 3 years I have been working on reconfiguring the interior with a new cooker and sink and am at present working on re-wiring the electrics.

Reinke Yacht Bilge

2 thoughts on “32ft Reinke Yacht Renovation By Mike”

Very nice how is the sailing now! Hope u r sailing and not renovating any more motorbikes!

Very nice how is the sailing now! Hope u r not renovating any more motorbikes!

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Reinke S11 Alu-Selbstausbau – Teil 2: Der Innenausbau

reinke yacht bauen

Im zweiten Teil der Reihe über den Selbstausbau von Guido und Ilona Kreuels Reinke S11 geht es um den Innenausbau der Yacht. Im ersten Teil haben wir euch bereits gezeigt, wie der Rumpf vorbereitet wurde.

Nun geht es ans Eingemachte: Der komplette Innenausbau der Yacht wurde von Guido in Eigenregie durchgeführt , natürlich immer tatkräftig unterstützt durch seine Frau Ilona. Hervorzuheben ist, dass das Schiff komplett mit PU-Schaum isoliert wurde um auch in kalte Gewässer fahren zu können und im Falle eines Lecks zusätzlichen Auftrieb zu haben.


Innenausbau Vorschiff

Zunächst zeigen wir den Ausbau des Vorschiffs zu einer gemütlichen Eignerkammer :

Nasszelle mit Waschmaschine an Bord

Als nächstes kommt die „ Nasszelle “ dran, die einen Vergleich mit einem „normalen“ Badezimmer nicht scheuen muss. Sogar eine kleine Waschmaschine ist an Bord um nicht nur zum Waschen eine teure Marina besuchen zu müssen.

Innenausbau Achterkabine

An Backbord vom Niedergang wird eine Achterkabine gebaut, die kurze Wege zur Navigation und zum Niedergang ermöglicht und auch bei Lage und Seegang einen angenehmen Schlaf verspricht.

Salon mit Dieselofen an Bord

Der Salon wird mit den vielen Fenstern und Luken ein gemütlicher Aufenthaltsraum. Da kommt der Dieselofen für kalte Wintertage und der individuelle Kajüttisch mit Weltkarte gerade recht um von zukünftigen Reisen zu träumen.

Pantry und Naviecke

Gegenüber der Rundsitzgruppe findet die großzügig geplante Küchenzeile platz. Und direkt daneben, nahe beim Niedergang die ganz auf elektronische Navigation ausgelegte Naviecke .

Dies war der zweite Teil der Reihe über den Selbstausbau von Guido und Ilonas Reinke S11. Im dritten Teil zeigen wir wie das Deck verlegt wird und die technischen Anlagen eingebaut werden.

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Fischkutter refit teil 24 – mitstreiter gesucht, 3d tender schlauchboote jetzt bei uns erhältlich, fischkutter refit teil 23 – neuer tagestank und weitere verbesserungen.

Nach vielen Monaten auf See als Crewmitglied von Traditionsseglern ist Jan jetzt auf eigenem Kiel unterwegs. Seit 2019 lebt er an Bord seiner ahora , zunächst eine Laurin 32, mittlerweile eine Malö 39. Von Bord aus betreibt Jan die KlabauterKiste , den KlabauterShop und neuerdings auch die englischsprachige Plattform BoatHowTo .

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Super tolles Traumprojekt! Viele schöne Abenteuer und tolle Erlebnisse belobt gesund und munter!

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Hallo habe da mal bitte eine Frage Saugt sich der schaum nicht mit Wasser voll wenn man mal ein kleines leck bekommt. Würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen Danke

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reinke yacht bauen

reinke yacht bauen

Die Suche nach dem richtigen Schiff

Erweb der Baulizenz

Die Suche nach der geeigneten Yacht für eine Weltumsegelung ließ uns folgende Kriterien aufstellen:

Robust (langzeithaltbar) also fiel die Wahl auf Aluminium

Mittelcockpit, große tankkapazitäten, großer stauraum, asy-twin-kiele.

Dar Gebrauchtmarkt lieferte nur sehr teuere Yachten die zudem noch relativ alt und auch nicht unseren Bedürfnissen angepasst waren. Der Selbstbau rückte immer näher in unser Blickfeld!

Bei dem Konstrukteur Kurt Reinke ( ) wurden wir fündig und entschlossen uns die Lizenz für eine Reinke 13M zu erwerben.

reinke yacht bauen

2002 wurde der Bauvertrag mit der Firma Jelen Yachts in Weinsberg/Wimmental abgeschlossen. Baubeginn sollte Mitte 2003 sein und das Kasko sollte Mitte 2004 ausgeliefert werden. Leider gab es Verzögerungen, sodass erst Mitte 2004 mit dem Bau begonnen wurde und die Fertigstellung zog sich bis April 2006 hin. Fachlich sind wir mit dem Kaskobau sehr zufrieden aber die Unzuverlässigkeit von Herr Jelen führte zu einer hohen Unzufriedenheit mit dessen zeitlicher Planung. Hinzu kam, dass die Firma Jelen Yachts im Januar 2005 Insolvenz anmelden musste und ab Juni 2005 ein Insolvenzverwalter eingesetzt wurde. Wir mussten also mit Hilfe von Frau Dr. Lenenbach einer tollen Rechtsanwältin (siehe Linkliste) unsere alleinigen Ansprüche an dem Kasko darlegen was durch den Bauvertrag aber kein Problem darstellte. Folgender Zusatz im Bauvertrag ist zwingend notwendig:

„Hiermit bestätige ich, Emmerich Jelen, dass der Yachtrumpf vom Typ Reinke 13M, den ich in meiner Firmenhalle Grantschenerstr. 55 in 74189 Weinsberg für Herr Frank Kunzelnick baue zu jedem Zeitpunkt im uneingeschränkten Besitz von Herr Frank Kunzelnick ist. Das Material, das ich für den Rumpf benötige wird Herr Kunzelnick immer voll im Voraus bezahlen und ist deshalb auch im uneingeschränkten Besitz des unverbauten Materials.“

reinke yacht bauen

Der Transport

Für den Transport von Weinsberg/Wimmental nach Appenweier wurde die Firma MT Internationale Yachttransporte ( ) aus Karlsruhe unter Vertrag genommen. Diese erledigte den Auftrag zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit. Doch bis es soweit war mussten noch einige Hürden am Vortag des Transportes genommen werden.

Die Hallenvermieterin vom Yachtbauer Jelen hatte schon länger keine Miete von Herrn Jelen erhalten und hatte die Zufahrt zur Halle blockiert. Nur durch den unermüdlichen Einsatz von Frau Dr. Lenenbach unserer Rechtsanwältin konnte die Aufhebung der unrechtmäßigen Blockade erzwungen werden.

Der Transport konnte also wie geplant am 28.04.2006 nach Appenweier rollen.

reinke yacht bauen

Innenausbau I

Begonnen wurden mit der Isolierung des Rumpfes

Reinigen der Aluminiumflächen mit Supercleaner (International)

Ankleben der Trobloc-Platten (80 qm) der Firma Lutz und Gaugler/Aalen

( ) mit handelsüblichem Pattex (3 x 4,5 Liter Kanister)

Ausspritzen der Fugen mit PU-Schaum aus dem Baumarkt

Fazit: Die PE-Trobloc-Platten halten hervorragend mit Pattex. Ein Ablösen führt zur Zerstörung der Platten und auch kleinere Schweißarbeiten an der Rumpfaußenseite konnten nach der Isolierung keinerlei Zerstörung an der Klebestelle und Isolierung erkennen lassen.

Beschichten der Wassertanks

Die Wassertanks wurden mit Epple-Plast LS beschichtet. Es ist die einzige lebensmittelechte Beschichtung die auf Aluminium hält. Der Tank wurde vorher grundiert mit einem Ätzprimer von der Firma Epple (Epple Bauelemente GmbH, Herrenberg) und dann zweimal gestrichen oder besser gesagt mit der Beschichtung betupft. Streichen ließ sie sich nämlich nicht besonders. Das Ergebnis dieser auf Epoxidharz basierenden Beschichtung ist jedoch sehr gut.

Holzinnenausbau I

Der Unterbau wurde mit normalen Fichte-Tanne-Dachlatten gemacht. Die sind günstig im Baumarkt zu bekommen. Als nächstes wurde für die Schotten 15mm Bootsbausperrholz mit Khayafurnier bei der Firma Sommerfeld und Thiele bestellt.

Die Firma Sommerfeld und Thiele war jedoch zu teuer und alle anderen Holzteile haben wir dann bei der Firma Georgus betellt. Zuerst werden die Querwände eingebaut. Nun werden die Dachlatten an die Spanten geklebt (Sikaflex 221) um die Wandverkleidungen anzubringen.

Lackieren des Decks

Wir haben uns für die 2-K-Produkte von International (Interprotect, PU-Basecoat und Perfection entschieden). Doch zuerst musste das Aluminiumdeck mit der Festool Rotex (man braucht dieses Profigerät) mit 24 Korn geschliffen werden und am selben Tag musste die geschliffene Fläche mit Interprotect versiegelt werden. Für die 13M braucht man so ca. 4-5 Tage, dann ist das gesamte Deck einmal grundiert. Dann kamen noch mal zwei Schichten Interprotect, eine Polyuretan-Basecoat und zwei Schichten Perfectionlack darüber. Für die einzelnen Schichten braucht man jeweils ca. 6-7 Stunden. Die Beschichtung wurde ausschließlich gewalzt. Man sollte dafür lösungsmittelbeständige superfeine Walzen verwenden. Das Ergebnis ist trotz „Freilandlackierung“ (einige Mücken wurden doch übergewalzt) sehr gut geworden.

Einbau der Luken

Die Luken und auch alle anderen Anbauteile (Steuersäule, Instrumente,…) wurden mit Aluminiumschrauben ( ) verschraubt. Abgedichtet wurde mit Moosgummi (EPDM).

Die Seereling aus Edelstahl wurde auf die Alubolzen gesteckt die vorher mit Schrumpfschlauch und Kunststoffring isoliert wurden.

Holzinnenausbau II

Zuerst wurde die Bilge beschichtet (nur nötig zum besseren Sauberhalten).

Nun wurde die Lattenunterkonstruktion mittels Tanne-Fichte-Dachlatten an die Spanten geschraubt bzw. mit Sikaflex geklebt. Dort wo nur Abdeckungen und keine tragenden Teile (Wegerung, Schrankböden, …) verkleidet wurden haben wir dem Sikaflex den Vorrang gegeben. Es geht eben schneller und hält extrem gut. Als hervorragend hat sich das Schablonieren wie es Rainer und Martina Schwesinger auf ihrer Homepage ( ) beschreiben herausgestellt. Die Holzteile wurden hauptsächlich mit der Stichsäge ausgesägt. Verschraubungen mit den Spanten wurden mit Edelstahlschrauben (A2) und Duboschweitzer Kunststoffhülsen isoliert verschraubt.

Die Schranktüren wurden aus den verwendeten Platten herausgesägt und mit 50mm Leisten umklebt. Das ist einfach, spart Holz und sieht sehr gut aus.

Die Deckenverkleidungen wurden aus 6mm Sperrholz gefertigt und mit Bootsschaumfolie beklebt (Kövulfix).

reinke yacht bauen


Wir haben uns für einen Edelstahlbügelanker 25kg und 70m, 10mm Edelstahlkette entschieden. Edelstahl und Aluminium vertragen sich jedoch nicht besonders (Elektrolyse). Der Ankerkasten wurde aus diesem Grund innen mit dem restlichen Epple-Plast LS beschichtet. Dannach wurden Kunstoffmatten (Fußabtreter) n den Ankerksten geklebt. Nun ist keine Elektrolyse mehr zu befürchten.

Auf der Backbordseite läuft von vorn nach hinten ein 100x70 mm Kabelkanal von dem alle Rohrleitungen über die Decke zu den Verbrauchen führen.

reinke yacht bauen

Holzinnenausbau III

Der Kühlschrank würde genau eingepasst und mit 50 mm Styrodur aufgebaut. Dieses wurde mit Schichtstoffplatten beklebt und ausgefugt (Sikaflex). Als Herd wurde nun doch ein ENO Gasherd installiert und auch die lebenswichtigen Anbauteile (Gasfernschalter und Gasalarm) vorgesehen. In der Backskiste steht eine 11kg Aluminiumgasflasche.

reinke yacht bauen


Im Palstek hatten wir im Oktober 2008 einen 16,5m Mast in der nähe von Köln gefunden der vom Profil her genau passte. Es wurde vereinbart diesen im Frühjahr 2009 abzuholen. Er wurde unter einem öffentlichen Schwimmbad gelagert und es mussten Mauern und Zäune entfernt werden um ihn wieder an das Tageslicht zu bringen. Der Transport wurde mit einem Ruderbootsanhänger erledigt. Die Fahrt führte uns nach Köln und über Aachen, Lüttich, Saarbrücken, Straßbourg nach Hause. Alles in allem waren das 1000 km.

reinke yacht bauen

Holzinnenausbau IV

Das Hauptschott aus Aluminium wurde zum Bad hin mit einer roten HPL-Platte mittels Sikaflex verklebt. Ein 40 Liter Fäkalientank und eine Lavac-Vakuumtoilette eingebaut. Der gesamte Innenausbau wurde mit Le Tonkinois gestrichen (2x).

Salon Navigation und Heckkabine wurden ausgebaut.

reinke yacht bauen


reinke yacht bauen

Elektrik II

Alle einzeladereitungen werden in die rohre gezogen und in der verteilung angeschlossen. die led-spotlights, funkgerät, ... eingbaut. nun werden die batteriebänke abgesichert und verkabelt. der trenntrafo und die 230 v-installation findet ihren platz., decksarbeiten ii, anbau des biminitops, der winschen, der selbststeueranlage (hydrovane), peitschenantenne (selbstbau), travellerschiene, genuaschienen,..., segeln, art & genuss.

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Twin keel research

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by MikeJohns , Oct 16, 2004 .


MikeJohns Senior Member

I am looking into twin keels for a sailing yacht. Lord Riverdale apparently researched twin keels yonks ago and his conclusions were published in a technical paper. This paper was offered to the Royal Institute of Naval Architects on December 15, 1967. Also Riverdale was involved with extensive tank testing undertaken on the twin keel design Bluebird of Thorne II along with the designer Arthur Rob. The results of the tank testing were apparently published separately to the Riverdale paper, but I can't find where. RINA has the Riverdale presentation available for 10 pounds stirling (scanned onto CD ) Has anyone bought this off them and is it worth getting ? Is there a free synopsis available anywhere else ? Does anyone know where I can find the tank test results? Any other research published or accessible that anyone knows about? Seems this is an interesting area waiting for a lot of investigation.  

Sean Herron

Sean Herron Senior Member

Patrick Bray... Hello... Has done a lot of tank testing at the University of British Columbia... See site - articles - advantages of twin keels... SH.  

Attached Files:

Bray twin.jpg.

Ben Lindenberg

Ben Lindenberg Guest

Another Link or Two. Prof. Joachim Heinrichs of East-Germany did a lot of research on twin keels back in the seventies and eighties. His keels were and are used with good success in the hundreds in Reinke's (West-German) yachts in the same period. These are asymmetrical Gö-693 sections, 9% at the root, 12% at the tip, and of a depth that makes max. thicknesses coincide. There's a very small toe-in. In section the keels are almost vertical, and quite close together. A lengthy abstract of Heinrich's research is to be found in the book "Yacht Design" (I think that's the name) by Reinke/Muhs/Lütjens. Some of Reinke's designs (they are ugly, but work well) are at There's also an article on twin keels at that is well worth reading. BL  


FAST FRED Senior Member

One disadvantage to twin keels is the difficulty to heal a grounded boat to unstick her. Second is the uguly job of power washing and repainting between the keels. If tidal storage is the requirement , many Brit boats use legs attached to the chain plates , with a chain between the bottom pads to keep them from seperating. These boats take the tide unattended , season after season.If that was the purpose of your desire for bilge keels. FAST FRED  
Thanks for the info. I had been asked to look into the feasability of retrofitting twin keels to an existing yacht. The owners want to be able to take the ground in areas of large tidal range without fuss, with the advantages of reduced draft with increased damping (he gets seasick easily). Reading what I have been able to get my hands on indicates that the existing published data only gives a starting point for a new design and that moreover; the twin keel hull interaction, tracking stability and high possibility of induced drag with minor imperfections in position section and angles are so high as to make considerable tank testing mandatory for each and every design. There are so many variables with these keels. The Reinke information looks interesting thankyou, the website shows some very "different" design approaches. The Reinke approach appears to favour a flat bottommed hull. I will try and read his material if I can find the book. Does anyone know if it is available or its ISBN ?  

brian eiland

brian eiland Senior Member

MikeJohns said: I am looking into twin keels for a sailing yacht. Lord Riverdale apparently researched twin keels years ago and his conclusions were published in a technical paper. This paper was offered to the Royal Institute of Naval Architects on December 15, 1967. Also Riverdale was involved with extensive tank testing undertaken on the twin keel design Bluebird of Thorne II along with the designer Arthur Rob. The results of the tank testing were apparently published separately to the Riverdale paper, but I can't find where. RINA has the Riverdale presentation available for 10 pounds stirling (scanned onto CD ) Has anyone bought this off them and is it worth getting ? Is there a free synopsis available anywhere else ? Does anyone know where I can find the tank test results? Any other research published or accessible that anyone knows about? Seems this is an interesting area waiting for a lot of investigation. Click to expand...
Red Fox Vison Hello... Another interesting approach is the Red Fox Vision of the UK... See ... I sailed one on my honeymoon and the thing ended upwind of where I was pointing... You can Email the designers son at [email protected] and if his father is available he will get back to you... SH  


sorenfdk Yacht Designer

MikeJohns said: Does anyone know if it is available or its ISBN ? Click to expand...
brian eiland said: I would be interested in hearing more of your desire to dig deeper into the subject, and how we might work together on such an endeavor. Click to expand...
Old folder... Hello... Found an old folder of links on a zip disk... Designs/Grenada 24/twinkeel.htm SH.  

Ben Lindenbe4rg

Ben Lindenbe4rg Guest

Reinke, Heinrichs etc. I fully agree with the above notion that Reinke's book is not a must-read. Actually, it's mostly biased, crap, plain wrong, outdated and self-glorifying. I also submit again that his designs are among the ugliest afloat. Just my personal opinion, of course. And yet, and yet... there's something to his twin-keel approach. I've been witness to a series of direct tests of one of Reinke's designs, one with the conventional, moderately long single keel, the other with the twin-keels, the boats otherwise being fairly equal. This was conducted in (i think) 1985 by a German boating magazine and lasted for several days, under different conditions. The results were, basically: there wasn't much difference either way, which was considered a success for the twin keel concept back in the day. As to Prof. Heinrich's research papers: I've seen them, and they do not look like you would expect from a scientific paper these days: No CCP, no fancy equations, etc. It's more of a documentation of a years-long trial-and-error process (tank and real-life): unscrew the keel, screw it on with a different angle or with a different acpect ratio, repeat. There's no "magic logic" to tell you how to calculate keels for any particular hull, based on tangible parameters. It's like shooting in the dark. There's little linear behaviour: If you vary one parameter (as good as you can), things may go downhill first, than pick up, than completly bottom out, only to pick up again and reach a maximum of sorts. Only the Gö-693 section and a NACA 00xx section were tested, and the latter was eliminated halfway through, because it never really performed. I think the choice of the Gö-693 was merely a hunch, based on long years of work with foils. The conclusions, as I said in my earlier post, were that on a number of quite different hulls, asymmetrical Gö-693 sections, 9% at the root, 12% at the tip, of a depth that makes max. thicknesses coincide, small toe-in, almost vertical keels, quite close together, performed best overall. (the 'flat' side goes outboard, of course) The amount of toe-in was in the <1% range, and the keel placement fore-aft and athwart was eyeballed by aligning the outer surface of the keels at the hull-keel intersection with the hull diagonals at that place, until they coincide visually as best as possible. With this framework of reference points, there's little ambiguty left about keel placement, length, chord, thickness and aspect ratio, but it's not exactly 'scientific' - more a question of 'feeling' The rest of the paper is an attempt to rationalize the results qualitatively, mostly static and steady-state, as is to be expected from somebody with a background in airplane aerodynamics. It's probably easily shot full of holes these days, but at the time it was the state-of-the-art. The flat-bottom setup of Reinke's yachts is a (controversial) addition of his own. As I understand, the old Reinke felt kind of heir to Heinrich's work and would sell copies for a nominal amount, if asked. I assume his son, who's now in charge, will do the same. I don't know for sure, but I think young Reinke doesn't speak a word of English, so better get a german-speaker to ask for you. Just don't ask me, because we're not getting on well...  
Ben Lindenberg Thanks for your post, I think the chances of coming up with equations for placement, sweep back angle, size, depth, toe-in, foil shape.... is zilch. Thats why I want to build a comprehensive test rig that can change several variables in one tow. Then we can shoot in the dark and work up to a brightly illuminated dawn I am looking for good starting points from which to take aim, ie successfull twin keelers. There was a Melbourne designer that built a couple of racing twin keelers (20 years ago) that performed very well I have a magazine article and am trying to find him (probably wandered on by now). Over the years predjudice has thwarted much interest in this field largely due to the designers that simply added landing skids to designs that had performed well as single keelers. Ben could you give me your email address please [email protected] I'll add you to my database and keep you informed if we do research this.  
Lord Riverdale's Paper MikeJohns said: Have you read Prof. Joachim Heinrichs work ? I have done little study yet into twin keels and have yet to obtain Riversdales paper. Click to expand...
That yellow hull... Higher up in this thread there's this picture of a yellow model hull turned turtle. This a a nice specimen of what is guaranteed NOT to work, because the keels are way to much forward. Plain dangerous. I wonder why they even bothered to build the model. Probably they guys from Bray Design think that by posting a picture like that in an article about their twin keel research they protect their secret results? Whatever... Ben  
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Brian: If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a copy of Lord Riverdale's paper, too. Ben: Why do you think that the keels of the yellow model hull are "guaranteed NOT to work" and even "plain dangerous"? To me, they don't seem to be located that much forward. Their longitudinal position must be related to the CE of the sailplan (which we can't see).  


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Boat Design Net

Malu 42 : Blue water yacht with Reinke genes

Kristina Müller

 ·  14.04.2024

Under full sail through Friesland: The "Malu" sails across the IJsselmeer under main and genoa. The ship is made for the long voyage

This boat is designed around a bed

Long voyage with a small crew is the concept, the idea for the malu 42 was born back in the 1980s, technical data of the malu 42.

There are many things you can see at first glance about the large grey yacht that stands out from the colourful crowd at the jetty in Stavoren Marina. That it is robust and made for long journeys, for example. That it follows the principle of functionality rather than aesthetics. And that she is - quite obviously - a Reinke. In other words, one of the yachts that Bremen designer Kurt Reinke built for ambitious amateur metal boat builders in his spare time until his death (YACHT 1/2020).

But this assumption is wrong. The ship clearly has the genes of a Reinke. The hull with double buckling frame, angular lines, deck saloon, bare aluminium - it all speaks for itself. And yet it is more a symbiosis of various Reinke yachts, a kind of best-of that the builder has devised.

His name is Michael Matzerath, on this day in August 2020 he is wearing jeans, a T-shirt and sandals and is just below deck taking warm bread rolls out of the oven. A quick breakfast before heading out onto the IJsselmeer for one of the first trips on the newly completed boat. Just a few days earlier, it had been brought from Düren in North Rhine-Westphalia to Stavoren on a low-loader and launched. The scales on the crane showed a whopping 15 tonnes, as all of the owner's belongings and equipment were already on board for a journey that - if all goes well - will last the rest of his life.

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reinke yacht bauen

Michael Matzerath is a passionate autodidact and built his "Malu" himself. Until 2018, the trained master coppersmith was the owner of Yachtbau Matzerath GmbH, a company in the inland region between Bonn and Aachen that specialises in converting and extending Reinke yachts made from aluminium. Numerous long-distance yachts, including the current "Freydis" owned by Heide and Erich Wilts, have been prepared for their blue water life there. But now, shortly before retiring, the shipyard boss has sold his business and is finally going sailing himself. And on a ship that combines his experience from over 30 years of working on the distinctive metal hulls.

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"To put it bluntly, the 'Malu' is designed around a bed," explains Matzerath in the saloon of his boat. "I really wanted to have a 1.40 metre by two metre bed that reaches under the seating area in the saloon." No Reinke design provides for such a thing. So the metal professional designed his own interior, inspired by the layout of the Reinke Super 11 and the 13M. The result is a "one-room living concept", says Matzerath. In fact, there is not a single wall or door on the 13-metre boat, from the slip berth aft on the port side to the wet room in the bow - everything is open, bright and spacious. Almost like a boat for day trips, except that this ship is designed for many consecutive days at sea.

"I didn't want a separate aft cabin, like on the 13M," explains Matzerath. "Why do I need separate berths when only one or two people will be travelling on this ship anyway?" Matzerath has banished the wet room, which Reinke places in a room directly in front of the saloon on many of his designs, to the very front. Sure, it can get uncomfortable in the toilet on the cross. But as a yacht specially designed for long journeys, his "Malu" will spend most of its time at anchor and not on the high seas.

Lots of tinkering to make life on long journeys comfortable

Many other details show that the ship is designed for long trips alone or with a small crew: the mast steps, for example, or the welded-on foundations with fastening eyes for lashing the dinghy to the foredeck.

The hull is made of five to eight millimetre thick, seawater-resistant aluminium. Watertight bulkheads divide the ship into four sections. Equipment for the great outdoors is enthroned on a mighty equipment carrier at the stern: in addition to antennas for GPS, AIS, radar, Wi-Fi and the autopilot remote control, a 300-watt solar panel is housed there. "It should be enough to run the fridge and computer at anchor," the owner surmises. If necessary, the two 280 ampere-hour batteries can be charged via a generator or the alternator. Two additional 300-watt solar panels could also be hung on the railing.

This is welded on as a robust aluminium sea fence and, like so much on board, is at least adequate, if not oversized. "I don't want to win a regatta, I just want to be able to hold on securely wherever I go," says the owner, proudly pointing out another detail that should make his long voyage life more comfortable: A "multifunctional board" protrudes across the stern, supported on the sea fence: this is intended to serve as a gangway, fender board, seat board or even for cutting up fish that are caught en route.

Another board is fitted at the very front. It makes it easier to get on board or can be used as a place to keep a lookout at sea. The bow fitting is almost one metre wide. The genoa and jib are each attached to a stay as a furling sail. A third forestay for the storm sail can be optionally rigged.

A 28-kilogram bow anchor disappears completely under the bow fitting when underway, so that it cannot get caught anywhere during manoeuvres. 100 metres of ten-millimetre chain are waiting to be used in the anchor locker. Another 23-kilogram anchor hangs ready at the stern.

Much of the cockpit is also specifically designed for single-handed sailing or anchoring. A clothes peg still secures the cables for the anchor winch, but when everything is ready, it should be possible to operate it from here. The mainsail can be reefed from here without anyone having to go to the mast. To do this, a whole battery of reefing lines is attached to the coaming on the port and starboard sides of the superstructure. The fully battened mainsail has three reefs, each operated with two lines.

"I still have to get used to which line is which," says the skipper. But most of the moves are already in place, even though he has only been sailing the finished boat on the IJsselmeer for a few hours. Another trial run is now to take place there. A good 3 Beaufort is forecast. The ship could do with more, but Matzerath looks satisfied when the hustle and bustle of boats in the harbour entrance has passed and the "Malu" leans slightly to one side under autopilot.

"After all, six knots with a small jib is okay in 13 knots of wind," he says happily. Under genoa, the aluminium yacht then accelerates to seven to eight knots. The cordless screwdriver with attachment for the winch is used to furl the huge cloth again. After all, 64 square metres need to be tamed.

An emergency tiller is always ready for use on the Malu 42

Matzerath has also modified the rig a little: The boom is attached further down the mast than originally intended. This is intended to make it easier to work on the mainsail, for example when attaching the halyard or raising it. However, there is no boom vang or kicker. "No room," says Matzerath pragmatically.

Even on the busy IJsselmeer, the autopilot usually steers the ship. If you steer yourself, the steering wheel on the deckhouse is the highlight. Thanks to a hydraulic cylinder, it can be swivelled steplessly to the right or left so that you can steer while sitting on the coaming. This also makes it possible to go down in the centre of the ship - on Reinkes, this is otherwise offset to port.

Provision has been made in the event that the rope wheel steering fails; the mount for an emergency tiller is always ready for use on the aft deck. Grinning, Michael Matzerath pulls a carbon fibre tube out of one of the lockable swallow's nests in the cockpit. "From my old surf mast," he reveals. In just a few simple steps, the part is inserted into the welded-on bracket in a matter of seconds - and the "Malu" is ready to sail as a tiller boat.

Tinkering like this can be found everywhere on board, making the "Malu" a very special boat. For example, there is the small high-pressure cleaner in the walk-in anchor locker for rinsing the anchor chain, which is connected to its own sea and fresh water supply. Or the throttle lever in the cockpit, which can be removed and replaced by the winch handle, which is easier to operate with your foot. The storage space on deck is also impressive: In addition to lines, fenders and lots of equipment, there is also space for the companionway bulkhead in the starboard locker. The stern storage compartment has space for two bicycles and a trailer.

Even though he has only now realised it, Michael Matzerath had the idea for his dream ship decades ago. At the time, he didn't realise that his vision of his own ship for long-distance sailing trips would have a significant impact on his career and the development of his business.

In 1988, he took over his parents' company; the Matzerath company in Düren was still a coppersmith's shop with an apparatus construction business. By this time, Matzerath junior had already travelled the world extensively, most recently living in Portugal. It was there, by the sea, that his dream of owning his own ship was born. However, he found nothing on the market that matched his ideas - until he came across Kurt Reinke's plans and began building a Super 11 out of aluminium at the company in Düren. He personally invites the designer to inspect it, and he does indeed come round. Impressed by what he saw, he then ordered a boat for himself, a Reinke 11MS, from the metal company. "That was my introduction to boatbuilding," says Michael Matzerath.

He is still selling his Super 11 as a hull. "During the construction phase, I realised that I can't really do anything with a boat while I'm still working," he says. "Sailing is only exciting for me when I can cast off and moor at a new destination. Always sailing in Holland would have bored me." Instead, he is making a name for himself as a shipyard for Reinke yachts. Refits in particular, but also new builds. A carpenter in the company ensures high-quality interior fittings. After obtaining a special licence from the Chamber of Crafts, Matzerath is finally allowed to call his company a yacht building business. At the same time, the company continues to operate in the paper industry and container construction.

The idea becomes a concept, becomes reality

A good ten years ago, as retirement approaches, thoughts of his own boat return. On the computer, the then 50-year-old designs a boat type that combines the essential features of a Reinke, but also deviates from them in many respects. The "Malu" has new dimensions and is wider in relation to its length. The twin keels are set less steeply and have a shallower profile depth. Matzerath designed it with the help of a database from aviation science.

A customer is also convinced by the concept, so that in the following years, two of the ships, which the shipyard boss calls "Malu" - "Matzerath" plus "Alu" - are gradually built in the evenings. He always keeps an eye on the costs of his boat so that he can enjoy a long voyage in the near future despite his low pension. He buys a lot of things second-hand on the Internet, such as the traveller, some winches and the compass. The ship's horn on the stern beam comes cheaply from railway accessories. He welds the hull himself from aluminium plates and also installs the technology and electrics himself. Only the interior fittings are done by the company's carpenter.

The result is impressive: The completely open area below deck is spacious, cosy and bright, almost loft-like with a panoramic view from the deck saloon. Half of the bed, which the owner designed the "Malu" around, actually disappears underneath in the foredeck area. Above this double berth is a swivelling and tilting monitor, which can be viewed both lying down and from the companionway and saloon. A bench seat can be folded down to create a V-shaped sea berth - without a leeward sail, but with a view to the outside when you sit up.

Endless storage space

Easily accessible at the passageway from the saloon to the forward area is a switch cabinet that is aptly named. Apart from the sealed-off walk-in engine room for a 40 hp Vetus, this cabinet is the technical centrepiece of the boat. A push-button can be used here to check whether there is potential from the 12-volt network on the hull. An isolating transformer is installed for the 230-volt mains.

If you lift one of the floorboards in front of the galley, you can look into the 800-litre diesel tank and check the fill level. There are two 180-litre tanks for fresh water and a 220-litre waste tank in the wet room for faeces. The owner has already filled the enormous storage space in drawers, lockers and under the floorboards: Tools are stored there, as well as pasta, UHT milk, tea lights, sugar - and countless books. "I've parted with a lot of things," explains Matzerath, who has broken everything up on land. "But it was difficult with my books."

So it's no wonder that there are now a good 150 of them on board. The standard reference work for Patagonia travellers stands between "Segelrouten der Weltmeere" and the Dutch "Wateralmanak". Everything seems possible, the new owner has plenty of plans. He also has to work from time to time en route to finance the trip. A few things are still waiting for their final place on board; from the trim lines to the deck covering to the bimini.

And the long-term plans? "Sure, of course I'd like to go round one day!" says Michael Matzerath. "But my sailing happiness doesn't depend on it." He has already found it in his "Malu".

The aluminium twinkie yacht is based on Kurt Reinke's plans | Drawing: Michael Matzerath

  • Shipyard: Yacht building M. Matzerath
  • Hull material: Aluminium
  • Total length: 13,65 m
  • Width: 3,63 m
  • Draught (twin keels): 1,47 m
  • Weight: 13 tonnes (empty)
  • Ballast content: 42 %
  • Mainsail: 37,0 m2
  • Genoa: 64,0 m2
  • Fock: 38,0 m2

The article first appeared in YACHT 23/2020 and has been updated for the online version.

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Broker's comments.

This Aluminum Reinke 13M has been built and fitted out in excellent quality with a lot of attention to details, access and practicability. Well equipped for blue water cruising with ample spares and tools. A secure cockpit is one of the 13M features which is the most built design of Reinke. The twin keel design gives a shallow draft with beaching capacity. Overall in top conditions and ready to go, worthy a visit.

  14,75 x 3,98 x 1,35 (m)
  1 x Mercedes 314.967-10 diesel
  85 (hp), 62,5 (kw)
  at sales office
  De Valk Almeria

General - REINKE 13M

  REINKE 13M  
  sailing yacht  
  white  aluminium
  AiMg4,5 Mn  10 - 12
  hard chine  
  tandem keel  
  non collapsible  
  aluminium  1000
  aluminium  2 x 500
  polyethylene  60
  cable steering  
  white paint


  2 berth in saloon
  stainless steel  double
  220V + engine  50L Boiler
  double bed  aft
  hanging and shelves  
  at the toilet  
  freshwater heat exchanger  Bowan
  hydraulic  TM93
  bowden cable  
  feathering  Varioprop
  stainless steel  
  wet exhaust  Westerbeke 5,0 BC,DB - 5kW
  1 x 12V / 85 Ah Gel (2019)
  4 x 12V / 120 Ah Gel (2019)
  1 x 12V / 85 Ah Gel
  SBC 500 (12V) + SBC 285 (24V / 12A)
  150 W
  Solar Swiss 2 x 100W
  Voltronic SR 330
  with cable  230V
  Ritchie B-80
  VDO Ocean Line
  Garmin 160
  Std Horizon GX3000E
  Std Horizon HX 870
  Pacific Plus
  Furuno RDP - 142
  Furuno Gp32
  VDO Map 11cs
  Furuno NX 300HD
  1,85 m headroom
  Rocna  30 kg
  10 /8 mm  80 + 40 m galvanized
  Fortress  16 kg + 15 kg Alu
  16 / 28 mm  35 + 15 m
  Lofrans Project 1500
  inflatable  Caribe 6 Persons
  Plastimo Transocean
  Webasto N0502
  wire  Original
  4 units
  HY (Herot) 38 m² (2015) in good conditions
  HY (Herot) 18m² (2016)=
  HY (Herot) 75m² (2016)
  HY (Herot) 40m² (2016)
  Andersen 30 W + Antal 30 W
  Andersen 46" ST
  Andal 40" D
  2 x Lewmar 46"
  Antal W 30,2
  aluminium  On deck

reinke yacht bauen

reinke yacht bauen

Reinke S11 in einem gepflegten Zustand und mit einer umfangreichen Ausstattung aus 1. Hand. Der jetzige Eigner hat die Reinke im Jahr 2003 nach seinen Wünschen und Vorstellungen bauen lassen. Sehr schöner Innenausbau in Kirsche (aus einem Stamm). Zwei Steuerstände. Bugkabine und Achterkabine. Großzügiger Salon + Pantry. Separater Werkstattraum. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen für eine Besichtigung der Reinke S11 im Hallenwinterlager zur Verfügung.

Länge: 12.00 m Breite: 3,48 m Gewicht: 9.7 T Tiefgang 1,30 (Twin-Kiel) Brennstofftank: 400 L Frischwassertank: 400 L Fäkalientank: 90 L Motor: Vetus 4.56 (2 Jahre alt) Bugstrahlruder Diesel Generator Maschinen-Werkstattraum BB 24V für Pumpen und Bugstrahlruder/Ankerwinsch 12V für die anderen Verbraucher Diesel Warmwasserheizung mit Alu-Heizkörpern Warmwasserboiler el. 230V Komplette Navigation (Autopilot/Kartenplotter etc.)

Kaufpreis: € 120.000,00

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Wie baue ich meine Yacht? : System + Bauweisen, Ratschläge + Warnungen

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von neuen Booten und solche die es werden wollen.
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Wie eine 11 MS aufgebaut ist müsste den meisten bekannt sein, ansonsten siehe Bilder oder .
Zur Zeit ist die 11 MS noch ein Motorboot, die Vorrichtungen für den Segler sind jedoch überwiegend vorhanden. Der Käufer könnte somit selbst entscheiden, ob er die 11 MS als Segler fertigstellt oder es vorerst als Motorboot belässt. Der 124 PS Volvo ist mehr als ausreichend für das Schiff. Da normalerweise ein kleinerer Motor (65 PS) laut Reinke geplant war, haben wir zusätzlich eine Bestätigung von Herrn Reinke bekommen, dass dieser Motor freigegeben ist und es keine Probleme geben wird.
Zusätzlich kann der Käufer noch eigene Ideen mit einbringen, da der Ausbau noch nicht vollendet ist ( siehe Bilder ).
VB 115.000 Euro, da der Käufer keine großen Kosten mehr für die Anschaffung, der noch benötigten Teile ausgeben muss. Die 11 MS ist im und steht in einer Halle. Zudem könnte man sich mit dem Käufer einigen, falls gewollt, die 11 MS, dann in unserer Halle fertigzustellen.
Da der Neuwert einer fertiggestellten 11 MS zwischen 200-400 TE liegt (je nach Ausstattung) und größtenteils alle weiteren Teile vorhanden sind, braucht der Käufer nicht mehr viel Geld zu investieren, er muss also überwiegend Zeit haben. Die technische Ausstattung ist sehr gut. Holzausbau in Kiefer und Sippo.
Bei weiteren Fragen:

Gerne kann man die Yacht auch besichtigen! Standort : 52134 Herzogenrath (bei Aachen)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Florian Seel

Ich finde der Preis ist gut, da ja alle Teile vorhanden sind zur fertigstellung.
@Johnsilver: 30.000 würde ich auf keinen fall sagen, nur der rumpf kostet ja schon 40.
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  08.11.2009, 18:23
  08.11.2009, 18:29
  08.11.2009, 18:37

Dort Werden Reinke 11 MS und 11 M für 60-70 TE angeboten von 1994 und 1985.
Mein Schiff ist Neu, und Baujahr sogesehen 2009. Da liegt mein Wert doch normalerweise höher? oder liege ich falsch? Alle noch benötigten Teile sind kostenlos dabei, sogesehen fertiges Schiff, wo nur noch etwas arbeit dazugehört.
in welcher preisklasse soll es denn dann liegen?
, neue Themen zu verfassen. , auf Beiträge zu antworten. , Anhänge hochzuladen. , Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. ist . sind . Code ist . .

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Bibliographic Details

Title: Yacht Bau

Publisher: Varlag, Germany

Publication Date: 1988

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: Fine

Dust Jacket Condition: Near Fine

Edition: 1st

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    Motor yacht Timmerman 32m is an elegant, modern and comfortable motor yacht which has noble origin and rich history. Built in 2003 at Timmerman Yachts shipyard in Moscow she became the first «luxury»motor yacht made in Russia. The yacht project was developed by the designer Guido de Grotto and naval architect Yaron Ginton, Holland .

  20. REINKE 12S

    Hull length: 12.5m / 41ft Plans also available with fin keel. Draft: 1.6m / 5.25ft Same hull as the 12M. The 12M has: Steel Hull 3700 kg lead ballast 83m² Sail area Photo above is the 12M

  21. Yacht Bau by Reinke: Fine Hardcover (1988) 1st

    1st - Hardcover - Varlag, Germany - 1988 - Condition: Fine - Near Fine - green harcover, green dj 696 pp text in german extra postage - Yacht Bau

  22. Yachts for Sale in Moscow

    Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

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